
GNU make variables in Makefile

Hi, I would like to create a Makefile which also creates a simple script for running the compiled application. I have something like the following: @touch $(SCRIPT) @echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LIB_DIR) $(APP_DIR)/$(APP) $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 > $(SCRIPT) @chmod +x $(SCRIPT) @echo Script successfully created. And I want $1 $2 ... to appear i...

Passing variables to shopping cart with Javascript

This question is an extension of this one: I'm trying to make a conference registration page based off the previous page, which passes the variables(name, email, price) to my organization's outdated shopping cart using javascript. I'm also using Se...

CKEditor Plugin - Insert PHP, variable not included

Hello! I've got a problem with a CKEditor plugin. I need PHP code to make use of a MySQL database and several variables the CMS (WebsiteBaker) gives me. The CKEditor plugin should open a new dialog, gives several links defined in the PHP part you can choose of. In the plugin.js the code CKEDITOR.dialog.add('wbdropletsdlg', this.path + ...

How do I compute a variable in JavaScript if and only if it is used?

This is what I'm doing right now. var foo = function() { var x = someComplicatedComputationThatMayTakeMoreTime(); = function() { return x; }; return x; } It works but only if foo is called as a function like so foo(); But what if I want to call it as a normal variable with a value? I could modify the code to be var ...

How do you expand variables in UNIX/BASH?

Nested variables have prevented me from trying to use BASH more extensively... consider the following: export SYS_DIR='/home/${LOGNAME}/sys' export APP_DIR='${SYS_DIR}/app' I always end up with > set APP_DIR=/home/${LOGNAME}/sys/app why? lol and how do I get what I want =/ I'm not trying to resolve ${${var}}, but rather actual st...

How do you assign the value of a parameter to a variable in UNIX?

#!/bin/bash if [ ! $1 ] then echo "no param" else set FAV_COLOR=$1 echo "My fav color is ${FAV_COLOR}" fi This is not working how i expected: > blue My fav color is FAV_COLOR=blue any thoughts? ...

When declaring a function in C++/CLI, what is the meaning of the signs ^ and * before and after a variable?

For example: Let's say we have a class called MyClass. String^ MyClass::GetSomeInfoForExamplePuprs( int InfoNumber ) { } or static String ^GetOtherInfoExample() { } or String ^GetOtherInfoExample(object *Something) { } I saw it in source code and can't figure it out. ...

Why is my PHP string being converted to 1?

Ok, so here's the quick rundown. I have a function to generate the page numbers. This: <?php die($ani->e->tmpl->pages("/archive", 1, 15, 1, true)); ?> will output Single Page like expected. But this: <?php $page_numbers = $ani->e->tmpl->pages("/archive", 1, 15, 1, true); ?> <?= $page_numbers ?> will output a simple 1 to the page....

Pass variable number of variables to a class in PHP

I need to pass a variable number of strings to instantiate different classes. I can always do a switch on the size of the array: switch(count($a)) { case 1: new Class(${$a[0]}); break; case 2: new Class(${$a[0]}, ${$a[1]}); break; etc... There has to be a better way to do this. If I have an array of strings ("variabl...

How to use php variables (arrays) in mysql select statements?

Hi everybody, How do you use a php variable (array) inside a mysql select statement? I am designing an auction site and currently working on a page that lets people view a list of all the current bids for an item. I want to display 3 columns: amountbid - the amount each bidder has bid for the item (held in tblbid) b...

Create Variable In Oracle

Hi What is the equivalent of DECLARE @Variable INT SET @Varialbe = 1 in Oracle? Thanks ...

Why do I get Bind Variable "DeliveryDate_Variable" is NOT DECLARED(Completely New TO Oracle)

Hi, I have the following script in Oacle I do not understand why i get Bind Variable "DeliveryDate_Variable" is NOT DECLARED Everything looks ok to me VARIABLE RollingStockTypeId_Variable NUMBER := 1; VARIABLE DeliveryDate_Variable DATE := (to_date('2010/8/25:12:00:00AM', 'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ssam')); SELECT DISTINCT rs.Id, ...

Assign RegEx submatches to variables or map (C++/C)

I need to extract the SAME type of information (e.g. First name, Last Name, Telephone, ...), from numerous different text sources (each with a different format & different order of the variables of interest). I want a function that does the extraction based on a regular expression and returns the result as DESCRIPTIVE variables. In ot...

Python regular expressions assigning to named groups

When you use variables (is that the correct word?) in python regular expressions like this: "blah (?P\w+)" ("value" would be the variable), how could you make the variable's value be the text after "blah " to the end of the line or to a certain character not paying any attention to the actual content of the variable. For example, this is...

Problem with variable inside gsp

Hi, I have a loop inside a gsp page, and I want to do a calculation on the fly, so I set a variable: <g:set var="total" value="0" /> And in the loop: <g:each in="${mob}" var="m"> ... <g:set var="total" value="${total+(m.q*m.sts.uf)}"/> ... </g:each> The "total" value does not correspond to the expected calculation. m.q is an...

How to use Mysql variables with Hibernate ?

Hello, I need to use a native sql query in Hibernate with use of variable. But hibernate throws an error saying: Space is not allowed after parameter prefix So there is a conflict with the := mysql variable assignment and hibernate variable assignment. Here is my sql query: SET @rank:=0; UPDATE Rank SET rank_Level=@rank:=@rank+1 O...

Instance variables vs. class variables in Python

I have Python classes, of which I need only one instance at runtime, so it would be sufficient to have the attributes only once per class and not per instance. If there would be more than one instance (what won't happen), all instance should have the same configuration. I wonder which of the following options would be better or more "idi...

How to Pass a JS Variable to a PHP Variable

Hello: I am working on a web application that currently provides a list of documents in a MySql database. Each document in the list has an onclick event that is suppose to open the specific document, however I am unable to do this. My list gets popluated using Ajax. Here is the code excerpt (JS): function stateChanged() { if (xmlh...

Converting a PHP array to class variables.

Simple question, how do I convert an associative array to variables in a class? I know there is casting to do an (object) $myarray or whatever it is, but that will create a new stdClass and doesn't help me much. Are there any easy one or two line methods to make each $key => $value pair in my array into a $key = $value variable for my cl...

Porting some PHP to ColdFusion

OK, I'm working with converting some very basic PHP to port to a dev server where the client only has CF. Ive never worked with it, and I just need to know how to port a couple things: <?php $pageTitle = 'The City That Works'; $mainCSSURL = 'header_url=../images/banner-home.jpg&amp;second_color=484848&amp;primary_color=333&a...