
Loop Through Listbox in VB.net or C# and Set Values to Label Text?

I have items in a listbox control that I would like to repeatedly (when it gets to the last one, repeat) loop through and set the text to a label. I'm stuck, please help! ...

MSN Messenger like notification - Do you know any examples in .NET VB .NET or C#?

I'm looking to write a notification application where I'd like to provide popup notifications from the taskbar similiar to the ones in MSN Messenger or most other chat programs. Are there any good examples using VB .NET or C#, ideally without using Win32 calls? Thanks. ...

simple ON/OFF Switch component controlled from code

Hi, i need to make simple switch component that can be triggered from c# window application like .net or VB... so.. By that component i can switch on/0ff external device(light,fan) using button trigger event or in specified time interval. i need, what all the component needed to make ...and brief explanation about process of...

Performance in VB Application

In my VB application,I am copying huge amount of data using VB string? This results in performance issue. What shoul I use in place of VB string to improve performance? ...

Automation Error in VB 6.0 from a C# class

Hi, I have created a C# class library and I am using it through a VB 6.0 application. But when I try to call any method (which returns a string) it gives me an automation error. The C# class is running fine otherwise. Any idea why? ...

Is there any kind of template engine in VB?

Is there any kind of template engine in VB? Something akin to Apache velocity or Freemarker? My goal is to be able to dynamically generate sql statement criteria for an MS Access application based on form input, with something more powerful than string cats. ...

Can I put custom code into the standard DotNetNuke Login?

Where can I find the function that handles the login for DNN? I would like to add custom features to the login and I don't see the function in Login.ascx.vb (unless I missed it). There is a tag and a tag that forms the login. I figure one of these has the actual "Login" button, but I cannot seem to figure out where they're coming fro...

What happened to VB 2.0?

My son asked if there was an easy language to pick up and do some foundational programming with. I thought QuickBasic at first, but then thought I should just show him VB. I downloaded Visual Basic Express 2008, but I am completely lost. Where is the object toolbar? Where is the form? Where is the property pane? Instead it's Business ...

HWND Creation Time

Hi Friends, I am new to this community, while working with 1 of my automation script I am encountering an issue, I wanted to get HWND’s, creation time. I am having a set of HWND in an array which I have retrieved from FindWindowEx, I want to find in array which HWND is created last depending upon system time I do not have enough knowle...

How to view the assembly behind the code? (MSVC++ If Relevent)

I was reading another question pertaining the efficiency of two lines of code, and the (asker?, questioner?, querier?) said that he looked at the assembly behind the code and both lines were identical in assembly. Digression aside, how could I view the assembly code created when a program is compiled. I'm using Microsoft's Visual C++, ...

How can I create an enumeration for colors in window forms application?

SO Commmunity I have come across a 'problem' that I think must be quite common and wondered if anybody could help. I am building a simple windows form (using VB.NET) for a friend to use at work. His company has about 10 specific colors schemes (they have list of RGB values) that they use for the company logo, website etc. I want to fo...

Need a Switch component controlled via USB port

Hi, I need device switch component which an be controlled by code(.net,C# Or vb) ON/OFF state is enough.. i have code knowledge in C#,.net window application, i need to make a switch that can be controlled using code via USB port ... so that using that switch i will turn on/off electrical devices(fan,light) for a specific time ...

how to use executecommand() to dynamically insert rows into database without calling submit changes in mvc, linq, vb

how i can insert a table from one datacontext say table1 to be inserted into other datacontext using linq in mvc without using insertonsubmit(). my user code is following Public Class PayController Inherits System.Web.Mvc.Controller ' ' GET: /Pay/ Private t As New PayRollMVC.DataContext1() Private c As New PayRollMVC.DataContext2(...

eVB Good Tutorial

Hello, I have an Jornada 720 and i've just started to see some tutorials about the eVB(Embedded Visual Basic) in Pocket PC Developer Network: http://www.pocketpcdn.com/sections/evb.html and in the DevBuzz: www.devbuzz.com/Default.aspx , but i want a good tutorial that talks about all, because i didn't found something like this, and some...

How To Install ADOCE In a Jornada 720(HPC 2000)

Hello, Someone knows how to install ADOCE in a HP Jornada 720, that uses HPC 2000, please i have to develop an aplication for my company, and i have to use ADOCE in my Jornada 720, remember that i've tested the application and i've got an error that says that my Handheld didn't have the ActiveX to run that program. Sorry about my engli...

Visual Basic, Why does this code result add an extra row to my datagrid?

Why does the code below result in 3 rows in my datagrid when there is only 2 rows in my CSV file? I end up with 2 populated rows and one empty row. The CSV file only contains 2 lines. I suspect the logic of the code below. Do While Read() row = New DataGridViewRow() For Index = 0 To FieldCount - 1 cell = New DataGridView...

What does DIM stand for in Visual Basic and BASIC?

What does DIM stand for in Visual Basic? ...

Creating a list of Anonymous Type in VB

I'd like to create a list of an anonymous type, for example: Dim dsResource = New With {.Name = dsResourcesEnd(index).Last_Name & ", " & dsResourcesEnd(index).First_Name _ , .StartDate = dsResourcesStart(index).Day _ , .EndDate = dsResourcesEnd(index).Day} I have created that ano...

VBCodeProvider not honoring OptionInfer in providerOptions?

I'm trying to dynamically compile some VB code in my C# project and I'm running into an issue with the VBCodeProvider. It doesn't seem to be honoring the OptionInfer flag that I'm putting in the providerOptions Dictionary. My code looks like this: var providerOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(); providerOptions.Add("CompilerVer...

Why does VB have more LINQ keywords than C#?

Why does VB have more LINQ keywords than C#? ...