
Vb.net code to check if a file (new version on google code) exists on the web?

Hi, I am working on a simple FOSS VB.net program that operates mostly in one window( http://code.google.com/p/slotshuffle/ link if anyone would like to help review the code or or wants to see for reference). I have searched online for ways to notify users of an updated version, and most of them involve changing the method of deployment...

In Visual Basic, Which of the following allows more than one statement to appear on a single text Line?

Which of the following allows more than one statement to appear on a single text Line? a) Colon ( : ) b) Semicolon ( ; ) c) Space + Underscore ( _ ) d) Underscore + space ( _ ) Thanks :) ...

text box and label are both currently selected. They are the only controls selected. Which of the following is NOT true?

A text box and label are both currently selected. They are the only controls selected. Which of the following is NOT true? a) A text property is displayed in the Property window and if both controls have the same text property value it will be displayed otherwise no text property value will be displayed b) Setting the value of any prop...

How many Radio Buttons can be checked at any one time in this specific form?

If a Form contains 2 Group Boxes each containing 3 Radio Buttons and the Form itself contains 5 Radio Buttons not in either of the Group Boxes how many Radio Buttons can be checked at any one time? 1.. 2... 3... more? ...

VB6 auto completion (intellisense) is suddenly taking forever...

VB6 just added a new "feature" right out of the blue: every time I declare a variable, property or function, when I reach the "as" keyword, VB has a fit and hogs the cpu for almost a minute. Anyone knows what this might be? I turned off all plugins (AxTools, MzTools), restarted VB, rebooted, and still nothing. This is incredibly annoyi...

Multipart MIME Creation Tool

Hi, I'm looking for a tool that can create multipart MIME for posting to a page. Using Visual Basic 6.0 Kind Regards, Lennie De Villiers ...

Can Java apps integrate with VB apps?

I am not sure exactly what I am asking....The guys that do the software development for the company I work for write everything in VB. I am currently the Web developer for this company and I specialize in Flex apps. I am thinking about expanding into their area. But I do not want to do VB, I don't mean to bash on VB but the coding syntax...

Is it possible to create a common database class in VB.NET?

We have 3 databases providers we use to connect to our databases: DB2, MS SQL, and Interbase. I would like to create a single generic database wrapper class that can be used to talk to all three just by passing in the correct connection string, username, password, and the provider desired. I don't want to have to add references and imp...

Visual Studio: Easy Way to Move Source Code Between Projects

In the "old days" I was working with Linux to create C/C++ programs (really really BASIC...HA!...programs, just learning to program in the courses as an intro) by creating a text file with the source code that was then fed to the compiler/linker that then spit out the executable binary. Everything was in a text file or series of text fi...

How do I fill a textbox with text from a textfile in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition?

I am making a Help-form for my application. A Help-form normally has a ListView on the left and a RichTextbox on the right. When you click on a Help topic in the ListView, the text in the RichTextbox is supposed to change accordingly. The text file is part of the application's resources. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks. ...

Difference between Visual Basic and VBA

What is the difference between the two. I always thought VBA is somewhat 'crippled' version of VB, but when a friend asked me the other day I had no idea what the actual differences are. Also, when you use, for example, Excel, is that VB or VBA ? ...

Response.Redirect bad seed or just misunderstood

Recently I posted a answer to a question that I thought was quite an easy one, The question was about issues with the lifecyle of the page in asp.net where items would only reflect the changes made after the first postback, so I suggested using Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl) And almost instantly got voted down for this as (Why cau...

How to rotate Items in a WFP Listbox style ?

What i want to do is make a wpf listbox photo album for one my college project and i have come to a point when im really stuck. i simply need to design a data template/ listbox style so it will look like a stack jumbled of photos , Ie the top one being the item under focus (selected item) i drew a quick crude drawing in paint to help...

How do I align text in comboboxes in VB6?

Fairly straight forward question, is it possible to align text (left, right, center etc...) in comboboxes in VB6? If so, how? When the text is longer than the width of a combobox, what is shown of the text starts somewhere in the middle of the text. ...

Is it possible to Shut down a local pc with group policies programatically through .net application?

I have a local application running with an user than have a group policy indicating this user can’t shutdown the pc. And then I use your code, but when I ask by user and password to impersonate my app. I received the next error System.Management.ManagementException: it’s not possible to use the user’s credentials for the local connecti...

How to Find Record Set Value is Number or String?

Original: Using VB6 If rsCardEvent(4).Value = Str Then TimOut = rsCardEvent(4) Else TimeOut = Left(TimOut, 2) & ":" & Mid(TimOut, 3, 2) & ":" & Right(TimOut, 2) End If Getting Type MisMatch Error. How To Find Record Set Value is String or Number Exactly i need If Number means print number like Time Format (HH:MM:SS...

How to port this Linq to VS 2005

Hi guys, I have following code in VS2008 If Linq.Enumerable.Contains(Of String)(selectedUsersRoles, RoleCheckBox.Text) Then RoleCheckBox.Checked = True Else RoleCheckBox.Checked = False End If I need the above code in VS2005 What can i do instead of linq in above code?Can any...

In .NET, how can I detect whether a user has a specific redistributable installed?

I have created a class which builds a Crystal report and displays it in a report viewer. However, without the Crystal Redistributable, the code crashes. How can I programatically detect whether the end-user has the Crystal DLL installed? The code I am required to include is: Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Imports Cryst...

How can I invoke a post from VB code to an iframe on a page?

Hi, I've written the code to post the information to a page, however I don't know how to make the post target the iframe I've placed on the page. (I haven't tested this code so I'm not sure if the post even works) Dim param1, param2, result, url As String Dim request As HttpWebRequest Dim paramStream() As Byte Dim reque...

Placing code behind for a DNN page

Hi, I'm having troubles finding where I can put code-behind for my dnn pages. For example: MyPage.ascx already has <%@ Control language="vb" CodeBehind="~/admin/Skins/skin.vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Explicit="True" Inherits="DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin" %> which it needs in order to be cast to a skin. However, I want to be able to a...