
How to create a movie file (avi) using a set of jpeg files in VB?

Hi, As part of test automation framework building, I need to record the activities done by the user in a video. Since i could not find a way to record a video directly in vb, i opted to capture a sequence of screen shots (print screens) and then convert it to a streaming video. Please suggest a way to do the same. thanks, pkrg ...

Displaying image in Picture Box at runtime

I am designing an app and I want to attach some pictures to the VB forms I have used a picture box and the image is only visible before I debug . Once the debugging starts the images disappears. Does any one know how to display the image when I run it. This is the code I used for the picture box but still no luck PictureBox1.Image = My...

Can a VB6 component be compiled to 64 bit?

Is there a way to compile a VB6 component into 64 bits? My feeling is that the answer is "no", but I would like to confirm this. Please, if you can, paste a link to an authorative source that would confirm. ...

Visual Basic dot operator syntax--no object name

In a former life I wrote some Visual Basic, and today I need to resurrect those skills to write an Excel Macro. While trawling the Internet looking for VBA examples to help we with this Excel macro, I came across this unusual syntax: Set rFound = .Columns(1).Find(What:="Cat", After:=.Cells(1, 1), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _ xlP...

PowerPoint 2003 - VBA for entering information into the Notes section?

I am trying to find out how you write VBA to enter a text box into a slide, and enter text. I am also trying to find vba for entering text into the notes section of a PowerPoint slide. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tried to find a site specifically for this, but have not been able to do so ...

What are some great open source Visual Basic .net projects to learn from?

I've seen similar questions but I'm not limiting myself to any particular type, I just want to have a wide swath I can look at. They can be oriented towards ASP.net or not. I know Visual Basic.net already, but haven't started to write any actual real pieces of software yet (I have written my own web sites from scratch though). Please al...

Is VB6 IDE supported in Windows Vista x32 ?

Hi, Are VB6 IDE and VB6 applications supported in Windows Vista x32 ?? ...

Where is some GOOD documentation how how to properly databind TinyMCE or FCKEditor in order to store in SQL database? (VB)

I have searched high and low and can only find some very bad documentation on how to properly save the data from a rich text editor to a SQL Server database. I am not working with personal profiles, I just want to understand how it is properly done, including how to properly escape said data. ...

Questions about splitting Access Database into Front/Back-end

Okay so I split my access database, and now I have a backend: If I started a brand new table, a brand new query, and a brand form for a different purpose within the db_be.mdb would it appear in the connect "front end" db as I saved it in the backend, or do I have to import it up? If I do have to import the above, the how do I make th...

Tool for analyzing VB6 source code (like Understand from SciTools)

Does anyone know of a tool to analyze/navigate VB6 source code like the tool from scitools? http://www.scitools.com/products/understand/ ...

Populating treeview with XSD elements and attributes in VB 2008

I'm trying to create a treeview in a VB 2008 project that shows all the elements and attributes of an XML Schema. The MSDN documentation for XML schemas seems to imply that by loading the schema into an XMLSchemaSet and compiling it I should get access to all the elements and attributes with their values but this doesn't seem to work in...

Connecting to Crystal Reports 4.6 from VB

How can I connect to a Crystal Reports 4.6 report that connects to SQL Server 2005 as a data source, using Visual Basic? I don't want to specify the connection string in the report. I want to pass the connection from VB. Is there any way to do this? ...

Create own powerpoint animation in VB

How can I create my own PowerPoint animations in VB? Not sure where I can find the right commands etc.. I am somewhat familiar with VB... Is it even possible to achieve what I am looking for? ...

sendmessage mouseevent not working

I have this code: Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = &H2 Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = &H4 Dim WindowHandle As Long = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Ultima Online") SendMessage(WindowHandle, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN, 0, 0) SendMessage(WindowHandle, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP, 0, 0) I know it is getting the windowhandle fine, because I made a ...

how to send mouse click to minimized window?

Heres my code that does not work: Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = &H2 Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = &H4 Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32.dll" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Integer Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal h...

How to program a POS Printer using USB on Visual Basic 6

How to program a POS Printer using USB on Visual Basic 6 ...

Post message for direct input

I want to simulate a mouse click in a video game that is minimized. The video game I am doing this for allows macroing like this, so it's all good. However, the game uses direct input so using PostMessage and SendMessage is not working. ...

Extract group membership of computer object

Hi, this is probably a little bit off the standards. I'm using something calles Active Roles Server which is a web interface application where one can connect to AD through the web service. But you need to program alot of the features yourself and I'm in need of getting an extract of each group which are members of a certain computer ...

Limt selection in ASP checkbox list using VB

I have an ASP Checkboxlist control, how can I limit the number of selections a user can make? I am using visual Basic Also how would I get the values to a sting to write to the database for example? I have tried some examples of looping through the controls with no success ...

Should BASIC continue to be recommended for non-programmers and beginners?

I just came across a new BASIC implementation for Google Android application called Simple. You can read about it here: http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2009/07/programming-made-simple.html Clearly, a lot of time and effort has been recently put into enabling this functionality for Android. Should the software industry continue t...