
LINQ to SQL get grouped MIN with JOIN

I'm having trouble with a LINQ to SQL query getting the min value using Visual Basic. Here's the SQL: SELECT RC.AssetID, MIN(RC.RecCode) AS RecCode, JA.EngineerNote from JobAssetRecCode RC JOIN JobAssets JA ON JA.AssetID = RC.AssetID AND JA.JobID = RC.JobID WHERE RC.InspState = 2 AND RC.RecCode > 0 AND RC.JobID = @JobID GROUP BY RC.Asse...

What is the best practice for ouputting data from a collection on an ASP.net Page?

I've ported a page from classic ASP to ASP.net. Part of what happens in this page is that a collection of custom types is generated and then displayed via Response.Write() commands. I'd like to get the business logic separated out into a code behind file (and maybe move this all into a user control), but I can't seem to figure out how I'...

Can i Convert VB code to C++ code

Can I convert my VB code to C++? How can I do it? This is my VB code: Dim OpenFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog With OpenFileDialog1 .CheckFileExists = True .ShowReadOnly = False .Filter = "All Files|*.*|Bitmap Files (*)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg" .FilterIndex = 2 If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then ' Load the sp...

Visual Basic 2010: How to make window/form become active foreground?

I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express. I have a form that can be minimized. There's also a tray icon. I've coded it so that if you double-click on the tray icon, the form's FormWindowState becomes set to Normal; this restores the form to where was before it became minimized, but the form does not become the active window on my desktop. Ho...

web crawl app but encountered errors

I am trying to create a web crawl application to access the Chicago White Sox website and pull off the date of the next game. The application then goes to the 10 day forecast of the team's stadium and pulls the weather from there. I am wondering how to display just the forecast of the game, and not the full 10 day forecast. The pointe...

showing error message of missing VB dll

On Windows 7 (32 bits), i have downloaded and installed the windows desktop java application using windows installer of that application. When i re-open application it complains about a missing VB dll. What may be reason complains for missing VB dll and how can i resolved? Any help will be appreciated. FYI: The installer is build us...

Calling a Sub or Function contained in a module using "CallByName" in VB/VBA

It is easy to call a function inside a classModule using CallByName How about functions inside standard module? ''#inside class module ''#classModule name: clsExample Function classFunc1() MsgBox "I'm class module 1" End Function ''# ''#inside standard module ''#Module name: module1 Function Func1() MsgBox "I'm standard...

MSAccess database with Basic - accessing fields

Hello, First time I'm touching both access and basic, but I'm doing a favor for my sister. I have to retrieve data from a table and some headings have a % character in them and changing the headings is not and option. what does msaccess replace % with? Let Entitlement = rc![Entitlement% pozitia 1] rc is the recordset :P ...

How is WPF Data Binding using Object Data Source in Visual Studio 2010 done?

This is probably mostly a question about how to use the VS 2010 IDE tools in a way the Microsofties didn't specifically intend. But since this is something I immediately tried without success. I have defined a .NET 4.0 WPF Application project with a simple class that looks like this: Public Class Class1 Public Property One As Strin...

Key logging in .NET

Is it possible to write a key logger in Visual Basic.NET? Is this the right language to be using? So far, I've gotten a console app to read input and append to a file. 1)How can I make a .NET program "catch" all keyboard input? 2)How do I make a process not show up in Task Manager? This is not for a virus, but rather a parental contr...

Sending commands to a console program from Visual Basic 6

I have a console program on windows (a compiled version of curl command line) in where you can write commands and have a return. How can i send commands to this console application and return the result to VB6??? i know you can do this with DOS commands with Windows Script Host but as you see the commands i want to run dont are in comman...

PHP connection using HttpWebRequest and Get method

I have a script returns a string: http://mysite.com/script.php PHP script: $data = $_GET['q']; $query = "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE ID = '$data'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); print $num; I want to connect this script with VB, using this code Dim con As String con = "http://mysite.com/script.ph...

Visual Basic Express 2008 Help

I have been given a task to: Develop a program where a child will be presented with picture of a fruit (one of five possible fruit) on the screen at the click of a start button. The child will then try to recognise the fruit and write its name in a specified place on the screen. On the click of a check button the name of the fruit writt...

VB6 COM returns ADODB.Recordset in byRef Variant. How to retrieve in C#?

I'm trying to call this COM method: Public Function DoSomething(ByRef StringStuff As Variant, **ByRef Out_Data As Variant**) As Boolean Out_Data gets defined and populated in the method body as an ADODB.Recordset (2.6). I've tried several different ways I can think of, but still can't seem to get that recordset object out, or in for...

image processing

Hi, i'm doing a image processing programme using VB. i need to read a characters from my image and display in my programme. can anyone please tell me what type of method can i use?? ...

the usage of VB command in word 2007

The thing I have problem in Word in Developer tab which you have to add it, in XML group there is schema command and it has some tabs in it which I don't know anything about them and in Code tab visual basic command ...

LinkButton Click event ignored

I have the following Hyperlink as a button:- <asp:LinkButton ID="loginButton" runat="server" CssClass="loginButton" Text="LOGIN" OnClientClick="return validateLogin(memNoID,pwID)" AddressOf="loginButton.Click"></asp:LinkButton> It causes a postback but only executes the onload and prerender sections of code. It totally ignores the fol...

Replacing in part of a document with OpenOffice.org BASIC

I try to replace a word in an OpenOffice document, from the visual cursor to the end of the document. I would like to do it in a single operation, so that I could eventually undo the action in one step. Unfortunatelly, the only method I have located is ReplaceAll, that seems to work only for whole documents and not for shorter ranges. ...

copying app shortcut to startup folder VB

Hi, what is the easiest/best way to copy my app shortcut to windows startup folder ? i want to put a check box to notifyicon context menu and when user click on it i want app to copy shortcut to startup folder and when unchecked wanna delete it. thanks ...

Invalid cast exception was unhandled when saving gridview to a file

okay I am totally stuck. I have been getting some help off and on throughout this project and am anxious to get this problem solved so I can continue on with the rest of this project. I have a gridview that is set to save to a file, and has the option to import into excel. I keep getting an error of this: Invalid cast exception was un...