
VB execute() problem

Hi I am running VB with the follwing piece of code conider strSQL to be a update string . conDB.Execute (strSQL) ; Sheet1.Cells(intStart, 5) = "Success" If there are no rows updated , the below lines still runs and i get a success message printed in the cell. How do i avoid this? ...

cant insert data using table adapter

i'm using vb 2008 and local database sql server compact 3.5 to build a application. the problem is that i can't insert a new data to the database from the app. i'm wrote the query right at dataset and using table adapter. but when i call the query, it succeed but the data don't exist at database. for example: at table adapter, i made Add...

Shutdown Hook with windows-scripting-host

Hi, The following link (http://www.bigresource.com/Tracker/Track-vb-MjQNB6lXIl/) discusses how a shutdown hook can be implemented using VB. Now my question is, can something like that be done using Windows Script Host/windows scripting host ? I would very much appreciate your input; maybe include some code snippets. Thanks, Klaus. ...

Exporting Entire Contents of an Access DB to Individual XML Files

I have many tables that I needed to frequently export from an MDB file to XML, and I hated going through the built-in wizard for each and every table multiple times. So, I made a macro and thought I'd post it on here. This is a community wiki post, so please add suggestions and other solutions! This will export each table into its own...

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I'm in the process of upgrading my web pages from asp classic to asp.net. My previous code used CDO to send emails. sch = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") With cdoConfig.Fields .Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2 ...

How to save breakpoint in visual basic 6

How can I save my breakpoints in Visual Basic 6? Are there any add-ins? For now I have MZ-Tools, but unfortunately they don't save breakpoints. ...

Enlarge flash game through VB.

I'm trying to use Visual Basic to enlarge or magnify a flash game. (Just trying to make it take up more of the screen without having to do something like change the computer's resolution.) The only code I have is the one that loads the game from the website: Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System....

Change background color of another program from C++ program

I'm trying to change the background color of a program I did NOT write. Looking at it with Spy++ I can see that the main class is "ThunderRT6FormDC". One of its children has the class "ThunderRT6Frame". Inside ThunderRT6Frame there are a bunch of ThunderRT6CommandButtons. I want to change the background color behind the buttons. I trie...

Converting STEP files to DWG by using autodesk Inventor and VBA

Hello, Does anyone know how to do that? My skills in using VBA aren't very good and I also googled for it, but I do not even know how to open one of those files by using VBA. Maybe someone of you did already do something like this before? Thanks a lot for any help. EDIT The following steps have to be done do convert the files: Op...

ways to escape { in string.format function in vb

hi all, I am facing an issue with my code . the thing is i want to escape { in the string.format function ... Of course one way to escape it is to use {{ (2 curly braces) Is there any other way possible to escape without using the double curly braces. thanks ...

writing output of cacls in to text or CSV file

Im trying to do a VB script which gets all the permissions of a given folder in to a txt or CSV file. Using the CACLS command in in windows on command prompt to get the required info. Having trouble writing output of CACLS command to a file. How can you write the output from the CACLS display command to a file? ...

Open multiple child windows and keep track of them all

So here is the situation. I have a button on one of my extjs pages. This button opens a child window as a pop-up. This child window has a .method attribute as well as a .ref attribute, and also a .id. I need the functionality to open another window with the SAME template, everytime I click that button. I was thinking set the childwindow...

System.exit(1) java, equivalent in VB

Can anybody help in finding out what is the equivalent System.exit(1) Java, equivalent in VB6. ...

Populate fields in VB6 executable from MS office VBA

Hi, I'm developing a VB6 standalone application that I'd like to be able to call from VBA modules running in Excel, Outlook, etc. Ideally, I'd like the VBA module to check whether the VB6 application is already running, if not, open it, then populate certain controls (textbox, listbox, etc) in the VB6 application with information from th...

Automatic login and uploading a file into a web server

i have a system given to me by a client to upload a file to send money to my clients. the way it works is this. i have to login credentials. the first one i log in to upload a CSV file with the clients phone number and money he needs to withdraw. then the second login is used to approve the file that has been uploaded so that money can b...

Want to delete the text from the JAVA Edit and update a new value in that

I want to delete the text present in the Java Edit box and want to add a new Text into that feild. How can i perform this task in QTP (Scripting)? ...

How to move to next row in dataset and display in hyperlink

I'm writing an email application that will be used to send HTML news articles to clients. I'm using a dataset to return the headlines to display to the client. When I loop through the dataset the the latest record is returned but latest headline link is not displayed. So the outputted HTML is the same headline everytime, which is the fi...

Help with binding textbox to combobox

I have a relatively large no. of textboxes and I need to perform an action whereby when a user say clicks on textbox2, the item of combobox2 will also be loaded E.g. When I click on textbox2, another form will load and the contents to be display is from combobox2. If it's textbox3 then combobox3...etc Can I use Access database to do it...

String() variable in VB

I'm trying to modify a program where there is a variable that stores all the specified file types in a String() variable. What I would like to do is to somehow append to this variable in any way if I want to search another directory or just grab another individual file. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. //Grab files from a d...

Beginner trying to use StretchBlt.

I have a Shockwave Flash Object in my form. I'm trying to use StretchBlt to magnify the object. Ideally I would like to push a button and have it replace the Flash Object on my form with the magnified version. Any help would be appreciated, even just documentation on how to use StrechBlt because I can't find anything on it. Thank you. ...