
How to make a "screen region selector" to capture a region of the screen in .NET?

I've used this http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=385497 sample to capture the screen and save it to an image, I'd like to know if someone have a sample for a "selector" for selecting the region of the screen to capture, like camstasia or camstudio have. I dont want to understand how it works, just need a code sample but couldnt f...

How do I put an arraylist in a Listbox

So I need help on an assignment and I've been trying to solve it for more than a week, but I need help on putting an arraylist inside a listbox. http://i29.tinypic.com/ib9oiu.jpg That's what the GUI should look like in the end, all the information has to be saved in an arraylist; I should be able to add a new customer; click on a custom...

Why can't I get to the SOAP request XML inside my web app?

I have a .NET VB web app that talks to a remote web service on my clients servers. Sometimes we receive an error message from the remote service that is generic and does not tell us what is wrong. I want to be able in those circumstances "save, copy, etc" the SOAP request XML and send it in an email to their programmers. Is this not a ...

Create a user in Active Directory from an Infopath form.

Hi There, I've been searching the web for a while now and still can't seem to find anything useful on this topic. What I am trying to create is a button in my Infopath form that will create a user account in Active Directory. The code will need to pull through information stored in the fields of the Infopath form. I have chosen to us...

VBA Collections driving me nuts!

Hi guys, I'm still learning VBA and I can't figure out wth I'm having so many problems with a Collections object. I have a function that adds custom objects (I created a very simple class to store some data) that does the typical "read data, create object representation, stick it into Collections" sort of stuff. If I try to add a "key...

Cheking if a webpage is online (best practices for making a Uptime Bot)

Hello, im making a investigation and i need to check every 15 min for about 7 days if a web site is online. I have the url and high programing skills in VB6 and PHP, and some ideas of how to do that (like making a ping to the port 80 of the url), but due the important of this investigation i need recomendation from professionals, so if y...

How to Edit an Arraylist that is already placed in a Listbox? And divide each item of the arraylist into individual textboxes?

Well it looks something like this _http://i29.tinypic.com/ib9oiu.jpg I had already posted a question on how to put an arraylist inside a listbox but that's already solved. http://picasaweb.google.se/109674614304504038591/Desktop?feat=directlink There is all my code, so I need to be able to edit the selected customer, clicking on custom...

VB Style CD Embedding with .Net Framework

Hi there, In the old VB6 days it was possible to embed the runtime onto a cd and run the app automatically when the CD was popped in without having to run through an installation. Is there anything available in .Net that mimics this? Thanks Jacques ...

How to start with Visual Basic?

I am a beginner. So how to make a project? ...

Get Font Width within VB.net Without Measuring a Control?

I need to display a table in rich text within a form window. It is only a two column table, so tabbing works fine to line everything up (since RichTextBox does not support RTF tables). However, sometimes the tab stops are incorrect because of non-fixed width fonts. So, I need a way to measure the pixel width of a particular string with...

how to change the label field at run time in vb6?

I use quiz system.so i want to use single form. so i want to know that how to change questions in single form? ...

How to connect SQL with VB?

I know connection of MS Access and VB. I don't know connection of SQL with VB. Please provide some code examples. ...

how to access ms access in vb without give path? that is give only file name.file may where in any drive.

i use vb with ms access.i give the path for ms access.if i go to another system.i would change my path. ...

Visual Basic setting a global variable making my code DRY

How do I optimize my code making it DRY approach. I want to make my variable to be on public/general so i can re-use it Public Class BasicForm Dim Product1, Product2, Product3, As Integer Dim firstName, lastName As String Private Sub btn_getValue_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_getValue.Cl...

Changes to a dialog wont appear when i run it in Visual Basic using VB Editor 6.0

hi guys, I have this huge VB project which i just got from some one. i want to add a check box to a dialog in it so i opened Main2.frm and added a check box using ide. but now when i run the application the dialog resized to its orignal size hence not showing the new check box which is at the bottom. I know that this means somewhere in t...

Getting flash game to run in VB.

Just trying to use a VB form app to run a flash game from the .swf file. Keeps coming up with weird errors using both the web browser tool and microsoft web browser tool. Thanks. Edit: Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.frmFlasher.("http://website.c...

How do I make a serial/key system?

I would like to make a serial/key system for my program so the user has to enter their serial/key to get the program updated. How would I do so? I am horrible with databases. :\ Thanks alot! :D ...

Visual Basic and Resolution/Zoom?

Is it possible to change the resolution of the form without changing the resolution of the computer? And if not, then I suppose I'll ask, how would I be able to zoom/blow up the form to make it bigger? Thank you. ...

QTP: How can I return multiple Values from a Function.

Hi , I'm trying to write a function which can return multiple values from a Function which is having 2 arguments. eg: function sample_function(arg1,arg2) ''#Some code................. passenger = list1(0) name1 = list1(1) age1 = list1(2) seatNumber = list1(3) ''#This is an Incomplete function... end funct...

How to programatically create virtual IP Addresses in VB?

What I want to do is use one PC to test an application on another on the same 19.2.168.X.X I would like to make it seem like SOAP requests are coming from a variety of different PCs, just to make the applciations log file easier to read and I have been told that virtual IP Addresses are the way to go. So, how do I defien a range and th...