
Failed to share Windows Event kernel object between C++ and VB processes

I am in Windows 7 x64, and trying to use the same Event object between 2 processes, one is an vb application, and the other is a C++ application, but seems the event created in one process can't be recognized in another one: VB Option Explicit Private Type SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES nLength As Long lpSecurityDescriptor As Long bI...

Close Window for button click

I have been trying to close the window on button click but am unable to do so. I have added javascript window.close() added on the code behind page on button click event all in vain. Language c# or vb.net ...

Java Tree present within java Table.

I have a simple Scenario where i want to expand the node of a Java Tree which is present within a Java table. This Java Tree is not able to get recognized when i tried to spy. it is showing only the properties of Java Table. When recorded i got this below code. javaWindow("sss").JavaTree("aaa").Expand "abc;value1" javaWindow("sss").Jav...

Help Translating a small C# WCF app into Visual Basic

Hi - I'm trying to write a simple/small Windows Communication Foundation service application in Visual Basic (but I am very novice in VB) and all the good examples I've found on the net are written in C#. So far I've gotten my WCF service application working but now I'm trying to add callback functionality and the program has gotten mor...

split 1 line into 2 line using visual basic

Example: MY NAME IS STACKOVERFLOW Results in: MY(new line) NAME(new line) IS(new line) STACKOVERFLOW(new line) or Example: MY-NAME-IS-STACKOVERFLOW Results in: MY(new line) NAME(new line) IS(new line) STACKOVERFLOW(new line) I want to split the line into multiple lines using either a space or dash or whatever it is. ...

Visual Basic 2010/ Sub Procedure

I copied the exact codes from my textbook and I have the following errors. Error 3 'txtOutput' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. C:\Users\Woong-Sup\AppData\Local\Temporary Projects\WindowsApplication1\Form1.vb 13 17 WindowsApplication1 Error 4 'txtOutput' is not declared. It may be ina...

Visual Studio Visual Basic 2010/ Function & Sub & For Loop

For example, input values are Cost = 1250, Salvage = 150, Life 5. Then the output I want is: $500.00 $300.00 $180.00 $108.00 $12.00 However, the program outputs: $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 P.S. This is for the DDB Also, how could I add numbers before each values like 1 $500.00 2 $300.00 3 $180.00 4 $108.00 5 $12.00 Thank yo...

Why Java and C Sharp are case-sensitive?

Hi! Why those languages are case-sensitive? I've become curious because I was reading the differences between VB.NET and C Sharp, and VB.NET is not case-sensitive. And I think this way is better, because case-sensitive can only be a source of bugs and bad code. Bad code because there's no reason to have variable's names that differ only...

Using VB 6.0 Forms in VB.NET

Please do any one have idea how to Use Forms created in VB 6.0 in VB.NET .......please help i m stuck ...

How to make a DLL in VB 6.0 , please write steps please please.....

How to make a DLL in VB 6.0 , please write steps please please..... ...

Visual Basic 2010 Console Writing Out

I am working with a console application for VB 10. How can I replace data that I have already written with: Console.Write Or how can I write on a specific point: e.g. 100 lines, 100 chars left In the same way that a program such as wget has a loading bar that does not keep getting replaced every time progress is increased. ...

Python Visual Basic's CDate equivalent

I used to have this code in Visual Basic: rpt.ParameterFields.GetItemByName("RowDate").AddCurrentValue CDate("2010-03-19") and I cannot figure out into what I have to convert date to make eatable for COM. Any suggestions? ...

C# equivalent to VB 6 serial port SETTINGS function

What is the equivalent of the following command in C#? comm.Settings = "2400,N,8,1" ...

Using VB 6.0 Form in .net which is embeded in a DLL

i have a DLL of a VB 6 Project that has one class n a form............. the form is called from that class when its constructor is called..........i maked DLL on whole project......add that DLL in my .NET project references.....now when i call that class of that DLL.....it give following error Creating an instance of the COM component w...

Non-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from an ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, or Property Page.

How to Resolve following Error in .net Non-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application from an ActiveX DLL, ActiveX Control, or Property Page. ...

Compiling .hta file to .exe

I have searched far and wide for a way to compile my .hta file (and resources) to a .exe file. There are plenty of applications that claim to be able to do this - but they have not worked for this application - which is a mixture of javascript and VB. Simply, (and naively,) I don't want people looking at / screwing with the code. Any s...

Paste a text to textarea in browser control in Vb.Net

How can I paste a text to the text area within a form in the browser control? I think how i have selected is correct browser1.Document.Forms.GetElementsByName("editform").GetElementsByName("input") UPDATE:Here is the Html .... <form name="editform"> <textarea name="input"> </textarea> </form> ... ...

Retrieving data from API and display it.

I have a link which is returning data in xml. I don't know how may i fetch data from api and display it. I want to fetch data from provided link like http://api.testdata.co.in/a/pn-1?koid=1234&amp;dfr= . Any help ? ...

VB3 decompiler?

Someone I used to work for emailed me out of the blue and said they want me to update a VB3 (!!!) program I wrote for them because customers are reporting having problems running it under Windows 7. They have lost the source code (natch). Is there a decompiler for VB3? ...

Visual Basic 2010 Fast Writing

Hi, I am working on developing a simple console game in Visual Basic in which the "level" is drawn out after being read from a file. So far, I'm using Console.ReadKey() to check for the arrow keys and to therefore move the position of the piece on the console. The problem is that the only way I know to do this is to redraw the "le...