
Reading a file bug in vb2005?

The way this file works is there is a null buffer, then a user check sum then a byte that gives you the user name letter count, then a byte for how many bytes to skip to the next user and a byte for which user file the user keeps their settings in. the loop with the usersm variable in the IF statement sets up the whole file stream for ...

Multithreading a filestream in vb2005

I am trying to build a resource file for a website basically jamming all the images into a compressed file that is then unpacked on the output buffers to the client. my question is in vb2005 can a filestream be multi threaded if you know the size of the converted file, ala like a bit torrent and work on pieces of the filestream ( the in...

Simulating the web Client/web server interaction in a winform using a webbrowser object in vb2005.net

Simulating the web Client/web server interaction in a winform using a webbrowser object in vb2005.net in short im using the web browser object as a gui for a giant treeview folder list, in the html there is a form that needs to submit to perform the action,del,rename ect, how do i make my program catch the submit, process it and spit ...

How do you register a name for a program in the windows run dialog?

How do you register a name for a program in the windows run dialog? for instance typing in "notepad" and pressing enter runs notpad.exe "photoshop" in my case runs Photoshop CS3 im using vb2005.net ...

In vb2005 how do you simulate a web browser's file download using Net.HttpListener

In vb2005 how do you simulate a web browser's file download using Net.HttpListener? This current program functions somewhat like a webserver. how when a client from a web browser asks for a file do i allow them to down load the file? currently the method will tell the browser that there is a file but it will fail after the client oks th...

Converting a downloaded query xml string to a usable xml document in vb2005.net

Converting a downloaded query xml string to a usable xml document in vb2005.net i would like to convert a image query, found here http://search.yahooapis.com/ImageSearchService/V1/imageSearch?appid=xxxxxxx&query=cars in vb2005.net to the xmldocument which i can then cruise around and grab the data with, current code using the web...

Creating a webbrowser control in a background thread in backgroundworker

Is it possible to create a WebBrowser control in a background thread in BackgroundWorker? Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork Using web1 As New WebBrowser End Using End Sub This throws the following error: Ac...

Which number cast is a registry Dword in vb?

Which number cast is a registry Dword in vb based on its minimum and max values? I am trying to build an editor that can read and edit registry dumps ...

[VB] Spreadsheet from DataTable

In my app, I'm downloading a spreadsheet from FTP, moving the data read from the spreadsheet to a DataTable, and, depending on certain conditions, emailing a new spreadsheet (one that contains certain rows from the 1st spreadsheet). My problem is creating the spreadsheet that will be mailed. I can't seem to work out how to add the row f...

VB 2005/2008 Help Needed - Registry

How do i read, write and delete a registry using VB 2005/2008. Please give your explanation to your answer. I am really a registry noob... Thanks. I can't read any programming language other than vb. ...

How to compile VB 2005 code containing "default instances" using nant

I've got some VB code that's using a default instance of a Form. It compiles fine within VS but when I try compiling using the nant vbc task it throws this error, error BC30469: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. Here's the relevant section of my nant script, <vbc target="exe" output="${basename}.ex...

video compression in vb 2005?

hello, i wanted to ask is there any means i can compress a video file(.avi) to a small size than original. If yes..how..? A sample code/tutorial to do so would be of great help Which API should i use(except the DirectX)..? Is DirectX advisable? ...

Getting a list of indexes from a text search in vb2005

I am running a index search on a string in a rich textbox, i have a list of keywords which need to be a different color in this textbox. how do i run a search on a string in vb2005 and get a list of indexes where the text matched my search? ...

VB2005 Transparent Label in Menu area

I've read many articles on how to create transparent labels but it seems to me that my particular case is not covered. Very simply I have a label placed in the upper right part of the form, which in fact is part of the menu strip. The label displays some info to the user but I wish it were transparent. Ive tried various methods including...

SharpSSH Progress and Rename

VB2005 and SharpSSH. Using the library to connect to a remote server and copy a file. I have the process working fairly well but have some smaller things which I cant seem to resolve as documentation for the library is fairly thin. I have two routines working. One using the Tamir.SharpSsh class and the other using the Tamir.SharpSsh.jsc...

Custom formatting including dates

VB2005 In my app I present to the user an option to customize the name of the file that gets produced. The format string the program reads is something like "yyyyMMdd-%1-%2-%3-%4" which the user can customize to his liking. in this case the format of the date is yyyyMMdd and the %1 is the trip number like 1000P, %2 is the origin code l...

How to solve this error: Could not find file 'Microsoft.Windows.CommonLanguageRuntime, Version 2.0.50727.0'

This question to which I already found the answer is posted here in case of someone else encounters it. I decided to post the Q&A here so that SO has something about this error, since I don't know if it's been here before. This occured after an update of the .NET Framework. Before the update, everything compiled just fine! After the u...