
dsolefile - error handling when value does not exist (in excel)

I'm trying to update document properties and create new entries if they don't exist However this type of thing does not work Set objDocProps = DSO.GetDocumentProperties(sfilename:=FileName) With objDocProps If .CustomProperties("ABC") Is Nothing Then 'create it here and if I put an error handler in there it barfs as either being loc...

VBA Code to Count all Columns that are numeric in ListBox containing SQL Query Results

This is in Access 2007. I have tried writing somethig like: Forms!MyForm!TextBox = Count(ISNUMERIC(ISNUMERIC(QueryResult.Reading))) But this returns non-numeric results. I have also tried: Forms!MyForm!TextBox = IIF(ISNUMERIC(QueryResult.Reading),Count(ISNUMERIC(QueryResult.Reading),"") Anyone have any ideas? I am lost. ...

How to sort multi-row entries in Excel?

So I have a document with many entries that follow this general format. Organization Name Title Address Phone Fax Description line 1 Description line 2 Organization's website. Organization Name Title Address Phone Fax Description line 1 Description line 2 Organization's website. Organization Name Title Address Phone Fax Descrip...

Excel VBA macro to track changes in separate sheet

I am trying to write a VBA macro to track changes to a workbook in a separate sheet. If you do this manually, the sequence of commands is Tools > Track Changes > Highlight Changes, taking the option Separate Worksheet. You have to do two iterations of the command, one to activate tracking inline, a second to move the tracking to a separ...

Detecting nulls in Excel VBA

In a program i'm currently working on i've created a user defined type to contain some data that i'll later use to populate my form. i'm using an array of that user defined type and as i pull more data from a offsite server i'm resizing the array. So in order to make my program easier to digest i've starting splitting it into subroutin...

How to capture worksheet being added through Copy/Paste in Excel VBA

I am trying to capture worksheets being copied in to a workbook from another workbook. Workbook_NewSheet event does not trigger when the sheets are copied from another workbook. It is triggered only if the user manually inserts them through (Insert->Worksheet menu option), or when you add a new sheet through VBA as ThisWorkbook.Workshee...

MS Access - open a form taking a field value from a previous form.

Hello IT folkzies, I have a form in an MS Access database which lists all the landowners consulted with for a new electricity line. At the end of each row is a button which opens another form, showing the details of all consultation, offers made etc. I am trying to use vb in MS Access to take the contactID and automatically put it ...

Outlook - moving email using a macro does not preserve the receipt date

While using a macro in outlook to move an email into a subfolder, the receipt date is not preserved. Does anyone has an idea on how to avoid that? ...

Access ADP Corupt wont compile

I have a Access ADP Project that has been a continus project for the last 6 years, so it has hundreds of forms and thosands line of VBA code. After a recent update it not wont compile to create the ADE file. It tells me one of the text boxes does not exist but it does. I deleted the for and re imported it from a working backup and still ...

VBA: How do you prevent a QueryTable from refreshing?

I wrote a macro that imports a CSV file into my spreadsheet, using a QueryTable. My goal is to import the CSV data and be able to save it in the spreadsheet for future reference. However, the QueryTable updates with the external CSV file, of course, and I would like to prevent this (because I want to forget about the external file). ...

programatically add module to xls 2003 using vbscript

The first part is now working [ I have the following which just seems to hang; the part that adds/deletes the module works when running in VBA I note that I'm prompted with a dialog saying 'this workbook contains links to other data sources' which I ok to, then it hangs So I tried setting the second argument to 0 and also tried 2 but sti...

Implement auto-increment with Word macro

I'm writing a Word/VBA macro for a document template. Every time a user saves/creates a new document from the template, the document needs an ID embedded in the text. How can I (as simple as possible) implement auto-increment for this ID? The ID is numeric. The system has to have some kind of mechanism to avoid different documents getti...

VB - Insert A Blank Row

This is child's play for all of you, but I don't know Visual Basic at all. How do I write a statement to insert a row between two rows in an Excel spreadsheet repeatedly? An example below: F-3757 - GROF FILTER REWORKLIJN F-3758 - POEDERAFSCHEIDER F-3759 - FIJNFILTER F-3760 - STOFILTER F-3762 - AANZUIGFILTER B-3771 - VENTILATOR STORTKO...

OnKeyUp event in Access 2007

I have a textbox and a label in an Access form. Whatever is typed in the textbox needs to be reflected/mirrored in the label and I must use the OnKeyUp event for the textbox. How can I do this? This is a homework assignment. I have no programming experience and this is my first programming class. So far I have this: Private Sub Text0...

How to compare fields with 'Memo' datatype in vba?

The MS access database does not allow comparing fields with 'memo' datatypes in SQL query. Is there a way to do it in VBA? Simple comparison does not work if the size of memo>255 characters ...

Get the key of an item on a Collection object

The environment is that the members I'm pushing into the Collection are nameless, un-identifiable (to avoid bad abstractions, and please, don't freak out: members are actually other Collection instances). In order to be able to make fast searches, I'm creating a meaningfull hash name for each new member, and provide it as the Key string,...

VBA + Threads

How can I create a process running on a separate thread in MS Access VBA? I would like to create a process that will just sit and wait for a message. ...

VBA in Excel ignoramous in need: setting Cell.RowHeight changes the cell value to TRUE or FALSE?

EDIT: This was happening because the cell was set to the button's LinkedCell property. When I set that to null everything works fine (of course, I was using that property, but oh well). Couldn't find anything on this through Google... I have a cell that contains a fair amount of text in a fairly narrow column. I would like to have a...

How to create script to copy a cell from Excel and paste into a text box located on a browzer.

At work we have to track our calls via an online application made via vb.net. To enter the needed info into the text boxes and drop down boxes you have to deal with more than one page. It is cumbersome to have to type or even copy and paste the needed info. I want to be able to type the info onto one page in excel and then have a script...

How Add a COM-Exposed .NET Project to the VB6 (or VBA) References Dialog?

I have created a .NET assembly that is exposed to COM according to the exceptional article Build and Deploy a .NET COM Assembly by Phil Wilson. And everything works fine in the sense that the .NET assembly is properly registered for COM, and compiled COM code can call it without any trouble. The only odd thing is that developing agains...