
Dynamic pathfinding in Excel import

I have a piece of VB code that dynamically finds my current file path in Excel. Now I wish to use it when importing text from a text file, but can't figure out just how to code it. Here is my code for getting the current path: Function GetCurDir() Dim str As String Dim pos As Integer str = ActiveWorkbook.FullName pos = InStrRev(str, "\...

How to get logged-in user's name in Access vba?

I want to get the name of user who have logged-in ,in the access vba. What is the best way to get it Duplicates of this question: Is there a way for MS Access to grab the current Active Directory user? Using VB6, how do I get the current user and domain on Windows XP? How can I get the currently logged-in windows user in Access VBA?...

How do you edit records from a VBA form that you want to interactively select?

I have a set of ComboBox's in an MS Access 2003 DB that are all bound to fields in a single table. However, the data that they allow you to select doesn't come from that table and instead comes from various other tables. This works fine for the record creation story but now I want to be able to edit the record retroactively. The probl...

Performance running ClearContents is very slow when WrapText is enabled in Excel

I'm debugging the following code in an Excel 2007 VBA, which seems very simple. For some reason its taking about 30 minutes to process 900 rows of data. I think I have narrowed it down to some cell formatting, specifically the WrapText option. Is there something I'm missing here that can increase the performance when deleting these ro...

Macro to save active Sheet as new workbook, ask user for location and remove macros from the new workbook

Hi everybody, I have a Workbook with three WorkSheets: Product , Customer, Journal. What I need is a macro assigned to a button within each one of the above Sheets. If the button is clicked by the user, then the active sheet should be saved as a new workbook with the following naming convention: SheetName_ContentofCellB3_DD.MM.YYYY wh...

How can I change the view of an MS Access subform at runtime in VBA code?

This seems like it would be a simple affair, and I am sure I have done this before, but it has been a while since I have done any UI programming in Access. What I need to do is put a button on a form to toggle between datasheet and form view for a subform. I have found a defaultview property, but nothing that looks like it would toggle ...

Access 2007 Make Text Box Visible After Option Group Selected

This should be easy but for some reason it will not work. I have a form named MainForm and the selection in the Option Group I want to select is called PickMe. I have a text box called TxtHere that I set to not be visible. I wrote this: Private Sub PickMe_Click() Me!TxtHere.Visible = True End Sub So it should set the text box to...

How can I get rid of a persistent VBA Form Object that won't honor the form deletion?

I have an MS Access 2003 database that I'm using to develop a basic little inventory app. I have added some extraneous forms along the way and I wanted to get them out of the DB. I deleted most of them just fine but one of them appears to have left behind its VBA Object. All that's in the object is Option Compare Database. Now whenev...

Inspect Call Stack in VBA

Would It be possible to see Stack in VBA (MS Access 2003). I mean Would it be possible to see what procedure or function this function was called from... ...

SQL Query to VBA and display result in Form

So I have a few Queries already written and my goal is to have a user input certain fields that would change the way the Query is returned, basically having the user change 2 or 3 parameters of the original Query. First, I'm having problems getting a Query to execute in VBA: Private Sub QResultButton_Click() DoCmd.OpenQuery (Readings200...

Best Book to Learn VBA?

Anyone have any suggestions for good books or even links? I was tasked with writing some things at work and they insist on using VBA and I am not very familiar with it. EDIT Identical to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/483086/book-recommendation-for-visual-basic Except this is visual basic and not VBA which are different. And the...

Problem using Python comtypes library to add a querytable to Excel

I'm trying to create a QueryTable in an excel spreadsheet using the Python comtypes library, but getting a rather uninformative error... In vba (in a module within the workbook), the following code works fine: Sub CreateQuery() Dim con As ADODB.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Dim ws As Worksheet Dim qt As QueryTabl...

Run Query Against ODBC Connected Table VBA

I have a table (readings) already connected by ODBC in Access that opens very quickly when I click on it. However, when I try to run this in VBA I it locks up and never displays anything: Dim strSql As String strSql = "SELECT readings.ids " & _ "INTO ids_temp " & _ "FROM readings " & _ "WHERE readings.ids > 12...

Sending formatted Lotus Notes rich text email from Excel VBA


Copying Multiple Charts as a Picture in Excel 2007 gives Application-defined error

Introduction I can't seem to get the the ChartObjects.CopyPicture method to work in Excel 2007. No matter what I try I get an error. Using this technique throws an 'Application-defined or object-defined error' on the CopyPicture line. ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture Sheets("Sheet2").Paste ...

How to "flatten" or "collapse" a 2D Excel table into 1D?

I have a two dimensional table with countries and years in Excel. eg. 1961 1962 1963 1964 USA a x g y France u e h a Germany o x n p I'd like to "flatten" it, such that I have Country in the first col, Yea...

EXCEL Formula or VBA To Extract Data Based on Another Cell's Data

I have the following worksheet #1 (simplified for the question) of person and age: Person Age Bob 40 Brett 35 Brian 38 I would like to setup another worksheet where I have the following: Person Age Spot #1 FORMULA The user will enter a name in Spot #1 and I want a formula/code in the cell titled FORMULA where t...

Programatically insert ActiveX Control into Word Document using VBA?

is it possible? I couldn't find any code that does that. ...

Getting Value from MS Access form from Excel VBA.

What is the best way to check is access form is open and get the value of textbox using Excel VBA. I mean is there a way to check if MS Access application is running and if it is then check certain form is open then get the value from this form's textbox field. Something like If MSAccess.([Application name]).Forms("FormName").isOpen...

Query will not run with variables, will work when variable's definitions are pasted in.

This is a Query in VBA (Access 2007) I have 3 strings defined: str_a = "db.col1 = 5" str_b = " and db.col2 = 123" str_c = " and db.col3 = 42" Then I use these in the WHERE part of my Query: "WHERE '" & str_a & "' '" & str_b & "' '" & str_c & "' ;" This fails, but If I paste in the strings like this: "WHERE db.col1 = 5 and db.col2 ...