
Bind macro to excel cell onclick?

In excel 2000, is it possible to bind a vba function to be executed when a cell is clicked with the mouse? ...

show a folder as an e-mail address book

Hi, I have a folder in my OutLook 2007. I want to automate the process of showing the folder as an email address book using visual basic. Thank you, ...

Firing a macro on saving a calendar event - Outlook VBA

Hi, I'm trying to automate the adding of a keyphrase to events added to my outlook calendar (depending on the type of the event, want to add different keyphrases so that my smartphone profile switching software will correctly switch the profile depending on what I'm doing...) Ideally, I'd want to hook an onsave event for calendar items...

How to simulate ThisPresentation in PowerPoint VBA

I would like to be able to access the document properties of a PowerPoint add-in file (a presentation saved as "PowerPoint Add-in (*.ppa)", from some VBA code in the add-in itself. If it helps to understand the problem, what I'm actually trying to do is read a custom document property that stores the version number of the add-in, so tha...

Access .NET generic objects from VBA

My .net code has an object with a number of generic properties. This object is returned to the VBA code. All the non-generic properties are working well, but I also need to access the generic values. Is there a way to do it from VBA? [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)] public class Obj { public string GetProp1() {...} ...

Accessing a VSTO application-addin types from VBA (Excel)

We have a VSTO application-addin (not a document-addin) for Excel, and we want to expose an event to VBA code so that the VBA macro can do some action when this event fires in the addin. How can I get the VBA code to be able to subscribe to an event defined in the VSTO application-addin? I'd think that since the addin is loaded in the ...

DLookup in Access not running until textBox clicked on in Form


MS Access 2003 does not enter into debug mode and ignores breakpoints

I developed a small VBA procedure in MS Access 2003 module (just one public Sub) The database is locked for me only, nobody else has access to the file. My code works but there is a small bug I want to find and fix I need to debug my VBA code. I put breakpoint at the first line of the procedure. However, when I run this code, it never ...

Word macro cannot save filename > 255 characters

I have this in my Word Macro ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="D:\\GrooveAndRock\\GrooveAndRock\\GrooveAndRock\\GrooveAndRock\\GrooveAndRock\\GrooveAndRock\\GrooveAndRockAndRoll\\GrooveAndRockAndRoll\\GrooveAndRockAndRoll\\GrooveAndRockAndRoll\\GrooveAndRockAndRoll\\GrooveAndRockAndRoll\\Ug F Blug and Bug f Goo - Blank Address - 2009-09-...

Word COM/OLE/VBA: How to save to/load from memory a document?

Hi, According to the 'Microsoft Office Word™ 2003 Visual Basic Reference', it seems the Document object can only load a file from disk or save a file to disk. Is it possible to save a document to memory or load a document from memory? Since I need to save the documents to a database instead of to disk files. I use Delphi. Thank you in ...

MS Access. Editable Selection. Grouping of Items based on data other than primary key.

I hope I can explain this clearly. I have a table, lets call it Widgets, that contains information (Color, Size, etc) about many many different widgets that are specified by an ID# which is the primary key. I also have a table, call it Tests, that is related to Widgets through a one to many relationship. Each row in this table represen...

VBA/Access RecordSet per form record problem


Is there a way to programmatically add a digital signature to a VBA Macro in a word document?

Is there a way to programmatically add a digital signature to a VBA Macro in a word document using C# or VB.Net? There are some similar questions asked already; however, none that I could find answer my question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201195/how-to-programmatically-remove-the-digital-signature-from-vba-macros-in-excel htt...

MS Acess 2003 - VBA for Update SQL query?

hey guys, could someone show me the simple update query through vb? I need to add new fields to the table (just 3) and add a couple text boxes on a form so that users can add some additional data relative to the record (which is already what this form is based on). So the first form I have is a form that populates a list, when the user ...

MS Access to SQL Server - Newbie needing advice/direction

So I have been working with multiple different MS Access apps at work (about 8) for different departments. And it looks as though there are going to stand up a SQL Server at work, which makes sense from a capacity/integrations standpoint. Soooo......I have experience with Access, SQL and VBA, but having never used any of it in a SQL Ser...

Best practices in Access programming

I'm wondering about some ideas which can improve process of designing solutions using Access and VBA programming language. Of course I'm not talking about best programming practices in general, but only these directly related to Access and VBA. Everybody knows, that VBA has poor object-oriented programming support, there is no inherita...

Detect if Access Application has error.

I want to write a script or program to detect If the MS Access application running without errors. If there was an error I would like to know the error number. Is it possible? What is the best way? I would like to write VBScript and run it every 30 minutes. The Access Application that I have is on MS Access 2003. ...

Excel VBA Macro Conditional Formatting with Intersect

Hi Everyone, I wrote an Excel VBA macro to do conditional formatting using an intersect of two columns but I can't get it to work for some reason. If anyone has any idea on what I can do to fix it, I would sincerely appreciate it. I want to highlight both the source and the target columns in which there is a match or duplicate as foll...

VBA-Trouble with attaching cells into body of email(Outlook)

Hi, I am using excel 2003 and I am having trouble attaching cells onto the body of an email. I got some of the code off http://www.rondebruin.nl/mail/folder3/mail4.htm but it does not work for me. What happens to me is that a spreadsheet would pop up that has Not Peer Review on it and an error message saying "runtime error '1004' PasteS...

Process Large Textfiles Quickly w/ VBA

Hey Everyone, I'm having a hardtime speeding up the processing of a very large textfile (~100 Meg or so). I've made caution to be very diligent using the redim preserve calls, and yet the function still takes 5 minutes or so to run. The textfile is basically sub reports which i'm trying to parse out. I only have access to the large f...