
Matrix multiplication using Matrix Template library (MTL 4)

The program is as following: #include <iostream> #include <boost/numeric/mtl/mtl.hpp> using namespace mtl; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { dense_vector<double> a(5,1.0); dense_vector<double> b(5,2.0); a * trans(b); } I want to calculate a * trans(b), but there is a compling error :C2893. Will someone help me? Thanks a lot! ...

C++: Vector of objects vs. vector of pointers to new objects?

Hello, I am seeking to improve my C++ skills by writing a sample software renderer. It takes objects consisting of points in a 3d space and maps them to a 2d viewport and draws circles of varying size for each point in view. Which is better: class World{ vector<ObjectBaseClass> object_list; public: void generate(){ objec...

How to shrink-to-fit an std::vector in a memory-efficient way?

I would like to 'shrink-to-fit' an std::vector, to reduce its capacity to its exact size, so that additional memory is freed. The standard trick seems to be the one described here: template< typename T, class Allocator > void shrink_capacity(std::vector<T,Allocator>& v) { std::vector<T,Allocator>(v.begin(),v.end()).swap(v); } The w...

Easier debugging stl array

In MSVC++ I have a vector. Whenever you go out of bounds of the vector (in debug mode, launched as "Start Debugging"), when you step out of bounds of the vector the program halts with a dialog box: Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library ==== Debug Assertion Failed! Expression: Vector subscript out of range Abort | Retry | Ignore So w...

2D Gaming - How to reflect a ball off the bat?

Hi there I am pretty new to XNA & game dev and am stuck at ball reflection. My ball is reflecting once it hits the bat, but only in one angle, no matter which angle the bat is at. Here's the code: if (BallRect.Intersects(BatRect)) { Vector2 NormBallVelocity = Ball.velocity; NormBallVelocity.Normalize(); Norm...

Is there a sorted_vector class, which supports insert() etc.?

Often, it is more efficient to use a sorted std::vector instead of a std::set. Does anyone know a library class sorted_vector, which basically has a similar interface to std::set, but inserts elements into the sorted vector (so that there are no duplicates), uses binary search to find elements, etc.? I know it's not hard to write, but p...

how to use iterator in c++?

I'm trying to calculate distance between 2 points. The 2 points I stored in a vector in c++: (0,0) and (1,1). I'm supposed to get results as 0 1.4 1.4 0 but the actual result that I got is 0 1 -1 0 I think there's something wrong with the way I use iterator in vector. Could somebody help? I posted the code below. typedef struct po...

Populate array from vector

Hi, I would like to populate an 2 dimensional array, from a vector. I think the best way to explain myself is to put some examples (with a array of [3,5] length). When vector is: [1, 0] [ [4, 3, 2, 1, 0], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0] ] When vector is: [-1, 0] [ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] ] ...

What is the display list in Flash 10? Array? Linked list?

I'm working on a game that has many elements on stage, so I'm looking to optimize my loops. I know that Vector is faster than looping an array, but I'm also in some cases using: while (i < numChildren) getChildAt(i) update sprites. My question is when I use getChildAt, is that accessing an Array or Vector or linked list or...

C++ sort method

I want to sort a vector using std::sort, but my sort method is a static method of a class, and I want to call std::sort outside it, but it seems to be trouble doing it this way. On the class: static int CompareIt(void *sol1, void *sol2) { ... } std::sort call: sort(,, &...

C++ Vector of vectors

I have a class header file called Grid.h that contains the following 2 private data object: vector<int> column; vector<vector<int>> row; And a public method whose prototype in Grid.h is such: int getElement (unsigned int& col, unsigned int& row); The definition of above mentioned function is defined as such in Grid.cpp: int getEle...

Java: How to store Vector<String[]> in XML (or save in any other way)

Basically I have a proof-of-concept application that is a digital recipe book. Each Recipe is an object and each object has, among other fields, a Vector containing arrays. The Vector is the list of all ingredients in the Recipe while each ingredient has an array showing the name of the ingredient, the amount, and the unit for that amo...

Vector does reallocation on every push_back

IDE - Visual Studio 2008, Visual C++ I have a custom class Class1 with a copy constructor to it. I also have a vector Data is inserted using the following code Class1* objClass1; vector<Class1> vClass1; for(int i=0;i<1000;i++) { objClass1 = new Class1(); vClass1.push_back(*objClass1); delete objClass1; } Now...

C++ vector reference parameter

Hello folks, let's say we have a class class MyClass { vector<vector<int > > myMatrice; public : MyClass(vector<vector<int > > &); } MyClass::MyClass(vector<vector<int > > & m) { myMatrice = m; } During the instanciation of MyClass, I pass a big vector < vector < int > > and I find that the object is actually copied and not ...

Extracting a reference from a c++ vector

Hello folks, I have a vector< vector< vector< int>>> and I would like to extract from it a vector< vector< int>> to process it individually. The problem is that when I write : myMatrix = myCube[anIndex]; the matrix is copied but I only want a reference in order to save memory. Can you please help me out ? Thanks a lot! ...

C++: getting the address of the start of an std::vector ?

Sometimes it is useful to use the starting address of an std::vector and temporarily treat that address as the address of a regularly allocated buffer. For instance replace this: char* buf = new char[size]; fillTheBuffer(buf, size); useTheBuffer(buf, size); delete[] buf; With This: vector<char> buf(size); fillTheBuffer(&buf[0],...

unboxing, (sparse) matrices, and haskell vector library

I would like to manipulate matrices (full or sparse) efficiently with haskell's vector library. Here is a matrix type import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector as V data Link a = Full (V.Vector (U.Vector a)) | Sparse (V.Vector (U.Vector (Int,a))) type Vector a = U.Vector a As you can see, the matrix...

Function that copies into byte vector reverses values

Hey, I've written a function to copy any variable type into a byte vector, however whenever I insert something it gets inserted in reverse. Here's the code. template <class Type> void Packet::copyToByte(Type input, vector<uint8_t>&output) { copy((uint8_t*) &input, ((uint8_t*) &input) + sizeof(Type), back_inserter(output)); } Now ...

What is a truly empty std::vector in C++?

I've got a two vectors in class A that contain other class objects B and C. I know exactly how many elements these vectors are supposed to hold at maximum. In the initializer list of class A's constructor, I initialize these vectors to their max sizes (constants). If I understand this correctly, I now have a vector of objects of class ...

segfault on vector<struct>

Hello, I created a struct to hold some data and then declared a vector to hold that struct. But when I do a push_back I get damn segfault and I have no idea why! My struct is defines as: typedef struct Group { int codigo; string name; int deleted; int printers; int subpage; /*included this when it started seg...