
C++ STL: Array vs Vector: Raw element accessing performance

I'm building an interpreter and as I'm aiming for raw speed this time, every clock cycle matters for me in this (raw) case. Do you have any experience or information what of the both is faster: Vector or Array? All what matters is the speed I can access an element (opcode receiving), I don't care about inserting, allocation, sorting, et...

C++ destructor issue with std::vector of class objects

I am confused about how to use destructors when I have a std::vector of my class. So if I create a simple class as follows: class Test { private: int *big; public: Test () { big = new int[10000]; } ~Test () { delete [] big; } }; Then in my main function I do the following: Test tObj = Test(); vector<Test> tVec; tVec...

What is the best way of converting SVG file into Raphaël?

I'm trying to open simple vector graphics using Raphaël JS and I can't find any converter that would do the whole job. Is there any way to transfer vector graphics (SVG or anything from Illustrator, Inkscape) into Raphaël's JavaScript? ...

C#/XNA extensions setting instance properties

I'm making an extension to the Vector2 class. In my main code, I can say Vector2 v=new Vector2(); v.X=2; But in my extension, I can't. public static void SetToThree(this Vector2 vector) { vector.X=3; } v.SetToThree() doesn't change v. When I go line by line through the code, in the extension vector's X direction is cha...

Does reserving capacity incur two allocations or just one?

std::vector<T> vec; // line #1 vec.reserve(100); // line #2 I am wondering if line #1 triggers a small allocation (say, memory for 10 Ts), or if the first allocation happens on line #2. Does the standard say anything about that? ...

Vector insert() causes program to crash

This is the first part of a function I have that's causing my program to crash: vector<Student> sortGPA(vector<Student> student) { vector<Student> sorted; Student test = student[0]; cout << "here\n"; sorted.insert(student.begin(), student[0]); cout << "it failed.\n"; ... It crashes right at the sorted part...

What's the right way to utilize ARM SIMD on iPhone for Game vector/matrix operation?

I'm making an vector/matrix library for Game which utilizes SIMD unit on iPhone (3GS or later). How can I do this? I searched about this, now I know several options: Accelerate framework (BLAS+LAPACK+...) from Apple (iPhone OS 4) OpenMAX implementation library from ARM GCC auto-vectorization feature What's the most suitable way for v...

R: how can I concatenate a vector?

I'm trying to produce a single variable which is a concatenation of two chars e.g to go from "p30s4" "p28s4" to "p30s4 p28s4". I've tried cat and paste as shown below. Both return empty variables. What am I doing wrong? > blah = c("p30s4","p28s4") > blah [1] "p30s4" "p28s4" > foo = cat(blah) p30s4 p28s4 > foo NULL > foo = paste(c...

Performance of vector::size() : is it as fast as reading a variable?

I have do an extensive calculation on a big vector of integers. The vector size is not changed during the calculation. The size of the vector is frequently accessed by the code. What is faster in general: using the vector::size() function or using helper constant vectorSize storing the size of the vector? I know that compilers usually a...

"no inclosing instance error " while getting top term frequencies for document from Lucene index

Hello ! I am trying to get the most occurring term frequencies for every particular document in Lucene index. I am trying to set the treshold of top occuring terms that I care about, maybe 20 However, I am getting the "no inclosing instance of type DisplayTermVectors is accessible" when calling Comparator... So to this function I p...

C++ Reference of vector

Hello, class Refvect { public: vector<int> &refv; Refvect(int t, vector<int> &refv = vector<int>()) : refv(refv) { }; void operator()() { refv.clear(); } }; int main () { Refvect r(0); r(); } With Visual Studio 2010, this gives me an error : "vector iterators incompatible" at the execution, but I d...

call by reference problem : with QVector

I have in an Object an QVector of Coordinates (my type) that i want to transfer to an other Vector ( i validate and than want to use ist ). Header bool getVector(QVector<Coordinates> &getCoordinates ); C File static QVector<Coordinates> current; int getVector( QVector<Coordinates> &getCoordinates) { .... stuff ... getCoordinat...

C++ std::vector memory/allocation

From a previous question about vector capacity, Mr. Bailey said: In current C++ you are guaranteed that no reallocation occurs after a call to reserve until an insertion would take the size beyond the value of the previous call to reserve. Before a call to reserve, or after a call to reserve when the size is between the value of the ...

c++ vector.push_back error: request for member 'push_back'..., which is of non-class type 'vector(char, allocator(char)) ()()'

I'm using Cygwin with GCC, and ultimately I want to read in a file of characters into a vector of characters, and using this code #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int main (int argc, char *argv[] ) { vector<char> string1(); string1.push_back('a'); return 0; } generates this c...

How to make an C vector or array from an NSArray?

Is that possible? I've seen no method that would generate a plain old C vector or array. I have just NSNumber objects in my array which I need as C vector or array. ...

Efficiently adding or removing elements to a vector or list in R?

I'm implementing an algorithm that involves lots of adding and removing things from sets. In R, this is slow because as far as I know, adding or removing things from a vector is slow, since the entire vector has to be re-allocated. Is there a way do do it more efficiently? Edit: My current solution is to use a boolean vector of the same...

Using read() directly into a C++ std:vector

I'm wrapping up user space linux socket functionality in some C++ for an embedded system (yes, this is probably reinventing the wheel again). I want to offer a read and write implementation using a vector. Doing the write is pretty easy, I can just pass &myvec[0] and avoid unnecessary copying. I'd like to do the same and read directly ...

R: How can I reorder the rows of a matrix, data.frame or vector according to another one.

test1 <- as.matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) row.names(test1) <- c("a", "d", "c", "b", "e") test2 <- as.matrix(c(6, 7, 8, 9, 10)) row.names(test2) <- c("e", "d", "c", "b", "a") test1 [,1] a 1 d 2 c 3 b 4 e 5 test2 [,1] e 6 d 7 c 8 b 9 a 10 How can I reorder test2 so that the rows are in the same order a...

Can I use vector as index in map structure in c++?

I attempted to do something like this but it does not compile: class point { public: int x; int y; }; int main() { vector<point> vp1; vector<point> vp2; vector<point> vp3; map < vector<point>, int > m; m[vp1] = 1; m[vp2] = 2; m[vp3] = 3; map < vector<point>, int >::iterator it; ...

Convert from vector of arrays to one array

I have a vector of float arrays i.e. Vector . I want to convert this to one float array i.e. move every element in every float[] within the vector to a new float[]. Am a bit puzzled on using the Java built in method vector.toArray() to do this. Any ideas pls? ...