
How to verify sender of incoming email address in Google App Engine?

I'm trying to write a heavily email-based application in the Python SDK of Google App Engine. I've noticed that Google allows you to receive email via its API, and that it easily gives you access to the standard fields like From, To, Body, etc. However, if I'm trying to verify that an email address came from who it said it came from (kin...

How to verify email sender address is not spoofed?

As per this question I asked previously on Google App Engine, if I have access to all the information in a standard email, not just the From, To, Subject, Body fields, but also all the headers and MIME information, how can I verify that two incoming emails with the same From address are actually from the same sender. What I've consider...

Verify E-mails as they are typed

On my page a users (internal staff members) can type a comma separated list of e-mail addresses. What I would like to do is every time a comma is typed it checks that the newly written e-mail address is in the address book. Currently I have the address book stored as a Hashtable for O(1) search times but I can easily switch to another ...

User-friendly checksum validation on Mac OS?

I'm not entirely sure if this a SO or SF question, but I'll give it a go here. We're offering DMGs for download and a MD5 checksum to go with each. The question is how to instruct users of how to actually checksum and compare with the given checksum. Users aren't going to be all that tech savvy. One idea was to produce a copy-paste bas...

Why is it important to do Email verification upon sign up and is it "mandatory"?

More than a handful of websites don't require registrants to verify their Email and they seem to work fine without obliging you to go through this (minor) ordeal. It seems logical this mechanism would assure email validity and would deter a robot non grata, but is it pertinent for a low user functionality website, for example only for w...

How can I verify lock-free algorithms?

In theory, it should be possible to at least brute force a verification of a lock-free algorithm (there are only so many combinations of function calls intersecting). Are there any tools or formal reasoning processes available to actually prove that a lock-free algorithm is correct (ideally it should also be able to check for race condit...

Setup/Install project checks for a previously installed project before installing?

Is there a way for my setup/installer poject to check that another program is installed on the machine before proceeding with the install process? I am using Visual Studio 2008. ...

What in an HTML page is unique?

My question is about verification more than anything else. What can be used to determine what is unique in an HTML document? (The document can have a degree of being dynamic.) What is able to be used, or generated to recognize that a page is the correct page to an accuracy of say 99%, taking into consideration you can store a "fingerpri...

When using $.ajax in jQuery, how can I deliberately throw an error in the loaded document?

In my document I have this script: $.ajax({ type:"POST",url:"ajax.php",data:data, success: function() { //onsuccess }, error: function() { //onerror } }); How can I, in the document ajax.php, deliberately throw an error? Is it sufficient to just throw an 400 HTTP Status Code or something? (And if so,...

Online identity verification solution

Hi, I am building a Python web application and we will need a user identity verification solution... something to verify the users identity during account registration. I was wondering if anyone had any experience in integrating such a solution. What vendors/products out there have worked well with you? Any tips? I don't have any expe...

Automatic login after email address verification from email message

When users verify their email address successfully, could I just log them in automatically? I consider the following reasons to do so: The link is a random hash Users will already be annoyed by having to validate I will trust anybody who has access to the email inbox anyway, since you can reset your password Users can of course only v...

Validating Form data.

hi, I am looking for a better way to verify that no field is left blank in a form, currently this is my implementation, if you have a better one it will be welcomed, note tha I am using KryptonControls. private bool verify(Control c) { switch (c.GetType().Name) { case "KryptonTextBox": { if ((...

How to add verification service to a website?

I am currently looking for a verification service for personal and business. For example I will have a user either pick a personal or business account for the website. If the user decides on having a personal account than they would have to be check from the verification service to prove their identity. I am not sure if there is even a s...

How can I verify that all select boxes have a selected option through JavaScript or JQuery or...?

I have 2 select boxes on a page with a variable number of options in them. For instance: <fieldset> <label for="fizzwizzle">Select a Fizzwizzle</label> <select name="fizzwizzle" id="fizzwizzle" size="10"> <option>Fizzwizzle_01</option> <option>Fizzwizzle_02</option> <option>Fizzwizzle_03</option> ...

How do I get the text-form verification code when doing auto site access in Perl?

I'm playing around with Win32::IE:Mechanize to try to access some authentication-required sites automatically. So far I've achieved moderate success, for example, I can automatically log in to my yahoo mailbox. But I find many sites are using some kind of image verification mechanism, which is possibly called CAPTCHA. I can do nothing to...

Account verification by email - pros and cons

If this question has already been asked, please comment so I can remove it. I'm aware of the advantages of email verification, especially in regard to spamming (which could easily kill me since most of the functionality is in posting comments). I'm contemplating the removal of email account verification for the application I'm currentl...

Fast file integrity verification

Is there any fast algorithm that allows to compare two files (for verification purpose) without need to read the entire contents? ...

Google App Engine on Google Apps Domain

I'm having trouble getting my domain pointed to my website hosted with google app engine. Here's the background... take care to separate the concepts of "google apps" (domain hosting, email, etc.) and "google app engine" (website framework). I have a domain that's using Google Apps for Your Domain, let's call it So my login...

Account verification Yelp style, how is it more "secure" than traditional verification?

For business owners to "take control" of their business page on Yelp, they register for it. The Yelp system performs a telephone call-back. From watching to the video here, it sounds like a telephone version of what we all typically do - e-mail check. For e-mail check, it basically goes like this: User registers > verify e-mail sent ...

How to validate SSL certificate chain in ruby with net/http

How can I verify the certificates of a site like in ruby with net/http? https ='', 443) https.use_ssl = true https.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE Works so far, but how do I verify that it's the right cert now? I saved the certificate from within firefox, but the...