
Git over Email

Assuming network access is sporadic with no central server, what would be the best way to use git to keep three or more branches in sync? Is there a way to extract just my deltas, email those, and merge them on the other end? ...

Best way to version control T-SQL?

What's the best way to version control my tables, views, sprocs, etc? Preferably automated or at least semi-automated :) Thanks ...

Best general SVN Ignore Pattern?

What is the best (or as good as possible) general SVN ignore pattern to use? There are a number of different IDE, editor, compiler, plug-in, platform, etc. specific files and some file types that "overlap" (i.e. desirable for some types projects and not for others). There are however, a large number of file types that you just never ...

What is the most effective tool you've used to track changes in a CVS repository?

I'm in Quality Assurance and use Fisheye to track checkins to CVS. What other options do people use? We have tens of thousands of files and have plans for migrating to Team Foundation Server's code management tool 'at some point' When we do that, there will be lots of information that will be available. ...

How do you convert your office to build automation?

The title should say it all, then I can solidify 2 more ticks on the Joel test. I've implemented build automation using a makefile and a python script already and I understand the basics and the options. But how can I, the new guy who reads the blogs, convince my cohort of its inherent efficacy? ...

Can I see the currently checked out revision number in Tortoise SVN ?

I'd like to know what the currently checked out revision number is for a file or directory. Is there a way to do this in TortoiseSVN on Windows ? ...

Running JIRA on a VM

Anyone have any success or failure running Jira on a VM? I am setting up a new source control and defect tracking server. My server room is near full and my services group suggested a VM. I saw that a bunch of people are running SVN on VM (including NCSA). The VM would also free me from hardware problems and give me high availability...

What's the difference between Subclipse Get Contents and Get Revision?

When using the Eclipse->Team->Show History view, what's the difference between using Subclipse "Get Contents" and "Get Revision" options on a revision of a file? Is there any way to see what svn commands Subclipse is issuing behind the scenes? ...

Moving from VSS to SVN

I need to write a script to make a source safe project ready to be moved to subversion, what do I need to do so far I can think of: remove .scc files remove .vspcc files Do I need to remove the "read-only" attribute of all the files as well, or will that not matter? What language would you write this script in, I was planning to do ...

Best web front-end for SVN?

I'm researching SVN repository browsers, and it's a tiresome task given how many are out there (I started here) The "ideal" system would Run on linux Be easy to use, even for non-developer types Look nice (have a decent skin) Either have built-in access control, or be written in PHP so that I could hack it myself to hook it up to some...

How do I Upgrade to Subversion 1.5 On CentOS 5?

My development server (CentOS 5) is running Subversion 1.4.2, and I wish to upgrade it to 1.5. I have read in various blogs and documents scattered around the web that this may be done by using RPMForge. I have followed the instructions found on CentOS Wiki, including installing yum-priorities and setting my priorities as indicated (1 ...

Git - is it pull or rebase when working on branches with other people

Hi everybody, So if I'm using branches that are remote (tracked) branches, and I want to get the lastest, I'm still unclear if I should be doing git pull or git rebase. I thought I had read that doing git rebase when working on a branch with other users, it can screw them up when they pull or rebase. Is that true? Should we all be using...

Why is Visual Studio constantly crashing?!

Visual Studio randomly crashes when adding/removing references and projects. Any thoughts why? Will installing Sp1 help? EDIT: I do not work with any addons except SourceSafe. I do most of my development in connected mode. Developing using: Visual Studio 2008 WinXp Terminal Service -> Win2k3 Sp2 (64bit) VSS 8.0, 32bit ...

Is there a way to purge some files from the history of git?

I have migrated a couple of project from Subversion to git. It work really well but when I clone my repository, it's really long because I have all the history of a lot of .jar file included in the transfer. Is there a way to keep only the latest version of certain type of file in my main repository. I mainly want to delete old version ...

When to review code? Before or after checkin to MAIN?

Hi there, Browsing stackoverflow, I noticed a number of posts stating that some developers advocate code review before checkin to MAIN. However, can this really be enforced? And if so, surely it reduces the likelihood of code being refactored due to the increased overhead involved? Personally, I prefer the approach of employing continu...

What to use for version control with Visual Studio 2008 for inhouse projects?

We want to put a number of our in-house projects under version control. Our projects are C# .NET applications and assemblies. We originally decided to go Microsoft all the way (as is the norm around here), and tried installing Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. To say the least, it was way more trouble of trying to get a successful in...

Version control on a 2GB USB drive

For my school work, I do a lot of switching computers (from labs to my laptop to the library). I'd kind of like to put this code under some kind of version control. Of course the problem is that I can't always install additional software on the computers I use. Is there any kind of version control system that I can keep on a thumb dri...

What is the optimal VSTF source structure? Are there any best practices?

There are a number of other questions related to this topic: Whats a good standard code layout for a php application How to structure a java application, in other words: where do I put my classes? Recommended Source Control Directory Structure? Structure of Projects in Version Control I could not find any specific to VSTF, which has...

What is your tool for version control (FAQ)

Hi all, This is a placeholder to version control system overview. What i want to do here is : 1) List all tools used in the industry.(please provide a link to the tool discussed). 2) Gather ppl opinion on each tool.(Please back up your opinion with facts i.e provide advantages and disadvantages) Cross Links: What is your bug/task tr...

Aborting a merge in git

I've done 'git pull', and received a merge conflict. I know that the other version of the file is good, and that mine is bad (all my changes should be abandoned). How do I do this? unmerged: _widget.html.erb You are in the middle of a conflicted merge. ...