
xDebug with specific version of PHP

Is there a specific version of xDebug I should install if I'm running PHP 5.2.10 on my Linux box? ...

Compiling Apache HTTP Server (httpd) 2.2.16 with OpenSSL

Apache 2.2.16 is currently the "best available version" of the HTTP Server. I made some changes to the source and need to recompile with OpenSSL. My question is, should I use OpenSSL 0.9.8o or OpenSSL 1.0.0a? The latter is a more recent, major release, but Apache couples HTTPD 2.2.16 with OpenSSL 0.9.8o in their binary offering. See ...

.NET - what version of the framework am I currently running in (from C#)

Using C#, what is the best way to ask the .NET Runtime which version you are running under? ...

Downgrading to a previous version of an iphone app

Hello, I have an app on appstore. I uploaded a new version and it was published. But, just after that I realized an important bug in my app. Since the approvement process takes a long time, I want to downgrade to the previous version until the fixed version is approved by Apple. Are there any way for that? Thanks ...

How to determine the Boost version on a system?

Is there a quick way to determine the version of the Boost C++ libraries on a system? ...

how can I use static library build by different version of mingw?

Greetings, I am facing a complicated situation about using a static library under windows. The static library is build by a specific version of mingw which is bundled with Eiffel studio. Since Eiffel studio uses mingw to create its output as a static lib, I have no control over this configuration. If I try to use this static library w...

Collaborative Code Editing

Hi all. I work for a small web development company (6 people) and we've been in the market for a new code editor/development environment for quite some time. Currently, we're using Dreamweaver's (CS3) coding side for our site development. Each site's files is hosted on a Dreamhost ftp server. All 6 of us work on the same set of liv...

How do I install CPAN modules while using perlbrew?

I have started using perlbrew and installed perl-5.12.2. I understand I need to re-install my CPAN modules, so I switched to my new perl version (perlbrew switch perl-5.12.2 and hash -r), verified the switch was successful (perl -v) then tried installing some module (File::Copy::Recursive using cpan. However, cpan says `File::Copy::Rec...

How to update a usage of jQuery jqGrid version 3.5 to the current version 3.7.2 ?

Let's say we have the jqGrid in our ASP.Net MVC 2 application, e.g. Craig Stuntz's demo source code on his blog, and we want to update the grid's codes to version 3.7.2 (currently when this question is being asked). How can I do it? Which steps should be followed? I found here from the internet ( but there's nothing related ...

Modify Assembly Version and References (.NET)

I have an application exe plus 3 referenced assemblies in a folder. Compiled in VS2010, CLR 4.0. I'd like to modify the version of all 4 assemblies to match ( and also modify the reference section in each of those assemblies to match the new version number. Is that possible after the application was already build outside the ID...

ClickOnce Upgrade Fails after Converting to .NET 4

Our application is .NET 3.5 deployed via ClickOnce. We just upgrade to .NET 4.0 and updated the pre-requisities appropriately. The install still works fine for first-time users or users who install via the setup HTML page. It will automatically install the .NET 4 framework for them. However, users who already have the application insta...

Ruby on Rails -- How can I update ruby to >= 1.8.7

Hello, I've been trying to figure this out but its starting to make me want to pull my hair out. I'm installing RoR on a new machince using instantrails. Whenever I run "gem update --system", I get the error for several gems? that "activesupport requires Ruby version >= 1.8.7" I run "ruby -v" and it returns "ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 pat...

Checking Version of Python Interpreter Upon Execution of Script With Invalid Syntax

I have a Python script that uses Python version 2.6 syntax (Except error as value:) which version 2.5 complains about. So in my script I have included some code to check for the Python interpreter version before proceeding so that the user doesn't get hit with a nasty error, however, no matter where I place that code, it doesn't work. On...

Making 2.2 Android Application compatible for 1.5+

Howdy, I wrote an application using the Android 2.2 SDK (API level 8). It is running well in the emulator, but now I want it to be compatible to Android 1.5+ (API level 3)or Android 1.6+ (API level 4). The problem is that it crashes in the emulator when I try to run it on these versions. What is a good approach to make it compatible to...

Check on .Net framework version from WinForms app

How to check the .net framework version on start of WinForms application that wrote on .NET 3.5? If .net 3.5 is not installed, the application should show the message about it (may be with link on .net installer or some else). Now it show some error that is not clear for user. ...

On which Android version can I start using the geolocation feature for an application I develop?

On which Android version can I start using the geolocation feature for an application I develop? ...

Augmented reality on Android: which version of the OS would be needed ?

Which version of Android is needed to create a working augmented reality application ? ...

Add Reference VS 2008 strange issue with paths

I have VS 2008 Team Suite, and use TFS. I have references in 2 folders in TFS: path in TFS: $Arquitectura\Main\ReferenciasFrk\Release\ mapped to: C:\Trabajo\Arquitectura\Main\ReferenciasFrk\Release\ path in TFS: $Arquitectura\Main\Referencias Externas\ mapped to: C:\Trabajo\Arquitectura\Main\Referencias Externas\ I have project cspr...

Gfortran versions 4.1.2 and 4.2.3

Hey everybody, i am deploying my code from a cluster running on ubuntu onto a cluster with identical hardware, but with red hat and as it seems older gfortran compiler. The source is actually compiled by ifort, but since it is not installed on the red had cluster, i may have to switch to gfortran. Now the problem is that the code does ...

MySQL Connector and MySQL Server Version 4.0.25

I'm trying to use the MySQL Connector/Net to connect a c# program to a MySQL Server. Problem is, the MySQL server is version 4.x, and the connector throws this exception: Connector/Net no longer supports server versions prior to 5.0 Is there a way to connect to this older MySQL Server? ...