
Etiquette: Version bump my fork of opensource project?

This question is about etiquette and open source projects. I have forked an application from github and added two new features. The first feature has been request frequently elsewhere. I have added it. Code & implementation are clean (I think). The second feature is more of a hack. It will be of use to others, but the implementati...

Monotone-increasing Version Number based on Mercurial Commits

When I was using subversion for the code for an application, I could append a period and the result of svnversion to the version number to create a unique and monotone-increasing version number and also be guaranteed that any check-out of the same revision of the code would generate the same version number. In Mercurial, because revisio...

How to make sure web services are kept stable from one release to the next?

The company where I work is a software vendor with a suite of applications. There are also a number of web services, and of course they have to be kept stable even if the applications change. We haven't always succeeded with this, and sometimes a customer finds that a service is not behaving as before after upgrading. We now want to han...

Notification to the end users about a newer version

Hi, I am having an application that will be installed on various machines. Now if i have a newer version than the installed one, i need to inform the users that an update is available. An update that shows up in Mozilla Firefox about a newer version,similar to that. Is this possible to implement?? Or how those Firefox guys implementing t...

MOSS - Full versioning on custom lists

Hi, We have developed a custom content type and a list to support that content type. The goal is that we want to create a simple list with meta data and have full versioning applied to it. We ran into this problem I while back and made a temporary solution to actually use a document library in order to get the full versioning. The prob...

How can we manage ProductVersion(A Windows Resource) automatically?

Windows resources have a FileVersion and a ProductVersion. In native development environment(eg. Win32 app, device driver) How do you manage the ProductVerion automatically? My language is c/c++. And I use Visual Studio 2008. I want to increase the version automatically when I build my projects. Is it possible? I guess there is a sim...

Maven: How to create assembly with snapshot artifacts without timestamps file name?

I've a repository containing snapshot artifacts with timestamps. I want to create an assembly, that contains the dependencies. This works fine. But the artifact names contains the timestamp. So i wonder how to remove the timestamp from filename for the assembly only. I've used this dependencySet: <outputFileNameMapping>${artifact.arti...

XCode project version bump, is there automated way?

Hello, I would like to know if there are any automated ways to bump up the version number of an xcode project? I was using Jeweller with Ruby which has really nice command line option to bump up the version number on a project. The option were major, minor, or patch. X.X.X Is there any similar (semi-)automated way to bump a version nu...

How to name multiple versioned ServiceContracts in the same WCF service?

When you have to introduce a breaking change in a ServiceContract, a best practice is to keep the old one and create a new one, and use some version identifier in the namespace. If I understand this correctly, I should be able to do the following: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "")] public interface IVersionedSer...

Maintaining both free and pro versions of an application

I want to create a PRO version of my application for Android and was wondering how to structure my repository. For know I have a trunk and feature branches. I'd like to put a pro version in another branch but maybe there is a better way? For example, maybe I should create two branches - one for free version, the other for pro? Pro vers...

CQRS event versioning

Versioning If your events changes you would create a new version of that event, and keep the old ones. To keep your domain code form being bloated with handling of all versions of events you would basically introduce a component that converts your events from previous to newer versions, and then apply them on the domain. Remember...

Building and versioning on Iphone

Hi, I created an app long time ago using the last SDK on Mac Leopard, I upgrade to Snow Leopard and so now I use the new SDK and can build app for Iphone 3.1.3, I've got a problem now because I can't build my app on my OS Iphone device 3.1 or 3.1.2 How can I change it and allow my app to aso build in older version beginning to 3.1 ? T...

Design ideas for a versioned db schema with related tables also versioned

Here is the drill, I want to version a database. I have done this before using multiple rows where the table primary key becomes a combination of the row id and either a datestamp or a version #. Now I want to version a table that depends on many other small tables. Versioning each table will be a giant PITA, so I am looking for goo...

How to track history of db tables that include many-to-many mapping tables?

I have seen several questions here on tracking db history, but can't seem to find one that matches our situation. We need to track the history of several tables, some of which are many-to-many linking tables. Eg say we have this schema: EntityA id name EntityB id name ABLink A_id B_id So, tracking changes to EntityA or EntityB see...

Handling versioning in a continuous integration environment

How do you handle versioning in a continuous integration environment where there is a development branch and a release branch? I'm using git so there is no incrementing repository version to use. Seems like there will be overlapping versions such as 1.1.0 on the dev branch and 1.1.0 on the release branch. Do you just append the text "dev...

Versioning SharePoint binary Workflow ASPX task forms

Hello. As noted by some developers, workflow versioning is somekind of headache in SharePoint. I`m wondering is there a way I can version my aspx forms? For sure, i can version code behind assemblies, but if markup changes for any of my files in LAYOUTS folder? Is there versioning available for files or do i have to choose new filename...

Need a C# Assembly to reference a strongly named assembly loosely.

So here's the problem. I'm writing some StyleCop plug-in assemblies for use at the company I work for. As such, these assemblies need to reference Microsoft.StyleCop.CSharp.dll for example, which is strongly named. The problem comes in that if I build this and pass it along to the developers in my group, they must have the same versio...

Starting from which integer is it better to switch to another product brand versioning scheme (year-based, codenames, ...)?

Take a few examples: DirectX 11 Silverlight 4 OpenGL 4 Firefox 3 I find that it is a little bit silly to have such high product version numbers: What it will mean when they'll reach version number 20? Products are just evolutions from one version to another, and the psychological impact is inversely proportional to the numbe...

Add a version number to the title of a LaTeX document.

Hi. The title section of my LaTeX documents usually look like \title{Title} \author{Me} %\date{} %// Today's date will appear when this is commented out. \begin{document} \maketitle I'd really like to add another line in the title section for a version number: \title{Title} \author{Me} \version{v1.2} %\date{} %// Today's d...

Revisions: algorithm and data structure

Hi, I need ideas for structuring and processing data with revisions. For example, I have a database of objects (e.g. cars). Each object has a number of properties, which can be arbitrary, so there's no a set schema to describe these objects. These objects are probably saved as key-value pairs. Now I need to change property of an object....