
WCF Versioning restful way problem

i have two methods in Icontact and wcf service, i want to version one method for new requirement. and want existing clients to call old code. and new client to call the new changed method and existing method for backward compatibility. code: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "", Name = "cService")] public interfa...

Table of Oracle DB versions supported by newest ODBC driver

I want to know which ODBC driver version is recommended for Oracle 9 and 10. Is there official Oracle document that says that newest version of Oracle ODBC driver can or even should be used with older servers? ...

In NHIbernate, why does SaveOrUpdate() update the Version, but SaveOrUpdateCopy() doesn't?

I have a versioned entity, and this is what happens when I use SaveOrUpdate() vs. SaveOrUpdateCopy(): // create new entity var entity = new Entity{ Id = Guid.Empty }); Console.WriteLine(entity.Version); // prints out 0 // save the new entity GetNewSession(); entity.SaveOrUpdate(); Console.WriteLine(entity.Version); // prints out 1 Get...

Manage spreadsheet versioning

We have a lot of VBA code in spreadsheets and a lot of time people save them to local drives. When we want to upgrade the spreadsheets we push a new version out to a shared drive but dont have any way of enforcing that people dont use the old versions of the spreadsheets. Is there some best practice here to deploy vba spreadsheets so...

Is it really wrong to version documents using CouchDB's default behaviour?

This is one of those "I know I shouldn't do this but it's oh so convenient." questions. Sorry about that. I plan to use CouchDB for storing a bunch of documents and keeping their entire revision history. CouchDB does the versioning automatically, but it is strongly discouraged for programmer's use: "You cannot rely on document revis...

versioning fails for onetomany collection holder

given parent entity @Entity public class Expenditure implements Serializable { ... @OneToMany(mappedBy = "expenditure", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true) @OrderBy() private List<ExpenditurePeriod> periods = new ArrayList<ExpenditurePeriod>(); @Version private Integer version = 0; ... } and child one...

Helping Rails Newbies identify version-specific information on web pages

I am trying to help some people getting started programming on rails identify which version that advice found on web pages corresponds to, and am seeking advice and/or guides on how to do it so they don't have to rely on me and/or waste time trying outdated advice. Narrative: I am helping some people get up to speed on rails developmen...

LINQ to Entities, SQL Server version and setting ProviderManifestToken at runtime

We have developers some developers who are developing against a SQL Server 2005 database, while others are using 2008. We just discovered that generating the edmx against a 2008 database set the ProviderManifestToken to 2008, which means some queries won't work against a 2005 database. While this is a known issue, is there any way to...

vestal_versions and htmldiff question of reversion...

I'm guessing there's probably an easier way to do what I'm doing so that the code is less unwieldy. I had trouble understanding how to use the revert_to method... i wanted something where i could call up two different versions at the same time, but this doesn't seem to be the way that vestal_versions works. This code works, but I'm won...

Definition of "downstream" and "upstream"

I've started playing with Git and have come across the terms "upstream" and "downstream". I've seen these before but never understand them fully. What do these terms mean in the context of SCMs and source code? ...

How does versioning work when using Boost Serialization for Derived Classes?

When a Client serializes the following data: InternationalStudent student;"Client ID"); student.firstName("Client First Name");"Client Country"); the Server receives the following: ID = "Client ID" Country = "Client First Name" instead of the following: ID = "Client ID" Country = "Client Country" The...

having a test debug app and a released debug app side by side

When I download my app from the iStore, the latest test version installed to my phone gets over written. Does anyone know how to have two versions of the same app side by side? On a test project, I edited the build settings so that "realease" and "debug" have different product names. This seemed to solve my problem, however when I try t...

What are the constraints on Cocoa Framework version numbers?

We're distributing a Cocoa framework with regular updates. We'll be updating the version numbers with each release. The Apple documentation appears to suggest that version numbers should be consecutive incrementing integers. We are distributing output in several formats, and the framework is only one of them. We would rather not have to ...

php gdlib angle problem

I'm using php gd lib 5.2.13 and tried to make a picture with imagettftext ($image, $color and $font are defined of course). imagettftext($image, 12, 90, 10, 20, $black, $font, "This.is_a test 123"); //image, font size, angle, x value, y value, color, font, text As you can see I want the angle to be 90°. The problem is that the text is...

Sharing an assembly between ASP.NET and Silverlight

Hi, I've created an assembly to share it between my main app and the silverlight app. At the beginning it looked like it was going to work but now I get this exception: "System.IO.FileNotFoundException was caught, Message="Could not load file or assembly 'System.Xml.Linq". I'm using .NET 3.5 Sp1 and Silverlight 3. That shared assembly...

Can Sharepoint document library support folder versioning?

Will the sharepoint document library support folder versioning? For example, I have a document library with a folder say, 'My Folder'. Can i create a new folder with the same name so that there will be multiple versions of that folder. ...

Versioning issues with assemblies

Let's assume I have two assemblies: MyExecutable.dll version 1.0.0 MyClassLibrary.dll version 1.0.0 Now, MyExecutable.dll currently uses MyClassLibrary.dll's classes and methods (which include some algorithms). Most of those algorithms were made on the run, being that later I'll want to refine them if needed. This means, I won't c...

How to: database versioning with maven2?

I am finding any maven plugin for versioning database changes. ...

Cannot get assembly version for footer

I'm using the automatic build versioning mentioned in this question (not the selected answer but the answer that uses the [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] technique). I'm doing this in the footer of my Site.Master file in MVC 2. My code for doing this is as follows: <div id="footer"> <a href="emailto:[email protected]">webmaster...

CouchDB Versioning / Auditing

I'm attempting to use CouchDB for a system that requires full auditing of all data operations. Because of its built in revision-tracking, couch seemed like an ideal choice. But then I read in the O'Reilly textbook that "CouchDB does not guarantee that older versions are kept around." I can't seem to find much more documentation on t...