
Aligning assembly version numbers with TFS Buildnumber

I am wondering if there is a way to synchronize the build numbers (20080213.1) without using the BuildNumberOverrideTarget where I would have to generate my own build number? I basically want to use the default/built-in tfs buildnumber generator but want to access it to align my assembly versions with it. Can this be done and is it a sen...

How can I set leading zeros in AssemblyVersion like "2.03.406.2" in .net

just adding a zero like below [assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.03.406.2")] results in 2.3.406.2 which is not what I want. So this may not be possible? ...

.NET remoting, versioning and interfaces

I have a large .NET remoting project using the 2.0 framework. The server's API is exposed via interfaces and shared types are contained in an assembly shared with the client application. I have some methods that accept arrays of a base class that has many different classes inheriting from it. For example I have base class "Vehicle" tha...

What arguments can be made to a client/boss for SUN Teamware -> modern SCM migration?

The team where I work still uses SUN Teamware for Source Code Management (SCM). I've worked with it for a while now (over 10 months) and I don't have any particular complaints about it. Teamware has been used to manage Sun’s largest source trees, including those for the Solaris operating system and the Java system, and it works pretty w...

Does Windows Installer use Assembly Version or File Version to update dlls

I have a .net (2.0) winforms application that I need to upgrade on client machines. At the moment this is done by incrementing the Assembly Version and File Version on all of the projects and incrementing the version on the Installer project in VS2008. The application now makes use of Isolated Storage to save some user settings in an XM...

Is platform enforced versioning mechanism most sorely needed feature of java?

As developer, I am often interested in new language feature that can make your life easier. For example, java 5 brought generics and annotations to the language, features that can definitely boost your productivity. However, when I look back at close to a decade working on java platform, I find that the versioning related problems are t...

VS2005: How to automatically generate a build number with date?

I have a .net 2.0 C# application in Visual Studio 2005 for which I'd like to automatically generate the correct version build number which should contain a number that allows me to guess the build date of the application. I tried to use the 'AssemblyInfo Task' tool from Microsoft but by default this tool doesn't work. For today it would ...

Experience with local version control of SVN working copy?

At my place of work, we use SVN and TortoiseSVN (Windows XP) as a client. I have a longish commute and work offline during that. Now, I'd like to have some sort of "extended undo" locally; i.e. I would like to have local version control of my SVN working copy, in order to dare to refactor for example. Switching altogether to e.g. git, me...

In a distributed architecture, why is it difficult to manage versions ?

I see this time and time again. The UAT test manager wants the new build to be ready to test by Friday. The one of the first questions asked, in the pre-testing meeting is, "what version will I be testing, against?" (which is a fair question to ask). The room goes silent, then someone will come back with, "All the assemblies have the...

How do I change an EXE or DLL version number from the command line?

I need to build an old VB6 application with a version number where the 4th digit is greater than 9999, for example, version VB6 won't let you do this; the build fails. The current workaround is to build version and then manually edit the file in Visual Studio to insert the correct version. There must be a bett...

VB.NET Interface / Late Binding Sort Of

Let me give a scenario then see if anyone has a solution / work-around. I've got a library (DLL) that contains only classes. In another library, I've got interfaces that the classes in the first library implement. Clients will always reference only one version of the library containing the interfaces (always the latest one) - and only...

Deciding on version numbers

DUPLICATE Hello, So I recently saw that Groovy was released to version 1.6 and while listening to the Java Posse Podcast they were commenting how there was so much packed into this release it should have been a 2.0 release. That got me thinking. Are version number...

Can I have some version numbering advice?

Our product has a long history (12 years or so). It's origins are in VB3 (Version 1) and later VB6 (Version 2). (Version numbers were a "dogs breakfast" and version control was a nightmare. I've been involved here for a couple of years now. We have Version 3 in development on the .Net platform but version 2 continues to be supported wi...

URLs in Win32 VERSIONINFO resources?

One of our managers has decided that the CompanyName in our EXE/DLL files (in the VERSIONINFO resource) should contain our URL (e.g. "OurCompany -"). I think this is a bad idea, because it could lead to unintended consequences. It also offends the aesthete in me, because the field's not call CompanyNameAndUrl, ...

How do AssemblyInfo attributes map to Win32 VERSIONINFO?

When you view the properties for a binary file that contains a VERSIONINFO resource, Windows adds a "Version" tab, which displays that information. Is there a list of which .NET assembly attributes map to which VERSIONINFO fields, so we can control these easily for our .NET assemblies? ...

How to safely update a live website

We have a fairly simple Django-based website for doing CRUD operations. I've been doing testing and development locally and then checking out releases and database schema changes onto the live server once testing is done. We've recently run into a problem when releasing some types of changes. Imagine the following sequence of events: U...

View current Assembly Version number within VS2008

I would like to know if there is a way to see Assembly Version number of the last completed build within the Visual Studio 2008 IDE. I don't want to see the 1.0.* that is in the Assembly Information dialog box or AssemblyInfo file, but rather the full version (with the *'s replaced by real numbers). I also don't want to have to bring u...

What's the easiest way to add automatic version information to MSSQL tables?

Hi there, The information should be 2 date time columns(inserted/updated) with ms precision and should be automatically updated by the server whenever someone inserts, or updates a row. ...

WCF Service Backwards Compatibility Check

I have just written a new version of a WCF web service and I want to make sure that I have not made any breaking changes with regard to Service and Data contracts. Thinking back to my days as a VB6 Com Api developer I recall how easy it was to specify the previous release version of the component at compile time, and have the compiler c...

XML Versioning Algorithm

I'm looking for an efficient way to compare and get differences between two XML-based parse trees. What would you suggest to be the best way to store those differences? I would have done this: XML A: <w:p> <w:pPr> <w:spacing w:after="1"/> </w:pPr> <w:r> <w:t>World</w:t> </w:r> </w:p> XML B: <w:p> <w:pPr> <w:s...