
HTML 5 Video Tag

Hi! This is my first dip into HTML5, firstly is there a special way to open the html tag? I read a stack overflow question, which seemed to result in the fact that an rtsp could be srced in a video tag. So I have attempted to do so! I have the following HTML...

video information in silverlight

how can i read information (the summary) from a video file i am playing in mediaelement like name, poster, album ... like media player do or even read a file properties ... ...

HTTP Streaming for less than 1000 daily views

I want to use http streaming (ie. partial download) to serve some videos (medium to HD quality) to public. Idea is to have videos on server and offer some web page with embedded video player for user to watch selected video. Planned capacity is about 250 to 1000 daily views, with low concurrency requirement (ie. not many users in para...

Can I play a video backwards in AIR

Hi I need to play a .mov file backwards in my Flex app. Some help?? ...

Does such a video player exists for Flex

Hi Is there a video player for Flex which allows me to play videos at slower or faster rates and reverse play it? ...

Dynamically inserting text and images into a video?

Does anyone know if there is a library or 3rd party service/api that would allow me to insert text and images into a video dynamically? I imagine you could do something like this with flash. The processing time has to be less than 1 second.. so I'm not talking about actually generating a new video file on the server. ...

detect and parse embedded video in html?

I am working on a project which requires me to detect and extract the embed code of videos on a web page. I know the tag is used to embed videos, however, the specification says that it can also be used for other things like images. So how do i deterministically know that an tag contains a video within? or is there some other way to...

Simple Gallery Layout for Videos [jQuery]

<ul id="thumb"> <li class="active"><a href="#"><img src="img/thumb1.png" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="img/thumb2.png" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="img/thumb3.png" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#"><img src="img/thumb4.png" alt="" /></a></li> </ul> <div id="video-display"> <div class="...

Full-bleed background video?

Similar to this question (that one doesn't want to use Flash, though, while I'd be fine with it): Is there a reliable, works-in-most-browsers way to have a full-area Video background in an HTML page, the Video starting to play automatically and looping endlessly, and being able to put HTML on top of it? I'm fine with using a Flash vid...

video scaling using C#

I need to perform video scaling in my C++ app. I know I can use COM to communicate to C#, and I know C# can perform video scaling, so I am thinking of bridging the two worlds. How can I, using C#, scale a video image which is in memory, and then get the video data after the image is scaled? This question seems similar but how do I get...

How to Get iPhone Video or Photo's Geotag? Using UIImagePicker

I am building an app that allows user to pick videos/photos from camera or photo library. If picked from photo library, is it possible to access to the video or photo's geotag? Thanks! ...

Where should I host my Silverlight videos?

I am writing a Silverlight application which displays large applications. It uses MediaElement and the user can scroll to any particular point in the video. However, I don't want to have to host these large videos myself. What is the easiest/best option for hosting? (A sort of youtube for silverlight if you want) ...

How to add Scroll news in a Video using C#

Hi, I am new in this area. I am trying to create a news scroll bar which will scroll over a video using C# . Where will I find necessary helps, or is it even possible? Please post your say . it's urgent... Thanks ...

How to prevent flv hotlinking?

I am loading an flv file from an s3 location. I want to revent its hotlinking. crossdomain.xml does not seem to work for flvs Anybody has nay idea, why crossdmain does not work? and what are the ways we can prevent other flash containers to extract the content from our location? ...

Skip UIImagePickerController Preview View?

I'm using UIImagePickerController to allow my user to select a video from the asset library. When the UIImagePickerController is initially displayed, it shows thumbnails for the various movies that have been recorded. Once the user selects a movie, it displays a "preview" view which allows them to playback and potentially edit the se...

Video not displaying properly

I am working on Anroid (with Eclipse and SDK) trying to stream video into a VideoView. Sometimes the video works, but other times I get an error that the video cannot be displayed. Here is the code: //video private Uri mPath; private VideoView mVid; mPath = Uri.parse("android.resource://com.accuweather.wordweather/" + R.raw...

Avoid Video Compression when Selecting Movie with UIImagePickerController?

I'm using UIImagePickerController to allow my user to select a video from the asset library. When the user selects the "Choose" button on the second screen, the view displays a progress bar and a "Compressing Video..." message. Why is this happening? Is there some way I can avoid this compression operation? ...

Picking a HD video from library in iOS4 shows 'compressing video', results in horribly compressed video

Why is it that if I pick a video from the library in my application I'm given this horribly pixelated/compressed video but if I take the video with the camera in my application I'm given a nice video file, this is on the iphone 4. Sample of video taken w/in the app: Sample of vi...

is html5 doctype necessary for functioning of video tag?

just because the video tag is used does the whole page have to be HTML5?? i did not think so...what do you think? I have understanding that video tag ( <video> ) it is not strict HTML5 (partly because strict does not yet exist) nor is HTML5 used or needed to implement the video tag- that the tag can function in HTML4 /regular old HTML...

How to add the functionality in video ?

Hi suppoose we i have video in object tag not with javascript functionality i want to play pause stop forward backward that video ... suppose my object tag is. what could be functionality in javascript so that that video should play pause stop forward backward.. Please help Thanks... ...