
Where can I find a collection of sample videos that use various container formats / codecs / bitrates / resolutions to use as test data?

I'd like to get hold of a wide range of videos to use as test data. I'd ideally need Flash, Quicktime and Windows Media containers with video content at various bitrates and resolutions. Before I set out gathering or creating such a collection myself, does anyone know if a similar repository of sample video data already exists? Perhaps ...

Variable bitrate streaming with Amazon Cloudfront

Hey there - does anyone know what I need to do to set up variable bit-rate streaming with Amazon Cloudfront. I am not using JWPlayer but have built my own flash player. What calls to I need to make to Cloudfront and how do I make them? Or is it all handled on the client side? I am using FMS 3.5. Any help greatly appreciated. ...

sorting flash overlap problem wmode='opaque'

Hi every one, im trying to fix the flash overlap using regular expressions. here is an example of markup im trying to convert to my needs <object width="440" height="300" data= ";amp;color1=0xb1b1b1&amp;amp;color2=0xd0d0d0&amp;amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;feature=player_embedded&amp;amp;fs=1" typ...

Video with iPhone 3.0 OS application getting crash while running in iphone 4.0 OS.

Hi, I am having a crash issue while playing video in iphone 4.0 OS. Actually, I have created application with base SDK 3.0 and now i am just installing application to 4.0 OS device. It is not working in that... I have debugged that issue and found that in 4.0 OS, apple change the framework and methods to play the video. Any one help m...

How to encode some frames into Key frame + dependable frames?

How to encode some frames into Key frame + dependable frames? From C#, using some thing like FFMPEG or its wrapper or sending data from my app using pipe to FFMPEG...? So I create RGB (or I can provide BGR etc) frames - 100 for example. from them I want to create some H264 or onVP8 peace of video data. Is it possible, how to do it? ...

How can I use AviSynth to resize a region of a video

Hi, I have a video file in which part of the video file has been set to the wrong aspect ratio (by "part" I mean a particular rectangular area of the video, NOT a particular timespan). Is it possible to use AviSynth to resize just this area of the video? I'm familiar with the concept of avisynth and some very basic scripting, but am un...

Supplying option to user to play video with or without audio

I am using VideoView to play an mp4 video. I would like to give the user the option of watching this video with sound or mute the sound if he/she chooses. I do not use the mediaController allowing the user to stop and play, I have "touch" events controlling this. UPDATE: I have a menu that I have added a "mute" icon to. Now I am try...

Video speed is lke 3x normal when I play it in a device...

Thing is, when I test my movie on the iphone simulator, the video speed is ok, but when I play it on the device, an iPhone, the video speed is like 3x faster than normal... This is my code: mMoviePlayer = [ [MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:[self movieURL] ]; mMoviePlayer.moviePlayer.controlStyle = MPMovie...

Is it possible to use FFMPEG as live encoder in pipe? (for live stream encoding)

So in my code I am building video frames, 720×480x24bit. I have in mind generating a large number of these, at 30fps, can I use ffmpeg to encode them in to MPEG2 or FLV or VP8 in kind of live mode and get them out in live mode by other programm I created by creating unnamed pipe like FramesGenerator.exe -| FFmpeg.exe args -| LiveE...

Best Overall FFMPEG FLV Quality

First of all, FFMPEG has the worst documentation of all time... secondly, the syntax is so trivial that it's hard to understand what some lines are doing. What I'm looking to accomplish is the best quality FLV with the lowest file size. After all, isn't that everyone's goal? These video will be streamed if that makes a difference. Perh...

Meaning of ffmpeg output (tbc, tbn, tbr)

Hey - I am using ffmpeg to tell me video info. Specifically: 'ffmpeg -i video.ext' I get the output: 'Stream #0.0[0x1e0]: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 704x576 [PAR 12:11 DAR 4:3], 9578 kb/s, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 50 tbc' Does anyone know what tbr, tbn and tbc are exactly? I have seen speculation on the net but nothing definitive? Thanks i...

How to create function for FFmpeg lib to encode frame into any (possible) format?

So how to create something which would have something like this in its api: Encoder = EncoderFormat(format name); // prepare encoder //...code for frames generation... now we want to encode frame!// EncodeFrame(const CImage* src, void* dest, int* is_keyframe, more args if needed); Is it possible? Please could any one provide simple ex...

Convert MPEG-TS to mp4

I have an MPEG-TS tha Id'like to convert into a mp4 file. The MPEG-TS contains AAC audio and h.264 video. So with ffmpeg i can simply do ffmpeg -i input.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.mp4. But I want to do this on the iPhone programmatically. So on the iPhone I don't wan't to use ffmpeg because it's LGPL and I would like to use some...

Linux images to video, double digit problem

i have a list of images which im trying to convert to a video. the images are the following: t2.jpg t3.jpg t4.jpg I can convert those three images into a video with: ffmpeg -r 5 -i t%d.jpg -y -an video.avi but if i turn the names to t20.jpg,t30.jpg and t40.jpg, it doesn't work anymore. and changing %d to %02d doesn't make any differen...

How to call Youtube .playVideo() with jquery?

I would like to insert a youtube video and play it right away, I am not quite sure how to get this to work with jquery on live click. Any ideas? var youTubeVideo = '<object width="370" height="260"><param name="movie"' + ' value="[ID]&amp;amp;hl=en_US&amp;amp;fs=1?rel=0enablejsapi=1&amp;p...

Using ffmpeg with audio in a video

I am using ffmpeg to convert one video format to another: "ffmpeg -ac 1 -i vid1.mp4 -sameq vid1.avi" And I am getting the error: "encoding 6 channel(s) is not allowed in mp2" Now I understand what this means - and the transcoding works fine if I switch sound transcoding off (using "-an" option). How do I get around this and still ret...

iPhone 4's LED Backlight

Hi there. I am trying to figure out how to use the UIIMagePicker or some way to use the iPhone 4's Backlight LED. I am trying to use a UIView with a button on it to turn the LED on & off without showing any video. Is this even possible? Any help? EDIT I've been using AVCaptureDevice class or at least trying to. When it comes to importi...

.NET Video Audio Chat

i am a beginner in terms of application development. so far i have developed a peer to peer game of BattleShips in C# and a peer to peer game of Connect 4 in Java. for my next project i have decided to go multimedia. i would like to implement a peer to peer chat program that uses Audio/Video streaming to each client as well as text ch...

Can I detect h264 support in code?

For an installer I'm building, I need to be able to warn the user if they don't have an h264 codec installed. At this point in the process I don't have any such video to play or anything, I just need to detect the ability to do so. Is this possible? Unfortunately I can't rely on the computer having anything much already installed, such...

Pile of images to video

What's the best way of turning a pile of images into a video? I'm on Linux, by the way. ...