
Chrome: flash video players doesn't work properly...!!

hi, I can watch the videos but i can't control the volume,seek,play or pause just watch n leave....and that happens only on facebook ...

Weird crash when saving managedObjectContext

I am getting a weird crash when I try to save my model. This is my code: TJModel *model = [TJModel sharedTJModel]; NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init]autorelease]; [request setReturnsObjectsAsFaults:NO]; NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"TJVideoList"inManagedObjectContext:[model ...

Android MediaPlayer Streaming from a PHP Redirect does not work-out!

Hi, The company I work for is developing an Android App that plays a video file from a URL on web. The video URL is a parameter for a PHP script that encode it properly and redirects to the encoded video as shown below: header('Content-Type: video/'.$format); header('Location:'.$output_video); Where $output_video is the URL to the en...

How to check for html5 video support?

Is there any JavaScript or any other way of checking for html5 video support? ...

Does Facebook API video-upload work only with OAuth v1?

I cannot get video upload to work with OAuth 2 access-token. The request always fails to even connect (timeout). With almost identical code, I have successfully uploaded photos. The only video-upload example code I can find uses OAuth 1.x. Does video not yet support OAuth...

How can I save first frame of a video as image?

I want to extract first frame of uploaded video and save it as image file. Possible video formats are mpeg, avi and wmv. One more thing to consider is that we are creating an ASP.NET website. ...

Youtube videos in a WinForms c# app: Listing playlists and controlling a video

This question is about accessing YouTube content via a C# WinForms application. The requirements are: To retrieve the metadata for a playlist, or for all playlists from a given artist. To embed video and play it from within the app, synced to external timing events. Approaches we've thought of: Use the YouTube Data API Protocol to ...

How do you create a video file upload form with Django?

I want a user to be able to upload a video from their computer or record it right from their webcam, then fill out other information with a form. I'm writing this app with Django. ...

the best way to Encode Video For Android

Dear all, I have videos that should be run on android. and those videos will be host on web server - so my android app will hit the web server to play the video. I try several way to encode the video and the result is not good enough, sometimes the sound and the video is not align or sometimes the video is not shown but i can still he...

Android: recorded video seems *distorted*

Hi all I'm trying to record video from the Camera using the MediaRecorder. Here's a code snippet snip.. mr.setAudioSource( MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC ); mr.setVideoSource( MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA); mr.setOutputFormat( MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP ); mr.setAudioEncoder( MediaRecorder.AudioEncoder.AMR_NB ); ...

video continu website

Hello I would like to create an website that display video in continu like TV. i am not sure which technology to use. The app will give a feel like a tv to the users. any suggestion or link you can share? ...

finding duplicate video files by database (millions), fingerprint? pattern recognition?

Howdy. In the following scenario: I got a project having a catalog of currently some ten thousand video files, the number is going to increase dramatically. However lots of them are duplicates. With every video file I have associated semantic and descriptive information which I want to merge duplicates to achive better results for eve...

Cocoa Objective C - How can i convert an array of images to a video file, and save it to disk?

My Cocoa application is a socket server which receives video frame from my iphone, and displays them on the screen as a video. I am saving every image in an array after i receive them. Is there a way to convert this array of images to a video file and let the user to save this file to disk? Thanks ...

How to encode uploaded video files to .flv format in PHP

My platform is PHP JOOMLA MYSQL. I want to encode and load uploaded video files of different formats to .flv. I want this to implement in a video upload site where the users can see the videos in front-end after uploading and also I want to implement download options for them in mp4 and flv. Any help would be appreciated and thanks in ad...

Encode uploaded video files using php to .flv

My platform is PHP JOOMLA MYSQL. I want to encode and load uploaded video files of different formats to .flv. I want this to implement in a video upload site where the users can see the videos in front-end after uploading and also I want to implement download options for them in mp4 and flv. Any help would be appreciated and thanks in ad...

Dynamic Transcoding and streaming

hello, im trying to work out the best way to have my site dynamicly transcode and stream video files to users who are mostly on mobile devices, site is php/mysql based and running on a windows 2003 server which i have full access to, any ideas how best to do this - id rather not need to transcode videos on upload if possible ...

Is there a C# library that supports both video screen and webcam capture?

Hi guys, I'm working on a project written in C# that records both the user's screen and webcam. I've currently used Windows Media Encoder for recording the screen but am still working on webcam capture. I've been looking for information on webcam capture and WME, but it seems that it isn't usually used for such. I feel that it is bett...

is there a way to access the pixels of a video?

Having a video file, there is any way to access single pixel values? thanks in advance! ...

J2me: no support for FocusControl in Nokia?

Hi, I am developing a J2me app which uses the camera to take a snapshot and then decodes it (using Zxing library). The target is Nokia phones. I need to use the focus to have a clear image, if not, it is difficult to decode the image. Since the series 40, the control "videocontrol" and "SnapShopControl" are available. I thought that fo...

Enable UIImagePickerController video compression

Is there a way to enable video compression on video files recorded with UIImagePickerController? When videos are selected from cameraroll with UIImagePickerController they are automatically compressed. Are there any other way of compress a video? I've got access to the file with a NSURL. ...