
VIM open file from within :shell command

Lets say I issue :shell command from withing VI. Then I navigate to a directory and decide that I need to edit foo.txt file which I see there. Is there a way to return back to vi from the shell and have foo.txt opened for editing ...

Auto insert text at a newline in vim

I am editing a LaTeX file with vim. When I am in the \begin{itemize} environment, is there any way to tell vim to autoinsert \item whenever I open a new line? ...

How to use [I in vim

The vim command [I shows a list of declarations. How to do I navigate to one of the items in this list? ...

How to avoid namespace content indentation in vim?

How to set vim to not indent namespace content in C++? namespace < identifier > { < statement_list > // Unwanted indentation } Surprisingly, 'cinoptions' doesn't provide a way to edit namespace content indentation. ...

printing to Postscript from vim

Hi, I have problem with printing to postscript from Vim. I'm, using utf-8 encoding with czech characters like 'ščřž' but in the output I get upside question mark instead of the correct characters. vim --version VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 +iconv +multi_byte +postscript printer settings: set printoptions=paper:A4,duplex:off,collate:n,syn...

creating a new dirctory in vim

I have following setting which lets me easily create a new file from the currently open file map <Leader>e :tabe <C-R>=expand("%:p:h") . "/" <CR> Is there something similar which would let me create a directory from the current directory. Otherwise what are the other tricks you are using to create a directory and then create a file ...

Vim: Pasting from clipboard and automatically toggling :set paste

Hey. When I paste things from the clipboard, they're normally (always) multilined, and in those cases (and those cases only), I'd like :set paste to be triggered, since otherwise the tabbing will increase with each line (you've all seen it!). Though the problem with :set paste is that it doesn't behave well with set smartindent, causi...

Installing addtional Vim helptags on Windows (x64)

I have been finally trying to get up to speed with Vim, in this case on Win 64 So I have Vim installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\ and I have added the DB plug in which seems to be working but I want to configure the help file the inst says to run :helptags $VIM/vimfiles/doc from in Vim but I get C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\doc not...

vimscript: calling [non-]dictionary functions with call()s within dictionary functions

I'm hoping to call a "static" dictionary function using call(). By "static" I mean that the keyword 'dict' is not used in the function's definition. I use this nomenclature in the hopes that the effect of this keyword is to declare a static member function as is possible in java/C++/etc, ie to put the function name in the class namespa...

vim does not update screen right away

I am using the cw (change word) command and the screen does not update until i press the ESC key. I have already set "slow" in my .vimrc. ...

Is it possible to email the contents of vim using HTML

I like to view the current differences in the source files I'm working on with a command like: vim <(svn diff -dub) What I'd really like to be able to do is to email that colorized diff. I know vim can export HTML with the :TOhtml, but how do I pipeline this output into an html email? Ideally. i'd like to be able to send an html dif...

How to comment out a block of Python code in VIM

I was wondering if there was any key mapping in VIM to allow me to indent certain lines of code (whether those lines have been selected in visual mode, or n lines above/below current cursor position). So basically something that converts the following def my_fun(x, y): return x + y to #def my_fun(x, y): # return x + y I am...

Vim syntax highlighting for ruby 1.9

Ruby 1.9 has a few new syntax elements, such as the {key: value} hash literal syntax. Has anyone written or seen an updated syntax/ruby.vim highlighting file that will highlight key: just like it highlights :key in {:key => value}? ...

how to write a vimrc file that (automatically) applies only to a specific folder

say that i have a project which lies in a folder called 'bin', and i want some specific vim configuration automatically loaded when i edit any file inside the project folder. how can i do that? ...

Fastest way to print a blank line?

How can I print a blank line at some line with one pressing while not in the insert mode?And after that I should still be in normal mode. ...

Does an updated 'vimtutor' exist?

vim comes with a nice built-in interactive tutorial. You can access this tutorial by just running: $ vimtutor It is very easy to use because it creates working cases for basic commands. Is there a more advanced tutorial? Has any one though to build one to help uses take their VIM skills to the next level. Most tutorial and cheat-s...

How can I configure vim syntax highlighting for mako templates?

I'd like to get the HTML elements highlighted as well as the MAKO / Python elements. Thanks. ...

GVim highlighting with matchadd eventually slows down?

I have the following in ~/.vim/ftplugin/python.vim to highlight long lines, accidental tabs and extra whitespace in Python files: hi CustomPythonErrors ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=#592929 au BufWinEnter *.py call matchadd('CustomPythonErrors', '\%>80v.\+', -1) au BufWinEnter *.py call matchadd('CustomPythonErrors', '/^\t\+/', -1) au...

Why does extend() engage in bizarre behaviour when passed the same list twice?

I'm pretty confused by one of the subtleties of the vimscript extend() function. If you use it to extend a list with another list, it does pretty much what you'd expect, which is to insert the second list into the first list at the index given by the third parameter: let list1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6] | echo extend(list1,[1,2,3,4,5,6],5) ...

vim - reading ex mode output into a file

Hi How can I read the output of an ex command into my current buffer? For example, I want to read the contents of all the registers into the current buffer, which in ex mode is shown using ":registers" Thanks ...