
Why is Available Physical Memory (dwAvailPhys) > Available Virtual Memory (dwAvailVirtual) in call GlobalMemoryStatus on Windows Vista x64

I am playing with an MSDN sample to do memory stress testing (see: and an extension of that tool that specifically eats physical memory (see;prev_next=next). I am obviously confused though on the differences between Vir...

What's the equivalent of virtual functions of c++ in PHP?

Is it abstract function xxx? I just made a test which seems to indicate a private method to be virtual too? class a { private function test() { echo 1; } } class b extends a { private function test() { echo 2; } public function call() { $this->test(); } } $instance = new b; $instance->call(); The output is 2 ...

Polymorphism problem: How to check type of derived class?

Hi, this is my first question here :) I know that I should not check for object type but instead use dynamic_cast, but that would not solve my problem. I have class called Extension and interfaces called IExtendable and IInitializable, IUpdatable, ILoadable, IDrawable (the last four are basicly the same). If Extension implements IExten...

virtual methods and template classes

Hi I got over a problem, I think a very specific one. I've got 2 classes, a B aseclass and a D erived class (from B aseclass). B is a template class ( or class template) and has a pure virtual method virtual void work(const T &dummy) = 0; The D erived class is supposed to reimplement this, but as D is Derived from B rather than D bein...

implementing virtual path.

Hi, i want to use virtual path in my web application using is there anyone who know how to do this? ...

Overriding classes/functions from a .dll.

Say I have class A and class B. B inherits from class A, and implements a few virtual functions. The only problem is that B is defined in a .dll. Right now, I have a function that returns an instance of class A, but it retrieves that from a static function in the .dll that returns an instance of class B. My plan is to call the created ob...

SAS on OS X any way to run without working within virtual machine?

I would like to edit and submit SAS code from emacs (aquamacs) on OS X to SAS running on Vista (through Parallels). Any idea how to do this? I like to do everything through one place and it is really annoying to work within the windows emulator. I have run SAS from a linux server through aquamacs but wonder if something similar can ...

Understanding Virtualization

Hi, I want to know about Virtualization in detail. But start from basics, like what is virtualization, with real world examples and scenarios. When ever I search, i got Virtualization technologies, but I want to learn and in fact know what exactly is virtualization, its types and all... Please help me in getting practical details of term...

Difference between a virtual function and a pure virtual function

Possible Duplicate: C++ Virtual/Pure Virtual Explained Hi, Need to know what is the difference between a pure virtual function and a virtual function? I know "Pure Virtual Function is a Virtual function with no body" but what does this mean and what is actually done by the line below virtual void virtualfunctioname() = 0 ...

Why methods in C# are not automatically virtual?

Possible Duplicate: Why C# implements methods as non-virtual by default? It would be much more less work to define which methods are NOT overideable instead of which are overideable because (at least for me), when you're designing a class, you don't care if its heirs will override your methods or not... So, why methods in C# ...

Why does this cast to Base class in virtual function give a segmentation fault?

I want to print out a derived class using the operator<<. When I print the derived class, I want to first print its base and then its own content. But I ran into some trouble (see segfault below): class Base { public: friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Base&); virtual void Print(std::ostream& out) const { ou...

Python proxy an application

Does anyone know of a library that enables you to run an application inside some kind of sandbox, with virtual mouse and keyboard support. The use case would be to create some kind of visual test runner, that would replay all actions taken during recording and play them back. So far I found autopy, but the fact that it controls the re...

Why do I have to specify pure virtual functions in the declaration of a derived class in Visual C++?

Given the base class A and the derived class B: class A { public: virtual void f() = 0; }; class B : public A { public: void g(); }; void B::g() { cout << "Yay!"; } void B::f() { cout << "Argh!"; } I get errors saying that f() is not declared in B while trying do define void B::f(). Do I have to declare f() explicitly i...

How can I forward web address (not ip) to VPS virtual host

I have a vps that I am planning to host multiple websites on. I've registered the website, and I want to forward it to my vps. But my vps' virtual host is looking for web address instead of ip address (since I would hosting multiple websites on a single IP address using virtual host). But on the website that I registered the domain, I r...

Another design-related C++ question

Hi! I am trying to find some optimal solutions in C++ coding patterns, and this is one of my game engine - related questions. Take a look at the game object declaration (I removed almost everything, that has no connection with the question). // Abstract representation of a game object class Object : public Entity, IRenderable...

How to go from physical location to a virtual folder in Visual Studio 2008?

I have a file open in Visual Studio. When I hover the mouse over its tab at the top. it tells me the physical location of the file. In the solution explorer I only see virtual folders, however. I wish to quickly browse to all other files in the same project. How can I do that? Thank you. ...

Accessing Virtual Host from outside LAN

I'm setting up a web development platform that makes things as easy as possible to write and test all code on my local machine, and sync this with my web server. I setup several virtual hosts so that I can access my projects by typing in "project" instead of "localhost/project" as the URL. I also want to set this up so that I can acces...

Create a virtual serial port for widcomm stack under 32feet

Hi, all Currently I am doing a project involves a bluetooth communication setup between a PDA and a small embedded device. This small embedded device can only be communicated with a virtual serial port over a bluetooth link. The PDA is the ipaq running with windows mobile 6, and I am using c#. I had done a program which can communicat...

Virtual Cam - Cam Split .NET

I'm looking for a virtual webcam driver to use in a .NET project, this project will be GPL, and have no idea how many installations there will be The idea is that the application is using the webcam without locking the device. Found a couple of programs that do the job, but either in application and/or too expensive: * http://www.softs...

How to find with javascript if element exists in DOM or it's virtual (has been just created by createElement)

Hello. I hope a topic is self describing. I'm new on your site, it helped me much times but this time i was surprised not to find an answer on internet. The question is quite simple. Say, i have an element created in code: var elem = docuemnt.createElement('div'); ... I wish sometime to check have i placed it into the DOM bef...