
Alternative to c++ static virtual methods

In C++ is not possible to declare a static virtual function, neither cast a non-static function to a C style function pointer. Now, I have a plain ol' C SDK that uses function pointers heavily. I have to fill a structure with several function pointers. I was planning to use an abstract class with a bunch of static pure virtual method... proxy factory with target type needs property virtual ?

Hi all, I'm creating proxy in code by using ProxyFactory object with ProxyTargetType to true to have a proxy on a non interfaced complex object. Proxying seems ok till i call a method on that object. The method references a public property and if this property is not virtual it's value is null. This doesn't happen if i use S...

C++ Forward declaration for virtual function

Hi, I have a class hierarchy and i am writing a virtual function in it. Say there are three classes class A { virtual A* test(); }; ( File A.h ) class B : public A { virtual C* test(); }; ( File B.h ) class C : public A {}; ( File C.h ) Now is it possible for me to avoid including C.h in B.h, by doing some kind of forward decl...

How to connect 2 virtual hosts running on the same machine?

I have 2 virtual hosts running on my Windows XP laptop. One is Ubuntu running inside vmware player. The other is MS virtual PC (so I can test with IE6 ). The Ubuntu virtual host is running my web application with apache. I can point my browser on my laptop at the Ubuntu IP and view my web app. I read this post http://stackoverflow.c...

Virtual class problem

What i think about virtual class is, if a derived class has a public base, let's say, class base, then a pointer to derived can be assigned to a variable of type pointer to base without use of any explicit type conversion. But what if, we are inside of base class then how can we call derived class's functions. I will give an example: cl...

Virtual Mice in C#

Hi guys, Is there anything that we could do for implementing VIRTUAL MICE? I mean, I want to have multiple mice within the whole OS, but they must be all VIRTUAL (I'm not talking about the applications that serve multiple mice driver for PS/2 or USB mice or Microsoft's MultiPoint Mouse SDK.) It is like creating two objects: Mouse mous...

Looking for a virtual network adapter (virtual interface controller)

I need a software that simulates a network adapter. I need the virtual adapters will be able to communicate with each other. For example, if I i have 2 virtual adapter (on the same computer): interface1- and interface2- I want the packets that will be send through interface1 will be received in interface2. I have as an o...

Template Child Class Overriding a Parent Class's Virtual Function

The below code compiles with gcc v4.3.3 and the templated child class seems to be overriding a virtual function in the parent, but doesn't that break the rule that you cannot have a virtual template function? Or is something else happening that I don't understand? class BaseClass { public: virtual void Func(int var) { std::cout...

Virtual Earth / Bing maps javascript file size

I am working with a site that uses virtual earth for its mapping. Unfortunately the file size of the referenced javascript file,, is 200 something kb before being expanded (to 970kb). As our site runs under https this file is not cached on the client, and can cause a few seconds d...

Add a virtual driver using C#

How to add a virtual driver that contains functions that calls C# functions inside a DLL file. ...

Android Apps Not Showing Up In AVD

I recently started messing with Android Apps, but I have had nothing but problems trying to get them into the Virtual Device for testing. For some reason, they never seem to show up in the AVD. It has worked one time, but that's it out of hours spent just trying to test one or two very simple apps. I've redone the AVD setup many, many...

Run-Time Binding C++

I'm reading in my text book about virtual functions in C++ and my book doesn't elaborate on what exactly run-time binding is. It doesn't give me any information as to why I would need run-time binding. Maybe the nice people at SO can provide me with some links or information? Thanks :] ...

Virtual function - including some html

Hello, I have a php-file which includes another html-file: <? virtual("../top.html");?> The problem is that any code before this include compiles and runs well, after - nothing. There aren't any errors etc. After commenting this line, everything works. Code was written under local computer with ArchLinux + LAMP. Now I have ubuntu 10....

Is it ok to throw NotImplemented exception in virtual methods?

I have a base class for some plugin-style stuff, and there are some methods that are absolutely required to be implemented. I currently declare those in the base class as virtual, for example public virtual void Save { throw new NotImplementedException(); } and in the descendand I have a public override void Save() { //do s...

ubuntu on virtual machine vs ubuntu install, what the difference?

Hi, I have windows xp in my work and i programming on zend framework. I need to install ubuntu for execute doctrine orm commands from linux console, I faile to do it on windows. I thinking about 2 option of UBUNTU installation: 1.install ubuntu 10.04 on Virtual Box (Sun Virtual Machine). 2.create new primary partition and install ubuntu...

Where is the virtual function call overhead?

Hello everybody, I'm trying to benchmark the difference between a function pointer call and a virtual function call. To do this, I have written two pieces of code, that do the same mathematical computation over an array. One variant uses an array of pointers to functions and calls those in a loop. The other variant uses an array of point...

How communicate with pty via minicom or screen?

I am trying to provide an AT/Modem-like interface around some hardware. Follwing this post I have the server setting up a pty using openpty(). Now I can communicate with the server as expected with a client app that open the slave and communicates via read() and write() calls. However I would also like to be able to use either the scre...

How to release the VM / private bytes of a Desktop application in c#

Hi, I have desktop application developed in C#. The VM Size used by application is very high. I want to add watermark to a pdf file, which has more that 10,000 pages, 10776 pages to be exact, the VM size inscreases and some times the application freezes or it throws out of memory exception. Is there a solution to release / decrease the...

How do i translate movement on the Canvas3D to movement in the virtual 3D world

My goal is to move a shape in the virtual world in such a way so that it ends up where the mouse pointer is on the canvas. What i have: -mouse position (x,y) on a Canvas3D object -Point3d object of where a pick ray starting from the Canvas3D viewport intersects with the first scene object. (point in 3D space of where i want to start the...

Virtual camera/direct show filter for network stream

Hi guys, i'm working with Flash Live Encoder. It's using camera for streaming video. Support forum say's that i can create custom direct show filter and stream data that i need. I cann't understand how direct show filter will display in the source list of the live encoder. I've tryed to use some commercial virtual camera and it work's fi...