
automated ui testing / X11 framebuffers / hardware acceleration

Hi fellow SOers i'm working on a automated UI testing environment, right now it works pretty decent. The basic idea is that i create a virtual framebuffer instance with: Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 -fbdir vfb_test/fbdir & then, to run an application inside it (say, xcalc) i would do export DISPLAY=localhost=1.0 xterm -e '/usr/X11/...

Virtual inheritance in C++

I was reading the Wikipedia article on virtual inheritance. I followed the whole article but I could not really follow the last paragraph This is implemented by providing Mammal and WingedAnimal with a vtable pointer (or "vpointer") since, e.g., the memory offset between the beginning of a Mammal and of its Animal part is...

The control flow of Dalvik Virtual Machine's application method

Dear Sirs, We are implementing some of the event callbacks of JVMTI ( ) in the Dalvik VM. However, we are having trouble in event Method_Entry and Method_Exit. In our current implementation, we can only intercept the Method_Entry event of the some system initialization methods, including...

Static method calls to derived types over virtual implementations? (Android)

I have class A, with methods foo and bar, that are implemented by A1 and A2. The functionality in both A1 and A2 is the same. In other words: public class A { public int foo() { return 0; }; public int bar() { return 1; }; } class A1 extends A { public int AnotherFooFunction() { return foo(); } ...

c++ forward declaration of pure virtual class

Hi, I have a forward deceleration problem. I had a normal class before, called GlobalCWND, it was instantiated and used in another class ProtocolContext. I forward declare the ProtocolContext class in Requestor.h. You can see the related part of the code of this 2 classes. ============Protocol Context======== class Requestor<Reques...

C++: Force the order of functions in the virtual method table?

Hello, How can i control the order of virtual functions in the virtual table? Are they laid out in the same order that they are declared in? When inheriting a class with a virtual table, is the virtual table of the inherited class an extension of the base class, or is an entirely new virtual table created with only the inherited classe...

creating a Virtual tour

we need to add a simple virtual tour to our web site. Is there any simple way to do this? do we have to create it from scratch? is there any service provider to do this on cloud? ...

How to start a virtual keyboard without loosing focus in WinXP?

Hello, I need to start a virtual keyboard (namely click-n-type) from my application to allow user input in the active field. When the user focuses on an edit box in my application's window, the virtual keyboard pops out to allow input. However, I can't get this to work in one click. When I use the "start click-n-type.exe" the keyboard s...

NHibernate: why do non-persistent properties have to be marked as virtual for lazy loading.

I kind of get that in order to allow lazy loading, NHibernate needs to generate a proxy class which extends the POCO class. And so I guess NHibernate needs to override the implementation of the persisted properties, and you have to mark them as virtual. What I don't get is why I have to go round marking almost everything else as virtual...

Should virtual methods be explicitly overridden in C#?

Why should virtual methods be explicitly overridden in C#? ...

How to override the <ENTER> key behaviour of the virtual keyboard in Android

I want to override the behaviour of the ENTER key of the virtual keyboard so that: when there are more fields on the screen, it 'tabs' to the next field when it is the last field of the screen, it performs the default action of the screen I've been playing with the IME options and labels, but just don't get what I want. Anybody a sugge...

How to limit memory of a OS X program? ulimit -v neither -m are working

My programs run out of memory like half of the time I run them. Under Linux I can set a hard limit to the available memory using ulimit -v mem-in-kbytes. Actually, I use ulimit -S -v mem-in-kbytes, so I get a proper memory allocation problem in the program and I can abort. But... ulimit is not working in OSX 10.6. I've tried with -s and...

Creating a walk-through using Virtools

I,m doing a virtual walk-through in a museum environment. i have constructed the 3D virtual environment in 3D's Max and i need to create the walking part in Virtools. I have found some tutorials in youtube that shows how to do a simple character movement. but it shows only using keyboard navigations to move around. I want to know how to...

Can I run a native OS installation as a virtual machine OS?

I am using win7. I wish to use Fedora on my machine, but don't know just how much I will be needing either of my OS. I wish to install Ferdora and configure it as a dual boot system. At the same time, when time calls for it, I want to run the same Fedora installation as a virtual machine on top of win7. Is there a way to do it? ...

Virtual List Control Problem

Hi, I'm using a virtual lit control and I get the data from a map. My problem is when I run the code, it displays the list ok, but when the mouse cursor moves on to the list control or when I try to scroll down, it gives a Debug Assertion failure saying map/set iterator is not dereferencable. My GetDispInfo() method is as follows: voi...

private overrides of private methods pattern? (ANSWER: NVI)

What's the accepted jargon (if any) for describing methods meant to be invoked only virtually and from other methods in the base? I've occasionally seen this referred to as a callback, but that seems to stray pretty far from the original definition of that term. I'm not even sure that this merits being called a pattern, but I'm trying ...

virtual desctructor on pure abstract base class

I have struct IMyInterface { virtual method1() = 0; virtual method2() = 0; }; GCC insists that I have struct IMyInterface { virtual method1() = 0; virtual method2() = 0; virtual ~IMyInterface(){}; }; I dont see why. A pure interface is all about the interface (duh). The destructor is part of the internal implementati...

Detecting Virtualization

I have an inline assembler function detects program runs on Virtual Machine or not. But in 64bit inline assembly is not available anymore, here x64 intrinsics now. Is there another way for detecting it? Here is the code works for 32bit VMWare bool IsInsideVMWare(void) { bool rc = true; __try { __asm { push edx push ecx p...

How many vptr will a object of class(uses single/multiple inheritance) have?

How many vptrs are usually needed for a object whose clas( child ) has single inheritance with a base class which multiple inherits base1 and base2. What is the strategy for identifying how many vptrs a object has provided it has couple of single inheritance and multiple inheritance. Though standard doesn't specify about vptrs but I just...

Virtual host (OSX) & Versioning on a Shared Server

I'd like to be able to edit the CSS/HTML of my website on my iMac and Macbook (may sometimes be offline). Hosting is shared I'd like to be able to easily synchronise local and online versions, with revision history. In the past I've used MAMP with TextMate, but I've been looking at VirtualHostX, Versions and Espresso. I'm not tech savv...