
Virtual Host points to another Virtual Host

Hello all, HELP! I just setup a virtual host for two sites that have a lot of traffic and I think I just messed something up! Here is the end of my httpd.conf: NameVirtualHost * <VirtualHost *> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/html </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *> ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/downl...

Looking for Virtual PC or VMware Guest O/S with Linux already installed.

Hi, I wanted to play around with Linux and do some testing. I've tried installing Linux on a Virtual PC (2004) guest but couldn't get it to work. I figured with all the folks out there proselytizing about Linux maybe someone had made an guess file that I could just download and open up in Virtual PC (ideally) or VmWare. PS - I asked ...

C++ member function virtual override and overload at the same time

If I have a code like this: struct A { virtual void f(int) {} virtual void f(void*) {} }; struct B : public A { void f(int) {} }; struct C : public B { void f(void*) {} }; int main() { C c; c.f(1); return 0; } I get an error that says that I am trying to do an invalid conversion from int to void*. Why can't compiler...

issue of virtual method in C#

Hello everyone, In MSDN, it is mentioned, I am confused what does this item mean "A virtual inherited property can be overridden in a derived class by including a property declaration that uses the override modifier."? (this is the 2nd differences between virtual and abstra...

abstract method in a virtual class

I have a c# Class that has lots of virtual methods, some of these methods are essentially abstract ( they are fully implemented in subclasses and the base class is empty). To get it to compile i am throwing an InvalidOperationException in the base class with a comment on what should be done. This just feels dirty. Is there a better...

virtual listbox in Swing

I'm trying to figure out how to make a virtual listbox (or tree or outline) in Swing -- this would be one where the listbox can show a "view" within a large result set from a database without getting the entire result set's contents; all it needs to give me is a heads up that Items N1 - N2 are going to need to be displayed soon, so I can...

Redirecting an internal path to a virtual host

I have been working on a drupal test site for a while, which has a bunch of virtual hosts set up like this: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot "/path/to/root" ServerName </VirtualHost> I have been using a modified host file to view each of these test sites, along the lines of: 12.0.0....

Solved! Problem calling a function when it is in a .lib (C++)

I have a class with a static method that looks roughly like: class X { static float getFloat(MyBase& obj) { return obj.value(); // MyBase::value() is virtual } }; I'm calling it with an instance of MyDerived which subclasses MyBase: MyDerived d; float f = X::getFloat(d); If I link the obj file containing X into my ...

Configuring Mass Virtual Hosting + SSL on development machine

Is there a way to use this, or something like it, for SSL enabled hosts? VirtualDocumentRoot /www/vhosts/%0/public I want to avoid having to configure Apache every time I start working with a new domain on my development box. It would be nice to just add a directory, follow standard naming conventions, and be able to automatically acc...

Accessing class members on a NULL pointer

I was experimenting with C++ and found the below code as very strange. class Foo{ public: virtual void say_virtual_hi(){ std::cout << "Virtual Hi"; } void say_hi() { std::cout << "Hi"; } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Foo* foo = 0; foo->say_hi(); // works well foo->say_virtual_hi(); // ...

virtual assignment operator C++

Assignment Operator in C++ can be made virtual. Why is it required? Can we make other operators virtual too? ...

Can I call a base class's virtual function if I'm overriding it?

Say I have class Foo and Bar set up like this: class Foo { public: int x; virtual void printStuff() { std::cout << x << std::endl; } }; class Bar : public Foo { public: int y; void printStuff() { // I would like to call Foo.printStuff() here... std::cout << y << std::endl; } }; ...

Speed of virtual call in C# vs C++

I seem to recall reading somewhere that the cost of a virtual call in C# is not as high, relatively speaking, as in C++. Is this true? If so - why? ...

How do you use completely free software to create ovf files for VMware ESXi?

Ok, so let's say that I want to try virtualization in my environment. I want to use ESXi to do that because it is free. I can use the install disk and setup a box to run the ESXi Host. I'm not sure if the VMware Infrastructure Client is free for one thing. You can use it to attach an ovf file (a packaged VM). The problem I had is creati...

How does a register based virtual machine work?

Hi, How does a register based virtual machine work? I am looking for introduction to how a register based virtual machine works. Can someone please help? Thank you. ...

beginner c++: virtual functions in a base class

Hi, I'm writing some code where I defined the following base class. class Chorus{ public: //Destructor virtual ~Chorus(); //callback function virtual int callback( void *outputBuffer, void *notUsed, unsigned int nBufferFrames, double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *userData ); virtual void ...

Are inline virtual functions really a non-sense?

I got this question when I received a code review comment saying virtual functions need not be inline. I thought inline virtual functions could come in handy in scenarios where functions are called on objects directly. But the counter-argument came to my mind is -- why would one want to define virtual and then use objects to call metho...

Error: is not a valid virtual path.

I used something like Dim i As String i = Server.MapPath("~/photos/") + fileName Only once in a project that was working and online, on the offline version, when I run it on my machine, its working, no errors, I uploaded it, it gave me an error like: '~/photos/' is not a...

ABC Virtual OStream Insertion Operator

Consider the following snippet: struct ObjectInterface { virtual ~ObjectInterface() {} virtual void Print(std::ostream& target) const = 0; }; struct Foo : ObjectInterface { virtual void Print(std::ostream& target) const { target << "Foo"; } }; struct Bar : ObjectInterface { virtual void Print(std::ostre...

Internal Workings of C# Virtual and Override

Hi, The topic of how C# virtual and override mechanism works internally has been discussed to death amongst the programmers... but after half an hour on google, I cannot find an answer to the following question (see below): Using a simple code: public class BaseClass { public virtual SayNo() { return "NO!!!"; } } public class Seco...