
Access Tomcat localhost:8080 of guest VirtualBox VM from Host OS

I an XP laptop. I am running a Ubuntu distro inside VirtualBox which is running a website in Tomcat. When inside the VM I can access the site with http://localhost:8080/ What I really need to do though is access the VM localhost from XP. http://vm-computer-name:8080/ isnt recognized. Any help is much appreciated. ...

How expand size virtual disk in virtual server 2005?

Hi, I'm using Virtual Server 2005 and working with a virtual hard disk 16GB. I need expand this virtual disk to 20GB. Thanks. Beatriz ...

Non-Proprietary Virtual Image Clients?

Hi, Just to ask if there are any non-proprietary virtual image clients available, i.e. an application capable of running .vhd and/or .vmdk based virtual images? I have searched online, but have not been able to find any. Note, I am actually looking to avoid using the bloated VMware Server 2.0, with its web interface and resource hun...

.NET/IIS - Can I run a virtual directory using .NET 3.5 while the Website runs in 2.0?

I have a website running on .NET 2.0 right now. I have a reporting tool which needs to run on the same webserver as well, but it was written in 3.5. Can I create a Virtual Directory under websites, called "Reports" and have that run against 3.5? So the user can go to http://domain/Reports ? Let me know if this makes no sense. ...

ASP.NET Deployment : Cant access Bin folder assemblies from virtual directory under site

I have an ASP.NET Web application which has 3 projects to handle 3 different layers of the application (UI , BL and Data Access).When i publish the UI project a directory called Precompiled will be created in the solution and Files will be available there.This Folder will have a BIN directory which holds required DLL's(referenced DLL's a...

Virtual base class data members

Why it is recommended not to have data members in virtual base class? What about function members? If I have a task common to all derived classes is it OK for virtual base class to do the task or should the derived inherit from two classed - from virtual interface and plain base that do the task? Thanks. ...

Calling base class definition of virtual member function with function pointer

I want to call the base class implementation of a virtual function using a member function pointer. class Base { public: virtual void func() { cout << "base" << endl; } }; class Derived: public Base { public: void func() { cout << "derived" << endl; } void callFunc() { void (Base::*fp)() = &Base::func; ...

Catching exceptions polymorphically

Here is main(): int main() { B b(1,"two","three"); try { f1(b); } catch(B& b_ref) { cout<<"Caught B&"<<endl; b_ref.print(); } catch(A& a_ref) { cout<<"Caught A&"<<endl; a_ref.print(); } system("pause"); return 0; } Here is f1(): void f1(A& subjec...

Virtualize Wireshark

Has anyone been able to virtualize Wireshark and PCAP utilizing thinstall from VMWare? ...

Increasing Java Heap size on Virtual server?

Peeps, I'm hosting our dev env on a virtual server over at Mediatemple - the $50 bucks a month kind. Our application does some fairly memory intensive processing and on the last run, ran into the OutofMemError. Apparently increasing the JVM size using the usual methods of setting JAVA_OPT or CATALINA_OPT in the file doesnt...

Virtual Directory in Azure Web Role

Is there a way to create a Virtual Directory in Azure web role. I know you can create them programmaticly on a normal instance of IIS 7, but you have to assign a physical path. How is that possible in Azure? ...

C# virtual static method

Hi, Why is static virtual impossible? Is C# dependent or just don't have any sense in the OO world? I know the concept has already been underlined but I did not find a simple answer to the previous question. Thx ...

Can virtual functions be used in return values?

I was a little surprised that the following code did not work as expected: #include "stdio.h" class RetA { public: virtual void PrintMe () { printf ("Return class A\n"); } }; class A { public: virtual RetA GetValue () { return RetA (); } }; class RetB : public RetA { public: virtual void PrintMe () { printf ("Return class...

Forwarding all mail to a single dev box on IIS via virtual SMTP

I am trying to set up a development environment for our web server. I would like all emails that are relayed by the server go to a specific mailbox, regardless of who they were sent to. For example, some application on the server sends an email to [email protected]. I want that email to go to [email protected]. Is that possible to do wit...

How to ensure that virtual method calls get propagated all the way to the base class?

One very common mistake with class hierarchies is to specify a method in a base class as being virtual, in order for all overrides in the inheritance chain to do some work, and forgetting to propagate the call on to base implementations. Example scenario class Container { public: virtual void PrepareForInsertion(ObjectToInsert* pObje...

Overhead of C++ inheritance with no virtual functions

Hi, In C++, what's the overhead (memory/cpu) associated with inheriting a base class that has no virtual functions? Is it as good as a straight up copy+paste of class members? class a { public: void get(); protected: int _px; } class b : public a { } compared with class a { public: void get(); protected: int _px; }...

Virtual vs Interface poco, what's faster?

I am maintaining an application which has been designed like this: messy code --abuses--> simplePoco (POCO data capsule) The data capsule is a simple class with lots of getters and setters (properties) It uses a DI framework and consistently use the IoC container to provide instances of the data capsule (lucky me!). The problem is, I...

about the cost of virtual function

If I call a virtual function 1000 times in a loop, will I suffer from the vtable lookup overhead 1000 times or only once? ...

C++ Virtual/Pure Virtual Explained

I'm a little familiar with C++, but the virtual keyword still confuses me. What exactly does it mean? If a function is defined as virtual, is that the same as pure virtual? ...

What does Virtual and Override do behind the scene

I just came to understand Virtual and Override is use for(I can't find a use for so long). Now I'm using them in Factory Patterns. So my question is what does Virtual and Override do behind the scene? I'm willing to go in to IL and Machine code stuff. ...