
Dependent Non-Type Template Parameters

Consider the following class: class Foo { enum Flags {Bar, Baz, Bax}; template<Flags, class = void> struct Internal; template<class unused> struct Internal<Bar, unused> {/* ... */}; template<class unused> struct Internal<Baz, unused> {/* ... */}; template<class unused> struct Internal<Bax, unused> {/* ... */}; }; The class...

Static const member initialization in templated class

I have a problem regarding 'static const' member initialization. In a templated class I define a const member and initialize it outside the class. When I include the .h file where this class is implemented in multiple .cpp files, I get an LNK2005 error (I'm using VS2010) that says the constant is already defined. // List.hpp template <...

C++ link error on Visual Studio 2010 x64

I'm upgrading a C++ code base from VS2005 to VS2010 and I'm rebuilding some third party C++ dependencies. I have no problem building these 32-bit but keep running into problems linking 64-bit (x64). I'm getting unresolved externals for a number of standard library functions. For example: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__decl...

template function specialization default argument

template <typename T> void function(T arg1, T min = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(), T max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) { } template <> void function<int>(int arg1, int min,int max) { } int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { function<int>(1); } it give syntax error C2689 and C2059 on function default argument line on :: tok...

unbounded_buffer, _CrtSetDbgFlag and memory leaks

I am trying to use one of the new features - asynchronous agents library. I just added a unbounded_buffer m_myDataBuffer; to my C++ class, nothing more - no agent running yet. To enable memory leak detection in my application, I am using: #ifdef _DEBUG _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #endif But a...

STL on custom OS - std::list works, but std::vector doesn't

I'm just playing around with a grub-bootable C++ kernel in visual studio 2010. I've gotten to the point where I have new and delete written and things such as dynamically allocated arrays work. I can use STL lists, for example. I can even sort them, after I wrote a memcpy routine. The problem is when I use the std::vector type. Simp...

Disabling C++0x features in VC 2010?

Does C++0x mode in VC++ 2010 has an off switch? I am working on a project that supposed to compile on non 0x compilers, and therefore I want to compile against the current standard. (Even if non of the new features are being used directly, there are still subtleties that makes C++0x more premissive). The closest switch I found was Confi...

Using make_shared with a protected constructor + abstract interface.

Given an abstract interface and an implementation derived from that interface, where constructors are protected (creation of these objects only being available from a class factory - to implement a DI pattern), how can I make use of make_shared in the factory function? For example: class IInterface { public: virtual void Me...

Ambiguous call if class inherits from 2 templated parent classes. Why?

I have a templated class that performs an action on the class that is given as template argument. For some of my classes I want to 'group' the functionality in one class, to make it easier for the caller. In fact the code looks something like this (names were changed): template<typename T> class DoSomeProcessing { public: process(T...

Did Intellisense quality and stability get improved in MSVC++ 2010?

Two separate questions really, for those of you who have upgraded from 2008 to 2010: Does intellisense work much better in this version in terms of completeness? Does it still suffer from corrupted NCB files and other performance/stability issues? ...

Intellisense ctrl+space in visual studio 2010

I'm writing a small program using CLR console application and when I write something it doesn't give suggestions, although i press (Ctrl+Space). I'm using visual studio 2010 can any one help me? ...

Linkage Error LNK1104 in Visual C++ 2010

Today I fired up Visual Studio 2010 (Visual C++) and started working on a project. The solution contains two projects. One is a static library I am writing, the other is a test application containing unit tests for the library. Without changing anything from yesterday, the executable no longer links: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot ...

visual studio 2010 don't want open new project (application wizard open in internet browser)

My c++ visual 2010 don't want open new project, every time when I put name of the project and click OK button after that it open my internet browser instead of Win32 Application Wizard. For better demonstration i record my steps here :;s=7 ...

Debugging Visual Studio 2010 DLL Project

I'm trying to debug a C/C++ native DLL project from Visual Studio 2010. I'm attempting to follow these instructions: I want to use the built-in debugger and be able to step code, examine structures, etc. as I would do with a regular .exe project. The instructions on the pag...

How to add an external static library to a Visual C++ 2010 Express project

I can't believe I'm having such a hard time figuring out how to do something so simple. I have an external library (including a .lib and .h file) that I want to add to my project. From what I've read I need to go Project>Properties>Framework and references>Add new References and add it there. However, this window is blank. There is a Pr...

How to Link to a .lib file in Visual C++ 2010? Without referencing the project?

Hey Guys, I just have a problem that I have been trying to fix for the longest time. I have a static library project in visual c++, and I want another project to be able to link to it. Up until now, I have simply been adding a reference to the static library project, which automatically links the library. I want to be able to link to ...

Very large array on the heap (Visual C++)

Hello, I hope some one can help me, i'm trying to create an int[400000000] (400 millions) array on my application using visual c++ 2010 but it generates an overflow error The same code runs on linux with g++. I need this because i'm working with large matrices. Thank you in advance. ...

Visual Studio 2010's strange "warning LNK4042"

I've just been beaten (rather hardly) on the head by some non-trivial warning from Visual Studio 2010 (C++). The compilation gave the following output: 1 Debug\is.obj : warning LNK4042: object specified more than once; extras ignored 1 Debug\make.obj : warning LNK4042: object specified more than once; extras ignored 1 Debug\view...

How to generate random numbers in C++ using <random> header members?

I learned to program in C# and have started to learn C++. I'm using the Visual Studio 2010 IDE. I am trying to generate random numbers with the distribution classes available in <random>. For example I tried doing the following: #include <random> std::normal_distribution<double> *normal = new normal_distribution<double>(0.0, 0.0); s...

VC++ 2010:Can I execute multiple post-build events from multiple props files in one project?

I use prop files to define include directories and linkage for libraries that I want to use. We have a solution with 40+ projects and require different libraries for the different projects. I want to use post-build event to copy the required binaries into my distribution binary folder, but currently only the first prop file post build e...