
VS2008: Highlight several words in different colors simultaneously - Possible as plug-in?

Hi, I use GVim and Visual Studio for coding. One of the most missing features in VS compared to GVim is the possibility to highlight several words in different colors simultaneously. See this screenshot of a GVim session for an example (wResult and fBufferLocked are marked) In GVim I use this feature very often to get a quick overview...

Do I need to run devenv.exe /setup twice? [VS 2005 and 2008]

I am writing a VS Integration Package and setup using Visual Studio Setup Package. I have a custom action that runs "devenv.exe /setup" when the package is installed. If the user has VS 2005 and 2008 installed, do I need to run devenv.exe /setup from both directories? Like so: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\dev...

How to strip out robo-comments and #region from C#?

I've got some code I'm maintaining that has a good deal of machine generated comments and machine generated regions. (or created by a particularly misled developer) These are comments exclusively repeating the method metadata and space expansions of pascal cased names: #region methods /// <summary> /// Implementation of a public met...

How do I run a custom action AFTER files have been deleted during MSI uninstallation?

During uninstallation of the Visual Studio Integration Package that I am writing, I need to run "devenv.exe /setup" to update the VS UI and remove the package info from the splash/help screen. However, it must run after all the add-in and package files have been deleted. My current setup (using an Installer class custom action called du...

How do I get the local path of an unloaded project?

When the project is loaded I can use project.FileName or project.Properties.Item("LocalPath"). When the project is unloaded, however, these are null. I'm using the "Stub Project" menu. Any ideas how to get the selected projects path from this context? ...

Selling Software for Windows?

Are there any "App Stores" or Software Marketplaces that allow developers to submit their Windows Software for sale to the general public? Kind of like the Apple app store, but for windows apps? Also, are there any similar stores, but focused on selling Software Development tools/libraries/visual studio addins? ...

How can i format aspx-markup as html to show it on webpage

Hello, i've been using C. Coller's excellent CopyAsHtml-Visual Studio addin for copying C# code as html to a webpage. Now, i started to wonder if there exists a similar tool for converting the aspx-markup to valid html to show on page? Functionality that i'm looking for can be seen on G. Houston's blog. F.ex. if i feed this <asp:But...

my vs2008 addin for textformatting is awfully slow

Hi folks, i wrote a little addin, which does some formatting of my C# code. in the addins Exec method i do the following try { TextSelection selection = (EnvDTE.TextSelection)_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Selection; String foo = String.Empty; if (!text.IsEmpty) { foo = someCoolObjectThatFormatsText.Format(...

"Must have" Visual Studio addons

So - this is a question to all the Visual Studio users out there - what addons do you use, and can't live without - and why ? ...

New appdomains in a VisualStudio Addin

I have a visual studio (2008) addin which creates a new appdomain. Calling "CreateInstanceAndUnwrap" does not throw an exception (and the "AssemblyResolve" event does not fire), and I get an object. That object, however, is flawed. :) Calling "GetType" on it returns a "MarshalByRefObject", and not the concrete object I created. This does...

"Visual Studio Integration Package" vs "Visual Studio Add-in": what is the difference?

When creating a new extension for visual studio, there are two project options: "Visual Studio Integration Package" and "Visual Studio Add-in". What is the difference between the two project types and when would you use one over the other? ...

Visual Studio 2010 addin writing articles/tutorials?

Does anyone know of some good articles / tutorials on writing addins/plugins for Visual Studio 2010? ...

Including More Database Connection Options in a Visual Studio Isolated Shell Application?

When starting up an isolated mode visual studio shell application, the only databases available in the Tools->Connect to Database are Access, SQL Compact, and SQL Server Database File. Is there a way to configure the isolated shell to include other database types? In particular SQL Server and MySQL. Are there any licensing agreement...

How would I retreive the fully qualified name of an identifier in a VS macro?

I'm trying to resolve the fully qualified name of a c# identifier at a certain point (cursor) of a code window, using a Macro (or even an Add-in) in Visual Studio 2008. For example, if the cursor is in "Rectangle", I would like "System.Drawing.Rectangle" returned. I've tried FileCodeModel.CodeElements and .CodeElementFromPoint but they...

process.start() hangs when called from VS Addin

I'm playing about with an addin to Visual Studio 2005 that calls an external process. When I run the code outside of the addin - i.e. in a standalone project it works fine. However when I call it as part of a addin the Process.Start() call is made but then nothing happens, the subsequent lines of code are never reached. I have tried ru...

How to setup Expression Blend 3 add-in window at certain position ?

For example in Sketchflow add-in there is ApplicationFlowPane (derrived from PrototypingPane) which registers itself using IWindowService like this: service.RegisterPalette(this.PaletteRegistryName, this, this.Caption, this.KeyBinding); But i can't see where it is defined that it is docked on bottom pane. Before someone repli...

VS2008 Addin add to menu.

I'm using this code to add an item to the code window right click menu: public void OnConnection( object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom) { _applicationObject = (DTE2)application; _addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst; object[] contextGUIDS = new object[] { }; Command code...

What Visual Studio add-ins do you use for C++ refactoring?

I have just started using Visual Assist X for C++ refactoring in Visual Studio 2008. It is quite good, but IMO, not to the same level as what ReSharper has for C#. I am wondering what people are using for C++ refactoring, especially for larger code base. Here are the add-ins that I have tried so far: * Visual Assist X * Refactor! Pro M...

Creating a Visual Studio Tool Window - VsAddin or VsPackage

Hey Folks. Simple question - I found two ways to add a tool window to Visual Studio (2008): create an addin or create a package. (Addin: (Package: What's the "right" way? ...

Visual Studio addin - catch "SelectionChanged" (editor) event

Hey. I'm trying to catch all user text navigation events (selection changes) in the text editor to update a tool window (contextual to the current position). The "LineChanged" event under TextEditorEvents only fires on updates, and I did not manage to find any other event. Anyone knows of such? Arielr ...