
How can I copy files in the middle of a build in Team System?

I have two solutions that I want to include in a build. Solution two requires the dll's from solution one to successfully build. Solution two has a Binaries folder where the dll's from solution one need to be copied before building Solution two. I've been trying an AfterBuild Target, hoping that it would copy the items after the fir...

What is the best practice for setting the SccAuxPath property in a Visual Basic .NET project for a distributed team?

We've recently moved to Team System and now a remote team needs access to our source. However, they use a different IP address to access the Team System server, and whenever they try to open a project, they are prompted to check out and change the project. Is there a way to work around this? It seems to be the 'SccAuxPath' property wh...

What to look for in performance analyzer in VS 2008

What to look for in performance analyzer in VS 2008 I am using VS Team system and got the performance wizard and reports going. What benchmarks/process do I use? There is a lot of stuff in the reports. Where do I go to find ways to improve my app? Edit: For example. If I run the wizard, change my application to something I think is b...

Source Control menu item missing in Visual Studio 2008 Team System

I just did a clean install of Visual Studio 2008 on a new machine and I don't see the File > Source Control menu option. Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Explorer Version 9.0.21022.8 is installed, and I have connected to my TFS server through the Team Explorer tab on the right. Any ideas? ...

Visual Studio Build Tasks - TFS Operations

I'm looking to extend some post build tasks to include the checking out and then checking in of a DLL. We are using TFS and I know there are command line tools to do this. What I don't know how to do is to integrate these into my existing post build tasks. Right now my post build tasks are simple and are managed in Visual Studio through ...

Does Team System Test support running tests under a specific identity?

Hi, Is it possible to configure unit tests in Team System Test to run under a specific identity (similar to runas)? Thanks much, Jon ...

Team Foundation Build (2008) minus the .sln files?

Setting up a new team build in tfs build 2008, you're forced to select a .sln file for your build definition. I've read through Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Targets, and from what I understand, all team build does is convert the silly .sln format to msbuild in tfsbuild.proj on-the-fly, and then build that. So what you end up with is ...

Dropping a table with Visual Studio 2010 Database Project

I'm just starting to work with database projects in Visual Studio 2010, and I'm wondering how I get the differential script generator to include a DROP TABLE statement. If I create a new table script in the Tables folder, the differential picks that up and includes a CREATE TABLE statement in the deployment script, but when I delete tha...

Intellisense and code formatting T-SQL for SQL Server 2008 in Visual Studio 2008?

I'm looking for a Visual Studio 2008 add-in / plug-in that can provide Intellisense and flexible code formatting for T-SQL for use with SQL Server 2008. It needs to work with Team System Data Edition ("data dude"). I am familiar with the Red Gate tools, but they do much more than I needwhich unfortunately puts the price on the high sid...

Cannot add project to source control

I've created a new project in the Solution Explorer then removed it without checking in the solution, then I decided I need the project after all so I created a new one with the same name. No plus sign appeared next to the files this time and now every time I add a new project in the solution, there is no plus sign next to the project a...

Building select projects only with Team Foundation Build

I’m trying to set up Team Foundation Build and so far it’s running ok with builds, tests and code analysis. My problem is, that I can’t figure out how to build just a subset of the projects included in the solution. I know how to use the configuration manager to create custom solution configuration that will build/deploy a selection of...

Excluded projects block Team Foundation Build test step

A followup to this question, Building select projects only with Team Foundation Build: I’ve now successfully “isolated” three of the projects in a solution with 20+ projects. One of the three projects is a test project, which contains unit tests for one of the other projects (a class library). Team Build is running fine, just the three ...

Does Microsoft Team System support ant?

We are using cruisecontrol to build our projects, which are ant files. I'm now checking to use Team System (Microsoft) in the future. Is it possible to use ant scripts in Team System? We have a lot of Flex development (and .NET development) and the scripts to build the Flex side would need to be integrated in Team System. ...

Visual Studio 2008 Professional vs VS 2008 Team System

I've been using the trial edition of Visual Studio 2008 Team System to develop projects and work with my client's Team Foundation Server. I am using the Team Explorer integration / source control plugin. My trial is expiring and I'm having trouble finding information on what exactly I need to purchase. I don't need to actually run a...

WPF Warning with VSTS: Different checksum values given for '*.g.cs' Files

In Visual Studio 2008 Team System, this is my warning: Different checksum values given for '<some folder>' ...\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\... \Debug\...\SomeFile.g.cs The offending line in the SomeFile.g.cs file is: #pragma checksum "..\..\..\..\..\..\...\SomeFile.xaml" "{406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799}" "A18BC47B27EC4695C69B6...

TFS File Changed Notification

We have a number of files in our project and if they change they require changes to the Installers. Developers don't seem to be aware of the knock-ons of not notifying guy that looks after the installers of a change no matter how many emails are sent about it. We need some way of being notified if any of these files change. I know T...

VS 2008 Team Database project

I have one database of sql2008. 1- Some table are use for client in sql compact CE format. 2- Whole DB on server I want to use team data base project solution to manage, compare and modify the schema. Can i made any distinguish to project to compare only some tables and generate scripts. Please let me know if it make some sense. ...

Merging all changesets associated with a WorkItem in Team Foundation Server

We're trailing the use of the built in bug tracking, and have written some integration into our helpdesk software that allows for escalation via workitems. One thing I haven't found out how to do, is to merge all changes associated with a work item (say to go from dev branch to main) - I appreciate you can double click on a changeset in...

Is the Team Foundation Server 2010 of the VS 2010 necessary for doing personal projects?

Basically what the title says. I am looking to install the Visual Studio 2010 Beta for compiling personal C++ projects. I haven't made it through the tutorial for setting things up, but do I need the Server part of the program if I don't plan on doing any team projects? Thanks. Edit: Well it looks like I can't install the Team Foundati...

Any good ideas for Visual Studio 2010 related projects for an internship?

Hi everybody. I have an internship coming up in February where I will work with Visual Studio ALM (TS) 2010. My company tutor let me be free in choosing what I would like to work on with Visual Studio kind of has to be something new, interesting and which will have a benefit for the company. I'm not very familiar with VS ALM 2...