
Team Foundation Server - How to team build a Team Project but not pull all branches

Currently we have a team project setup like below (in regards to branches) Team Project |__Developement |__Development - Isolated Feature Dev |__Main |__Production The issue that i have, is that when we want to do a team build on the production branch solution, it copies the entire team project...

MSBuild: build results shows 'no code coverage' while importing test-result does

I have a strange problem, my MSBuild runs tests, code-coverage and publishing fine (part of the build.txt shown): Results Top Level Tests ------- --------------- Passed BuildTestProject.UnitTest1.TestMethod1 Passed BuildTestProject.UnitTest1.TestMethod2 2/2 test(s...

Can I get access to the database schema project types without having to buy VSTS?

I'm currently working on an ASP.NET application, and I have downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 Team System beta, which I'm using for my project. In this version I learned that there is a database schema project. By searching the net I found that this project type also exists for VS 2008, but only in some of the Team System versions. I re...

get a multi-version diff report from TFS?

I used to use a different source control tool and it allowed me to get a "diff report": all the changes made to a file between version X and version Y (including lines added/removed between each version, which could be many versions) in one text file. It was pretty handy for situations where you are pretty sure that some code used to be ...

tf diff: why doesn't the command line diff recognize a valid version of a file sometimes?

I'm using the TFS Power Toys with PowerShell to get the history of a file. Like so: $fileName = "$/MyDir/MyFile.cs" $results = @(Get-TfsItemHistory $fileName ) I get a nice result set that has many ChangesetId's. However, when I run tf diff (tf diff /version:C36826~C36680 "$/MyDir/MyFile.cs" /format:unified) for some of the Ch...

Unit test for a method that takes a HttpResponse object as a parameter. OutputStream is not available.

I am trying to create a unit test for a method that takes a HttpResponse object as a parameter. What the correct way of doing this? I hope you seasoned unit testers out there can help me. Additional information: I tried creating a fake HttpResponse object by passing in a StringWriter. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Stri...

VS DB Edition - Database Project vs. Server Project

When creating a new database project with the Database Edition of Visual Studio, you can choose to create either a Database Project or a Server Project. What is the difference between the two? The resulting projects seem to be pretty much identical. The server project still seems to target a single database. (For the record, I'm using V...

How do you make the unit test sleep for a period of time within the database pro version of visual studio?

using visual studio (database pro) 2008, i have created a unit test (using the SQL unit test) that tests several stored procedures in order. The solution is designed to call each SP after a period of time, not within the same second. Thus the unit test fail and requires a short pause between each call. Any ideas? is there a standard...

C# byte array comparison issue

Hello everyone, I have two byte[] arrays in C#. And I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.0. What is the most efficient way to compare whether the two byte arrays contains the same content for each element? For example, byte array {0x1, 0x2} is the same as {0x1, 0x2}, but byte array {0x1, 0x2} and byte array {0x2, 0x1} are not the same. ...

Visual Studio 2008 + Team Foundation Server 2008 = files not uploading to server, how to fix?

Hi, We are having two problems with Visual Studio Team System 2008. Very rarely, if we make changes to our source code, and we try to upload it to the server, it doesn't recognize the changed files, and doesn't upload them. Even worse, we also have a database file (extension .bak) that does not seem to get uploaded to the server, no m...

Best practices for signing assemblies with multiple projects and developers

I’m looking for recommendations and best practices for applying signed assemblies in an organization with 30+ developers, 20+ solutions and 60+ projects. We’re using Visual Studio Team System 2008 and TFS. While creating a key and signing the assembly is a very easy and straight forward procedure, I’m concerned how we manage this the be...

Visual Studio Team System Error Dialog

I keep getting the following error, I open visual studio and after a while it just happens. It doesn't seem to affect anything, but it's rather annoying. Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {B69003B3-C55E-4B48-836C-BC946FC3B28} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80004005. Any ideas? Edit: Appare...

Visual Studio Team System/Explorer equivalent to svn:external

Does anybody know if the Visual Studio Team System/Explorer has a way of doing the equivalent of SVN's svn:external? I don't need it to reference a location outside of the Team Project, just locally in the project. Given the following example source code directory structure: \root \tags \ModuleA ...

Are there any plans for Microsoft to support testing frameworks other than MSTest?

It seems like you should be able to configure your preferred unit testing framework as a plugin to Visual Studio/Team system like you can with SourceControl providers. Is anyone aware of an effort within microsoft to allow for swapping out MStest for nUnit, mbUnit or others. Obviosly nothing prevents me from using these other frameworks...

VS Team System 2008 web test - webserver requires domain credentials

I'm writing some load tests agains a restricted web server on our local domain. The webserver requires entering network credentials to be able to access sites on the server. How do I automate my network login? Again, this is a server login, not a website login form. ...

Using git (or some other VCS) at your company

Some friends of mine and I were talking recently about version control, and how they were using VSS at their jobs, and were probably going to be moving off of that soon. One of them said that his company will likely be going with Team Foundation Server. Eventually, the conversation did get around to talking about some of the open sourc...

Is there a TFS check-in policy for Nunit and NCover?

Hi. I would like to enforce my users to run unit tests and code coverage, but we are using Nunit and NCover, not MS Team system unit test\ coverage framework. How canI do it? Is there a matching check-in policy? Thanks ...

VS 2008 Team system files opened in standard 2008

VS 2008 Team system files opened in standard 2008 If I create a project in VS 2008 team system. And then a colleague opens the project in standard VS 2008 will the project open normally for them? Will they get standard features and see the complete project? If that works, what other gotchas may occur when using different version of VS?...

Using MS Team System 2008 Database Edition

Hi, guys! I'm wanting to start source controlling our DBs. I've read a lot of questions here and have found that MS Team System 2008 with Database Edition is what I need. So we get it and we are kind of lost really. We would like in first place, compare the different DBs we have (DEV, STA and PROD) because we had never done any source ...

Deploying a website to Production From Team Build Server

I have a team foundation server with build server, when I run a build it deploys to a website on that box. However I also want to do the same on Production which is a server on an external network and not part of the same domain. I thought about looking at TFS Deployer but that just seemed to work within a network, I'm going to test it ...