
Tools for mapping time series data

Hello, I'm looking for suggestions/examples of tools or APIs that enable the mapping of large amounts of time series data into an intensity map. The data includes dimensions for country, series, and year. Here's an example ...

Google Visualization Table: event on right click?

In a Google Visualization Table, there's an event on "select". Is there a way to know if the user used the right (as opposed to left) mouse button? I'd like to display a menu when the right button is pressed in a row. Thanks! ...

Quick development for a 3d point cloud visualization tool

Hi guys, I've recently been tasked with the development of a multi-frame 3d point cloud visualization tool for research. The professor let me make the decisions on what tools to use for this project. Problem is, I'm pretty much new to 3D rendering and the software packages for it. I was hoping that SO could point me in the right direct...

How to make 3D plots with categorical data in R?

I've been trying to create a 3D bar plot based on categorical data, but have not found a way. It is simple to explain. Consider the following example data (the real example is more complex, but it reduces to this), showing the relative risk of incurring something broken down by income and age, both categorical data. I want to display t...

How to graph these events pulled from the database over time?

I'm trying to plot data from a database over time. The data represents events taken by several entities (light bulbs). For example: Light A was turned on on July 10 12:00 it flickered at 13:45 flickered again at 19:29 flickered again on July 11 2:00 then turned itself off on July 12 20:00 Lights B, C, and D all have similar patterns...

Making the points always visible in a flex line chart

I'm trying to do something very similar to this example (source code enabled): When you hover over each data point, a circle appears indicating that this is a point. How do I keep those circles visible at all times? Edit: this example isn't mine, but you can view the source enabled h...

HTML5 Audio Visualizer?

Is there such a player? I'm looking into making one purely out of JavaScript. Something like but randomly all mashed together? What are your thoughts? ...

Good ways to visualize a word-like document

What are some good ways to visualize a word-like document? Edit: It doesn't have to be a .doc, it could be a text file or blog post... ...

Visualizer for audio file in Java

I am working on a simple media player in Java. I wanted to add some little visualizer, but I cannot seem to find any help online. Has any of you ever done a visualizer in Java? Or any links to good reference material would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. ...

How do you read in multiple .txt files into R?

I'm using R to visualize some data all of which is in .txt format. There are a few hundred files in a directory and I want to load it all into one table, in one shot. Any help? EDIT: Listing the files is not a problem. But I am having trouble going from list to content. I've tried some of the code from here, but I get a bug with this...

Ajax Google Visualization API Gauge with jquery

Hello, I am looking to create a dashboard gauge that updates via ajax. Below is the code I have. I have the ajax code but just am unsure on how to update the gauge. Any suggestions? google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['gauge']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { ...

Fastest data structure in Java (Processing for 4D visualization)

Hey, I've got an application that i need to use a visualization framework for. I'm currently leaning towards Processing for use in a Java desktop app. Problem: I've got ~500k+ state vectors i need to visualize. 4D points - XYZ and time (GPS-like) I need to be able to select time slices fast and easily, also having the capability to pl...

What is a good visualization library for creating state diagrams and animations?

I'd like to post-process log files and extract node data and transitions, and then graph them in a gui of some kind. So, I'd like to programmaticly draw bubble diagrams, maybe with animations showing packets going from node to node. Ideally, perl or java would be the language of choice, but anything that runs on a linux platform would ...

visualization of compressed (deflated, gzipped) content structures

I have some ideas I would like to experiment with relating to data compression, but am finding it difficult to decipher some parts of how the standard are applied "in real life". I would like to look at some sample compressed files to observe how the the blocks are arranged and the huffman tree(s) are structured. Are there any tools in...

Is it possible to have several different textcolors in one textarea?

I'd like serveral words / phases in a textarea to appear in different colors... How would I go about doing this? Below is an example, I'd like the word green to appear green etc etc... <textarea style="width: 100%; height: 100%; resize: none;"> Is it possible to have multiple colors in a textarea? How would i set certain phases or word...

Creating a TreeMap visualization

I want the algorithm for creating a Treemap visualization. Something like this: An Easy Way to Make a Treemap Problem is that I do not want to use R ... and I want the source-code. Preferably in Python or Java. Thing is that I have to customize it ... instead of colors I want images, so something that gives me coordinates would be awe...

Read in multiple .txt files with header in R

Okay, I'm trying to use this method to get my data into R, but I keep on getting the error: Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : line 1 did not have 22 elements This is the script that I'm running: library(foreign) setwd("/Library/A_Intel/") filelist <-list.files() #assuming tab sepa...

Superfluous data at the beginning of a R header

I'm using the following script to read in .txt files into R. For some reason, even though I only have 21 elements in the header it claims that I have 22. This makes the read table function bug because the rest of the lines of the file only have 21 items. When I use the scan function I notice that my header actually starts at element 2 ...

Choice of library/framework to implement a small collaborative web application

We are a group doing some academic research on Human-Computer Interaction and usability. Right now, we need to implement and test a new concept in order to evaluate it. The end-product will basically be a small website. The website has some basic sign up and log in facilities. But the main functionality is a canvas were multiple users c...

Help with audio visualizer

Hi all, Im new to this website, and mostly to any type of programming. Recently Im trying to learn C++(Game Programming), and my father wants me to make him a web-based application, that flashes the window wether there is any sound playing(I believe it's called an audio visualization), I talked to my brother, and he said that I should do...