
GUID. and automatic id as primary key in sql databases

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name; check count count+1 is the new primary key starting point then keep on incrementing before every insert operation but what is this GUID? doe sql server provide something where it automatically generates and incremented primary key? any link to description and any help thanks ...

How can I restrict the part of a website so that it can be viewed by only one computer at a time?

Using C# Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2005. One database server. One webserver Three clients Webpage name is alpha. Site name is mysite. I want that only one client at a time can view the page alpha. If one is viewing the page and another from another computer tries to view the same page, access is denied. Is there any way to c...

how to restrict all pages of website to be opened once on complete computer. explanation provided

Possible Duplicate: how can i restrict the part of a website so that it can be viewed by only one computer at a time i want to implement a restriction such that only one copy of a page can be opened at a time. that is example:- open firefox type stackoverflow.com --new tab--again stackoverflow.com ---new tab--again stackove...

can transaction be rolled back after its commited and connection is closed

finally { // Commit the transaction. sqlTran.Commit(); reader.Close(); reader.Dispose(); conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); } i would like to give the user an option of opps! roll it back so its commited can it be rolled back? ...

What is wrong with the scope in this code?

What is wrong with the scope in the following code? namespace t2 { public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ////// string connectionString = "Data Source=A-63A9D4D7E7834\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Test1;Integrated Security=True"; ...

what is meant by distributed environment related to DBMS?

i know the general and the dictionary meaning of it, what does it mean when it said with respect to website and database designing? like let say make this and that for distributed environment, what events, what criteria should be used, coding method guidelines please thank you if this question is not in accordance to the rules ...

gridview.columns how to retrieve it?

simple thing get a list of columns present in the binded grid view, thats it. but gives errors. try to get the number of columns also does not work! it says zero? heres the code, please help code> try { commandString = "Select * from Table_1"; conn = new SqlConnection(Class1.connection);...

How to get the constraints on a table

By constraints I mean checks, not nulls, primary key constraint, foreign key constraint What sql querry to use Visual Studio 2008 / SQL Server 2005 Express Like for example to get table names commandString = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES"; So what to get constraints. ...

how to validate a textbox programmatically, that is at run time.

i am creating textboxes when a button is clicked and again and again and so on while accpeting input i need to check if the boxes are all full, i know how to do this using design view but how to do this using coding that is add and validation control to the textbox when it created before initializing/adding it to the page.? thanks v...

web page design issue

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 to develop ASP.Net application on IIS 7.0 + Windows Server 2008. Using SQL Server 2008 as backend. My question is, in order to achieve best web page performance form end user perspective, any principles to follow? Any good tutorials or samples to learn? thanks in advance, George ...

Comments vs Check-In Notes in TFS (VSTS)

What's the purpose of the Check-In Notes? Why use them instead of just the "Comment" you enter when you check-in. I see there are four types of Check-In Notes: Code Reviewer, Developer, Security Reviewer, and Performance Reviewer. Is the idea to put in the name of these reviewers or some actualy comments by these people. Does this...

can a table be copied to another table by an equal sign? if not then how

how to copy table controls? table2=table1? asp.net C# vs 08 table control reason, assume the below strings to be tables. string full; string userinput full=full+userinput; so,? ...

beginner's tutorial for report viewer?

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + SQL Server 2008 + ASP.Net + IIS 7 to develop web application. Any quick and easy to learn tutorial for report viewer -- I want to generate report based on data from SQL Server 2008. Basic design and implementation function is fine, no need to learn advanced topics about report revie...

What criteria does SQL Server use to order its records, when none is specified on retrieval

Will the order of the record retrieved using a select query, be in the same order if retrieved infinite number of times, each time using a new connection? (to the same table, same select) What order method is used when none is specified?   ...

reportviewer control issue

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + ASP.Net + SQL Server 2008 Enterprise to learn how to use reportviewer. Under the toolbox and under Data Tab, I learned there should be reportviewer control which I can drag into aspx page designer. But I can not find reportviewer control. Any ideas what is wrong? thanks in advance...

Add dataset issue in ASP.Net application

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + ASP.Net + SQL Server 2008 Enterprise to develop a simple web application. In MSDN library topic "Walkthrough: Using a Database Data Source with the ReportViewer Web Server Control in Local Processing Mode", which is located in the following Url, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/libr...

convert html file into PDF file?

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + ASP.Net + IIS 7.0 to develop web application. I want to convert html file/page/string into PDF file. Any built-in solution from Microsoft to do this? The top issue is about paging, i.e. how to map html conent to converted PDF page? e.g. I want to display an html table and an image...

A reportviewer control bug to display unicode?

Hello everyone, I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 3.5 + ASP.Net + IIS 7.0 with reportviewer control. The report created by reportviewer control is very simple, just a single line of Chinese characters (I wrote the line of characters statically in a textbox control, no addtional dynamically generating or fetching from database). I upload...

sql query like this please help me to correctly form it thank you

select DISTINCT table0.person_name, table5.animal_name from table1 INNER JOIN table0, table5 on table1.person_id=table0.person_id and table1.animal_id=table5.animal_id where table1.aa=input1 and table1.bb=input2 and table1.cc=input3 and table1.dd=input4 2 base tables, 1...

how many joins can a sql query have

ANSWERER @MARK BYERS gave an answer to one of my questions, his answer is right to the best of my knowledge. here question to the answer is how many INNER JOIN s can a query tolerate SELECT table0.person_name, table5.animal_name FROM table1 JOIN table0 ON table1.person_id = table0.person_id JOIN table5 ON table1.animal_id = table5...