
Ant: how do I disable all non-error messages?

Hello, everyone! When running ant from command line on my Netbeans projects, I get the following messages hundreds of times, which is very annoying: Trying to override old definition of task http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3:javac Trying to override old definition of task http://www.netbeans.org/ns/j2se-project/3:depend Trying ...

How do I turn off such PHP 5.3 Notices ?

Notice: Constant DIR_FS_CATALOG already defined I've already commented out display_errors in php.ini,but is not working. How do I make PHP not output such things to browsers? UPDATE I put display_errors = Off there but it's still reporting such notices, is this an issue with PHP5.3? Reporting numerous Call Stack too.. ...

force warning in java

I'd like a mechanism to throw a compile-time warning manually. I'm using it to flag unfinished code so I can't possibly forget about it later. @Deprecated is close but warns at caller site, not at creation site. I'm using eclipse. Something like #Warning in C#. ...

Spring/Eclipse 'referenced bean not found' warning when using <import>?

I have just broken up a Spring bean configuration file into smaller external files and have used the the "import" directive to include them in my Spring Test application context XML file. But whenever I reference one of the beans from the imported files I get a warning within Eclipse/STS/Spring XML editor complaining that "referenced be...

'client_errors' warning in output from cron job that runs PHP on GoDaddy

Hi. I have several cron jobs that I've set up on my GoDaddy hosting account through their control panel. The commands look like this: /web/cgi-bin/php5 "$HOME/html/myfolder/cron_do_stuff.php" The jobs runs as scheduled, and the scripts work perfectly, and the output from the scripts always gets sent to my email address. I would lov...

Warning vs. error

I had an annoying issue, getting a "Possible loss of precision" error when compiling my Java program on BlueJ (But from what I read this isn't connected to a specific IDE). I was surprised by the fact that the compiler told me there is a possible loss of precision and wouldn't let me compile/run the program. Why is this an error and not...

My iphone app gets memory warning and killed at 6.8MB

My app has a thread that does some time consuming job for more than a minute and the app consumes around 6.8MB of memory. I receive a memory warning after sometime and then it gets killed. There is nothing that I can release, and I am using not even 7MB of memory...driving me crazy...any advice please? ...

C++ - gcc-specific warnings

Hi! Got the following warning output when using GCC 4.5.0 & MinGW. Warning: .drectve `-aligncomm:___CTOR_LIST__,2 ' unrecognized Warning: .drectve `-aligncomm:___DTOR_LIST__,2' unrecognized What does it mean? I guess it's version-specific, because GCC 4.3.4 under cygwin didn't give that warning on the same project. If anyone had the ...

Warning ,i can not solving in PHP code

hi , in code there Warning Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Join.php on line 69 but i can not solving where exactly >> can you help me where the error in this code . <?php 51. include("connect.php"); 53. $email = mysql_query("select MemberEmail from ...

How best to deal with warning c4305 when type could change?

I'm using both Ogre and NxOgre, which both have a Real typedef that is either float or double depending on a compiler flag. This has resulted in most of our compiler warnings now being: warning C4305: 'argument' : truncation from 'double' to 'Ogre::Real' When initialising variables with 0.1 for example. Normally I would use 0.1f but t...

"Temporary object" warning - is it me or the compiler?

The following snippet gives the warning: [C++ Warning] foo.cpp(70): W8030 Temporary used for parameter '_Val' in call to 'std::vector<Base *,std::allocator<Base *> >::push_back(Base * const &)' .. on the indicated line. class Base { }; class Derived: public Base { public: Derived() // << warning disappears if constructor is rem...

Cookie add in the Global.asax warning in application log

In my Global.ASAX file i have the following: void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.Web.HttpCookie isAccess = new System.Web.HttpCookie("IsAccess"); isAccess.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); isAccess.Value = ""; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(isAccess); } So every time this meth...

iPhone OS Memory Warnings. What Do The Different Levels Mean?

Regarding the black art of managing memory on iPhone OS devices: what do the different levels of memory warning mean. Level 1? Level 2? Does the dial go to 11? Context: After an extensive memory stress testing period - including running my iPad app with the iPod music player app playing, I am inclined to ignore the random yet infrequent...

How do I disable Xcode static analysis (Clang) messages?

I'd like my Xcode project to go through a Build And Analyze step without generating any errors, warnings, or static analysis messages. A problem with this is that my project includes libraries that generate (possibly innocuous) warnings and static analysis messages. I can't find a way to disable specific Clang warnings so that "my" code...

objective c NSURL may not respond to +initFileURLWithPath

I have two lines of code in the applicationDidFinishLaunching function: NSString *targetFilePath = @"/Users/bob/Documents/About_Stacks.pdf"; NSURL *targetFileURL = [NSURL initFileURLWithPath:targetFilePath]; and I am getting the warning (title) in the second line... I have no idea what I am doing wrong. This is an absurdly simply app...

Disable script debugging in IWebBrowser2 OLE control? C++

I have a IWebBrowser2 I use to visit some webpages with .Navigate() When the page has a js error I got a warning box for "Syntax error", so I used .put_Silent(TRUE). And now I get a warning for "VS Just-In-Time Debugger: Unhandled exception" instead How can I disable all the script error warnings (including JIT debugger) from my code (i...

How to remove these warning when erasing a c string

How can I remove these warnings? char foo[10], msg2[100]; int k; for (k = 0; foo[k] != NULL; k++) //comparison between pointer and integer msg2[k] = NULL; //assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast Thanks. ...

GCC, functions, and pointer arguments, warning behaviour

I've recently updated to a testing distribution, which is now using GCC 4.4.3. Now I've set everything up, I've returned to coding and have built my project and I get one of these horrible messages: *** glibc detected *** ./boxyseq: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000001d873e8 *** I absolutely know what is wrong here, but was rather con...

C++ warning: suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of |

Hi I have a code like A = B|C|D|E; Throwing the warning "suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of |" Expecting that expression needs high priority paranthesis for operators, tried the following ways: A=(B|C)|(D|E); one more as : A=(((B|C)|D)|E); Still the same warning persists. Please help me in resolving this. ...

timer in JS without getting error in js

I would like to add a js window.setInterval timer to a page, but Firefox gives me a warning message: "A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue." window.setInterval(function() { doSomthing(); }, 500); Is there ...