Hello, We have a WMQ - WAS/JMS client setup through server connection channels where we are trying to put in security through user Ids.
Now, we set up a local user id on the MQ box, mquserid, and left the channel's MCAUSER blank.
We thought: the id running the MQ client (WAS in our case) wasuserid, when passed to MQ will fail as it is...
I have built a web app using Tomcat 6 as a container. I was using a couple of Jars of Tomcat's and referring to them from my ant build in Eclipse.
I've written another ant build to deploy my app into a .war and then together with an application.xml deployment descriptor into an .ear for deploying to WAS 7. In order to support t...
How do you map 2 context roots to one application in WebSphere 6.
For example, I have an application with a context root of "/", which is obviously the default application. I want requests directed at context root "/sample" to be redirected to the "/" path.
I have a stateless EJB SessionBean with bith @local and @remote annotations. The code is working fine in weblogic server. However on deploying it to Websphere it gives following exception.
bm.ejs.container.EJBConfigurationException: BUSINESS_INTERFACE_DESIGNATED_AS_BOTH_REMOTE_AND_LOCAL: 'oracle.odc.session.ODCSession'
The oracle.odc.s...