
WMQ special consideration for WAS clients?

Hello, We have a WMQ - WAS/JMS client setup through server connection channels where we are trying to put in security through user Ids. Now, we set up a local user id on the MQ box, mquserid, and left the channel's MCAUSER blank. We thought: the id running the MQ client (WAS in our case) wasuserid, when passed to MQ will fail as it is...

How to change the class loader in the application.xml file to support preference loading of deployed jars

Hello I have built a web app using Tomcat 6 as a container. I was using a couple of Jars of Tomcat's and referring to them from my ant build in Eclipse. I've written another ant build to deploy my app into a .war and then together with an application.xml deployment descriptor into an .ear for deploying to WAS 7. In order to support t...

How do you redirect context roots in WebSphere 7?

How do you map 2 context roots to one application in WebSphere 6. For example, I have an application with a context root of "/", which is obviously the default application. I want requests directed at context root "/sample" to be redirected to the "/" path. Thanks! ...

How to configure an ejb both local and remote on Websphere

I have a stateless EJB SessionBean with bith @local and @remote annotations. The code is working fine in weblogic server. However on deploying it to Websphere it gives following exception. bm.ejs.container.EJBConfigurationException: BUSINESS_INTERFACE_DESIGNATED_AS_BOTH_REMOTE_AND_LOCAL: 'oracle.odc.session.ODCSession' The oracle.odc.s...