
JConsole and WAS 7.0

Hi all, I'm trying JConsole to connect to my remote server running WAS 7.0 Appserver. After googling, i found ways to connect to WAS 7.0. but all the regular tabs in jconsole is disabled. How do i enable these tabs? WAS 7.0 is running on IBM J9 VM and jconsole is also running on the same JRE. Regards Sathish ...

Performance Hosting under WAS vs Host as Service?

I have some performance issue when I host WCF service (net.tcp) under WAS (Windows Activation Services IIS 7). It is working fine if I host service as a console application. The issue is WCF Become Slow After Being Idle For 15 Seconds and a solution. After applying Wenlong Dong workaround the delay is gone if i host service as a consol...

JSF Templating without RAD

I have a set of jsp's based off a jtpl template. The template (jtpl file) looks like this: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <%-- tpl:metadata --%> <%-- jsf:codeBehind language="java" location="/JavaSource/pagecode/my.java" --%> <%-- /jsf:codeBehind --%> <%-- /tpl:metadata --%> <%@taglib uri="http://www.ibm...

websphere MQ 32bit on x64

Hey Gurus, Did anybody try to setup 32 bit version of WebsphereMQ and WAS on x64 Linux version? Is it possible? Thank you for replies, Max ...

How to trigger code on two different servers in a WAS cluster?

I have an administrative page in a web application that resets the cache, but it only resets the cache on the current JVM. The web application is deployed as a cluster to two WAS servers. Any way that I can elegantly have the "clear cache" button on each server trigger the method on both JVMs? Edit: The original developer just wrote a...

WebSphere application server - name of server (server1)

Hi all, May I know if all the server names in WebSphere Application Server is strictly limited to this pattern server1 server2 ...

restart/iisreset disables NET.TCP protocol ?

I'm hosting a WCF service in IIS7 on Windows Server 08, sp2. The service is hosted as its own website and is exposed via a NET.TCP endpoint. The service works perfectly until a restart/iisreset command is issued. After restart or iisreset, when I make any service call, I receive the following error: 'System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFound...

Multiple endpoints for single contract in WAS-hosted WCF service?

If one needs to expose multiple endpoints (e.g., one with basicHttpBinding, and another with netTcpBinding) for a single contract in a heterogeneous environment, on a WAS-hosted service, how does one do it? Everything I've read about WAS configuration of endpoints indicates that endpoint addresses and host base addresses should be left ...

Web service hangs if processing longer than 10sec.

I have very simple web service which is not doing anything but receiving numeric value interpreted as a number of seconds to sleep before responding with "OK, I'm done". If the nap time is set to be longer than 10 seconds, client never receives any response. I tested it on Tomcat (5.5 and 6) with Axis2 (1.4 and 1.5) and WAS 6.1 with FP (...

CMP 2.0 bean auto-generated primary key WAS 6.1

Hello Community, is it possible to map bean's key field with identity primary key column in DB2? Sample table: CREATE TABLE ADDRESS ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 2147483647 NO CYCLE CA...

oracle driver problems in WAS cluster env

I', using ojdbc14.jar to connect to Oracle 10g DB. While working on single machine i have to problem to connect to DB, but in cluster i got this exception: J2CA0036E: An exception occurred while invoking method setDataSourceProperties on com.ibm.ws.rsadapter.spi.WSManagedConnectionFactoryImpl used by resource jdbc/OracleDSBS...

Can you configure IIS7 to autostart a Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) application when the application pool starts/recycles?

IIS 7.5 introduces the notion of auto-start providers, that allow you to get WAS to auto-load an application or assemblies when an application pool starts up. Can a similar thing be acheived with IIS7? Basically, we have an application that runs under WAS, and has an in-memory cache of data. When an application pool recycle occurs, my ...

How do I implement a custom message queue listener for WAS activation?

I'm writing components of a .Net 4.0 web solution (on IIS7, WS2008), and need to provide a service which can consume messages from a message queue. I've found setup examples for configuring WAS service activation using MSMQ... but we aren't using MSMQ (using RabbitMQ) and I'm pretty sure I'll have to implement some kind of listener of m...

How to effectively manage/host many WCF services for an SOA

My current architecture is a nice fit for SOA. The services are written using WCF, and everything is .NET (no interoperability required). To start off with I was hosting the WCF services inside a Windows Service with ServiceHost. But now the number of services is growing and I am reconsidering the choice to have them as separate Windo...

DI with WCF -- Where do I initialize the Windsor Container when using WAS hosting?

Hi, I was reading an exellent article about how to use dependency injection with WCF Services. Unfortunately, it only shows how to instantiate and register the Windsor Container in a global.asax file. I'm looking to use WAS for my hosting so global.asax will not get called. Does anyone know where I should register the container? Do I...

Websphere App Server 6.1: Redeploy after web.xml change required?

In WebSphere Application Server 6.1, is it necessary to redeploy the application (WAR/EAR) every time a change is made to a web.xml descriptor file? ...

WAS hosted WCF service and log4net

Hi Everyone, I'm facing a problem when trying to log my application using log4net. My application consists of a WCF service, and clients connecting to it. Logging at client-side is not a problem, everything works perfectly. Here is how my server-side is made: A WCF dll, which contains my service's contract and base implementation (in...

TCP Channel initialization failed error when starting Websphere Application Server

Hi! I'm encountering an error when I tried to run my websphere application server. TCP Channel TCPInboundChannel_ipcc.Default_IPC_Connector_Name initialization failed. The socket bind failed for host localhost and port 9633. The port may already be in use. Below is the stack trace of the error: [9/13/10 15:35:12:942 SGT] 00000000 J...

V5 Messaging Provider with ListenerPort

I configured a queue and a QueueConnectionFactory using the V5 Messaging provider in WAS6.1. I also have a ListenerPort configured for this destination. Now it throws an exception when I try to connect to this queue using the queue connection factory or when the Message Listener listening to this ListenerPort starts up. javax.jms.JMSExc...

JSF valueChangeListener reacting only on second try?

Hello all, I have JSF page has two drop down lists and I want to load the second one with values based on what was chosen in the first one. However, the "onchange" event is only detected the second time I change the selection! Web page Code snippet: <h:form id="selectRegion"> <h:selectOneMenu id="governorate" value="#...