
Logging information about the client making requests to WCF (WAS) webservice

I have a WCF webservice, a number of webservices actually, all using net.tcp and hosted in IIS through WAS. Multiple clients are calling these services, all are known but cannot be controlled (that is, I cannot change their code and therefore I cannot change the services either). Some of these clients are not very nice to the service and...

Alternative to HttpContext when using NInject with a WCF Service Hosted in WAS using MSMQ binding

I have a one way WCF service using the MSMQ Binding which is activated using Windows Activation Service in IIS 7.0. I'm a big fan on NInject so I've been using the NInject extension for WCF, which for a typical HTTP WCF service would work great. However, in WAS activate services there is no HTTP pipeline, so I can't use InRequestScope...

I want to know whether ajp protocol for load balancing is supported in WAS7?

HI ALL, I want to know whether ajp protocol for load balancing is supported in WAS7? If so what is the configuration or the settings that is supposed to be done in WAS. I am using a IBM HTTP Server configured to use ajp protocol for load balancing & my App Serv (WAS7) is not responding to it. i have already verified http://publib.boul...

Versioning in Web Service and override the WSDL URL from Webservice Name.

One of our webservice has been implemented with version attribute in the wsdl.(wsdl having two ports in a single service). This is currently running fine in the RA2 LWJ environment. We are in the process of migrating from RA2.0 (LWJ with Sun application Server) to RA3.0 (WAS). In Sun application server, sun-jaxws.xml and web.xml were us...

How much IIS7 is dependent on WAS?

WAS is usually described as a service, which was created to support non-HTTP protocol hosting in IIS7. But is it true that WAS has actually taken over much of WWW Service tasks and so even HTTP-only IIS7 hosts cannot exist without WAS, since this service is responsible for working with all protocol listener adapters and worker process ...

Is there a difference between WAS and AppFabric

I understand that AppFabric has both caching capabilities along with hosting WCF/WF services. I have seen Windows Activation Service used interchangeably with AppFabric when talking about hosting services on IIS 7.0 Are both one and the same? ...

WAS Non-HTTP activation - hooking application startup

I'm trying to integrate a netTcpBinding based application that is hosted inside WAS with an IoC container (autofac/spring). Unfortunately, when it starts inside WAS and due to the fact that it is not an Http based application, no events are fired inside the Global application class. I need to catch the application domain startup so tha...

what is the global.asax Application_Start equivalent when using WAS in IIS7

Hi I'd like to use the netTcpBinding for my WCF application which is currently hosted in IIS7, which means configuring it to use WAS instead. This is fairly straight forward however, my application previously made use of the Application_Start event in the global.asax file. I do not require access to the httpContext(which I understand ac...

what is the diffence between WAS and IIS?

Is WAS distinct from IIS? How is WAS better than IIS? ...

How to avoid ClassCastException in JMX calls with complex arguments on Websphere appserver

We are using JMX for communication between different EARs on the same Websphere application server (6.1). All works well if we only use Java types as arguments, but if we use our own classes as arguments the problem is that we get ClassCastExceptions on the receiver side. This is obviously a classloader problem: if the jar with the argum...

Is possible to get notification by e-mail when a site or app pool is down (using IIS7)

I am trying to find out if I can get notified when a site is down, or when a service running under WAS is no longer running. I don't want to code a monitoring tool, I am sure there must be something out there... ...

URLCallback with JAAS on WAS?

I extended the JAAS javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule, and installed it into a WAS server. It works; all logins go through the code in this new class, and if it says to not let them login, they're prevented from logging in. The root problem: I don't want it to filter logins for the admin console (/ibm/console), but I do want it to f...

JDBC connection for a background thread being closed accessing in Websphere

Hi, I have an application running in Websphere Portal Server inside of Websphere Application Server 6.0 (WAS). In this application for one particular functionality that takes a long time to complete, I am firing a new thread that performs this action. This new thread opens a new Session from Hibernate and starts performing DB transactio...

Override jsf implentation in WAS

Hi everybody, I want to develop richface implented app on Ibm Websphere. I include *.jars under WEB-INF/libs and it runs succesfull. But first deployment proccess is realy terriable.. So I want to add libraries to server, not include in application. (i belevie it could increase 1st deployment).. Is there a way to override server imp...

WAS 6 Mysql datasource Mysqlnontransientconnection exception

I am trying to connect to Mysql by creating a datasource using WAS 6.0 by following the steps mentioned in http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/31571/1954. But when i test the connection, I get a MySQLNonTransientConnection EXception. I tried the steps mentioned on the net to get this resolved for example different mysql connector, increasin...

WCF Diagnostics tracing and WAS hosting?

I have a WAS hosted set of services configured to use net.tcp running under an IIS AppPool user account. When hosting the services with WAS I have a hard time getting any diagnostic tracing out of them to track down problems. The same services with tracing set to use i.e. c:\logs\trace.svclog as trace output works fine when using self-ho...

Problem installing CTG 6.1 cicseci.rar ECI Resource Adapter in WAS 6.1

I have a problem with the CICS connection in my J2EE application. I am trying to install the cicseci.rar for the ECI Resource Adapter through the Admin console in WAS 6.1. The question is why am I receiving the following error while trying to install the cicseci.rar: Errors occurred during installation of the RAR file. Refer to t...

WAS 6.1 java.lang.VerifyError: class loading constraint violated

The environment is WAS 6.1 on Linux, deploying a webapp that uses classes from xercesImpl.jar. Due to company policy restrictions, the app must be deployed with settings: Class Loader Order Classes loaded with parent class loader first -> Classes loaded with application class loader first WAR class loader policy Class loader ...

Migrate from Tomcat to WAS

Hello everyone! A few weeks ago I asked about Application Servers. It happens that my bosses are moving to WAS and my web application needs to move along. Problem is I have little idea of application servers. In my application I used web.xml and tomcat-users.xml to define roles and users. I have to do this in the WAS server, so what d...

Elmah for non-HTTP protocol applications OR Elmah without HttpContext

We are working on a 3-tier application, and we've been allowed to use the latest and greatest (MVC2, IIS7.5, WCF, SQL2k8, etc). The application tier is exposed to the various web applications by WCF services. Since we control both the service and client side, we've decided to use net.tcp bindings for their performance advantage over H...