
Using Watin but Want to enter CaptCha manually!

I'm using Using Watin with my project..I want all the things to be automated and Watin is doing that well. But I need the captha entry part to be done! I have to do this manually! Is there any way to popup an input box to get the Captcha Value and Watin will continue then??? Any help would be appreciated! ...

with Watin how do you stop the browser from loading images?

Just trying to see if I can stop Watin / IE from loading images so the whole thing goes a lot faster? ...

Why does WatiN timeout when it is indirectly called by a unit test?

I'm using WatiN to run IE inside a VB .NET function: Dim ie8 As New IE("[some website]") Login(ie8) Logout(ie8) It runs perfectly fine when I call the function from a console application. However, when I call the function from a unit test, then WatiN throws a TimeOut exception on the Dim statement. I tried putting: Dim ie8 As New I...

Silverlight testing: Watin vs Selenium comparison

I was wondering how well these web test frameworks (Watin and Selenium) work for silverlight UI testing. Have anyone tried it on a project?, are Watin or Selenium well suited for silverlight?. Thanks, ...

How to enter text in AJAX HTML Editor using watin

Hi, I could not figure out how to enter text into HTML Editor using Watin. I tried //ie.TextField(Find.ById("htmlDetail_ctl06_ctl04")).TypeText("ABCD"); But got error: Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus. Can you give some example how to enter text into AJAX...

How do I drive pagination for an infragistics grid in a webpage via watin?

Using IE8's developer mode, I see that select lists are implemented using partial postbacks. Unfortunately, the select list itself doesn't appear addressable. It has no ID. Here is how it looks in IE8: <TD id=ctl00$mainContentPlaceHolder$DashboardTabContainer$Documents$DocumentsGrid_pager class="ig_8862b396_r0 DataGrid ig_8862b396_r16 D...

Is it possible to run a quartz.net job on the UI thread?

I'm using Watin for browser testing, which has to run on the UI thread. I want to schedule a job using Quartz.NET but can't work out a way to run it on the UI thread (using a WPF application) Any ideas? ...

Getting System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException while running nightly builds

Currently I have 2 virtual test servers(win2003). One is on which websites are deployed and other one has all the tests. I have setup all nightly build using cc.net. When ever I run tests on nightly builds. Some of the tests fail saying 1. System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException : The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESU...

Access full page source in WatiN

I am looking for a way to pass my webpages through a dtd validator as part of my WatiN tests, but I haven't found a clean way to access the raw html yet. Is there a built-in way to do it? I think I could access the property IE.InternetExplorer and QueryInterface for the IPersistStreamInit interface and serialize the document to an IStre...

How do I find the position / location of a window given a hWnd without NativeMethods?

I'm currently working with WatiN, and finding it to be a great web browsing automation tool. However, as of the last release, it's screen capturing functionality seems to be lacking. I've come up with a workable solution for capturing screenshots from the screen (independently generating code similar to this StackOverflow question) in ...

WatiN can't find any page element in IE8

I'm using the WatiN 2.0 beta in Visual Studio 2005. I can create a new IE8 instance in my project and call methods on the browser, for example ie.Goto, but the DOM seems to be unavailable. Any attempt to find an element on a page returns an ElementNotFoundException, including the Google sample code on the WatiN site. ...

WatiN Error Could not Load Assembly

I am getting the following WatiN error: Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembl y 'Interop.SHDocVw, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db7cfd3acb5 ad44e' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition do es not match the assembly reference. (Exception from H...

How to attach a child window in firefox with parent window in C# code using WatiN

I want to attach a child window with parent window of firefox browser. AttachToIE attaches IE child window to IE parent window. Is there any method in WatiN.Core for firefox? Anybody knows? ...

Watin tutorial execution returns a Javascript error on IE for every "keystroke"

I am using Watin for the first time, setup the tutorial, but as soon as i hit run, watin opens up IE and starts "typing" for WatiN on the Google search box, but the problem is, every keystroke, returns a javascript error getElementById not found error... Anyone had this problem ? I am running on Windows Vista 64 with VS 2008 (havent...

Watin Problem - Text field does not retain value

Hello, I was trying to search the archives so as not to post a question that might already have been answered. I am a newbie with WatiN and am facing a problem with text areas. Using Visual Studio I am trying to automate a web page testing The test involves filling a box with user’s contact info and submit a request to be contacted T...

Attaching WatiN to Firefox

Using WatiN, Im facing some issues with FireFox FF = new FireFox ("http://www.google.com");, FireFox always crashes at this point and VS report : Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host any idea why this is happening ? Win7 32Bit - VS2008 - .NET 3.5 -...

Watin - Help needed

Hello, I was trying to search the archives so as not to post a question that might already have been answered. I am a newbie with WatiN and am facing a problem with text areas. Using Visual Studio I am trying to automate a web page testing The test involves filling a box with user’s contact info and submit a request to be contacted Th...

Regularly invoking an interactive process (WatiN tests) via Task Scheduler

I'm using a suite of WatiN tests driving IE to do some periodic sanity checking for the purposes of monitoring a site. The suite works fine when I invoke it interactively and/or when I configure the task in Task Scheduler to "Run only when the user is logged on". However, when I set it to "Run whether the user is logged on or not", and...

Running WatiN tests with Nunit error?

When I try to run a WatIn test trough the NUnit ide, I get the error message: ConsoleApplication1.Tests.CanBrowseToMicrosoft: System.Threading.ThreadStateException : The CurrentThread needs to have it's ApartmentState set to ApartmentState.STA to be able to automate Internet Explorer. I created an application configuration file called ...

How to loop through an asp.net ListBox using WatiN?

When I try to loop through the items in a ListBox, I get an Access Is Denied error. If I set the value 1 at a time, I don't have the problem. Here is my Test: var list = browser.SelectList(Find.ById("elementid")).Options; foreach (Option o in list) { browser.GoTo("http://localhost/search.aspx"); browser.SelectList(Find.ById("...