
issue retrieving custom attribute

Hi all, I'm trying to retrieve the "onclick" attribute value from the below link: <a onclick="test" href="myurl">aaa</a> Using link.href works fine (So I know link is the correct object) however when using link.attribute_value("onclick") what I get is a win32 object (puts shows #<WIN32OLE:0x2cbdf10> instead of the "test" string). ...

Firewatir: Firewatir is not opening Firefox

FireWatir I recently started using Firewatir for testing, I followed all the required steps while installing firewatir but I am not able to run the script. Here is the information from my local machine ruby version: ruby 1.9.1p429 (2010-07-02 revision 28523) [i386-mingw32] gems installed: C:>gem list * LOCAL GEMS * activesupport (...

How to find out which JavaScript events fired?

I have a select list: <select id="filter"> <option value="Open" selected="selected">Open</option> <option value="Closed">Closed</option> </select> When I select Closed the page reloads. In this case it shows closed tickets (instead of opened). It works fine when I do it manually. The problem is that the page does not reload when ...

How can I have watir recognize an input tag with a custom class?

In our application we have some input tags with the following attrbutes: <INPUT class=input-time id=Projects-Projects_Project_0_Task_0_EntryHours_0> I have tried most of the watir input methods but nothing works to recognize this object. Can anyone shed a little light for me? My watir version is 1.6.5. ...

onclick event does not work for editbox in firewatir

Hi All, I am facing problem for onclick event fire event method it is not working in firefox(3.5.6) while fine in IE when i run the script in Firefox it does not perform the onlcick event opeartion, just execute the step without giving any error While same code when i run on IE it is working fine.Is it firewatir bug? onclick event does...

Run web testing framework watir on firefox / linux

Hello, I'm developing a website on fedora linux. I want to run test. So I choose watir & ruby development to test. So I wan to install watir on my system but I have errors : I ran this script cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/ruby.repo [ruby] name=ruby for Fedora \$releasever - \$basearch - Base baseurl=http://mirror.nl.ergo-project.org/re...

Full and true automation with Watir and AutoIT

We use Watir with AutoIT for testing our web apps with IE on Windows. The AutoIT is used where Watir falls short in handling native Windows dialogs (like Windows File dialog for upload). Because of AutoIT, we are not able to run our tests using task scheduler as AutoIT operations from Watir code need an Interactive Desktop session. We...

Can I use Watir to scrape data from a website on a linux server without monitor?

Can I use Watir to scrape data from a website (AJAX used) but on a linux server without monitor? (linode.com) ? ...

How can I get click events to work when chaining elements in Watir?

I am attempting to set up some UI testing in Watir for our web application. I'm running into trouble getting the click events to propagate. We are using EXTJS to make tabs, which are spans in the resulting html. If I select a span like this it works: span1 = @browswer.span(:text=>"Tab Name") span1.click The trouble is when I have...

Installing watir-webdriver on firefox

Hello, I try to install watir-webdriver on fedora linux. I ran this commands : cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/ruby.repo [ruby] name=ruby for Fedora \$releasever - \$basearch - Base baseurl=http://mirror.nl.ergo-project.org/repositories/custom-f13-ruby/x86_64/ failovermethod=priority enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 [ruby-extra] name=ruby extra for...

Abnormal termination running an RSpec/Watir script

I am using Ruby 1.8.6, Watir 1.6.6, and RSpec 1.3.0. When I run the following script, it "terminates" (term given in EclipsePDT IDE) but no error is listed. Same when I run it from the c-prompt on windows, except no "terminate". The browser never opens. Anybody got a clue? It runs OK if I take off the describe, it, and end lines. descri...

How to click a button element in watir?

Can I write watir code to click this button element? The onclick event has to be triggered. <button onclick="wizardAction('start', 'Starte Upgrade')"> <table align="center" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td><img src="/static/images/stock/gtk-ok.png" align="left" height="16" width="16"></t...

Click on popup (linux)

Hello, I'm a newbie in ruby (and watir). I try to click on popup (confirm type). All solutions I've found on the net is for windows, what ever I fond requires win32ole (I presume it's for windows). Is somebody has successfuly clicke on a popup using watir on linux platform ? ...

Does Watir work with Ironruby(or .Net in any other way)?

So I've been trying to get Watir setup with Ironruby so I can use Watir instead of Watin(I just dont like Watin that much), the only issue is I cant seem to get it working, and searches bring me to some conflicting info. Some say it wont work, others say use igem. Right now I'm running VS 2008(3.5), and Ironruby 1.0. Every time I run ...

Firewatir: Firewatir scripts to select a item from the drop down

I am new to Watir automation testing and would like to get some help for the drop down.On our website we have a state drop down where you enter the first letter of the state (in my example C for California) and it narrows it down to the all states starting with C. Once you have the list you need to click on the correct state. But I am ha...

Click at a scrollable data table with watir

Is there anyway of marking several different rows in a scrollable data table ? I know how to mark one row b.div(:id, "listProductsForm:productList:bc_4_0").click I just want to simulate the "Ctrl"- button is pressed down ...

Adding a stylesheet declaration to ci_reporter xml files automatically

Hey all, I am not a programmer, so please be forgiving if my problem is fairly easy to solve for many of you (yet I still might find it confusing). The problem I am having is with ci_reporter, a gem for use with Watir and Test/Unit. It is outputting the test results from a Watir test to an xml file. Great so far. Unfortunately I can...

Watir Excel call not working on virtual machine

I have a watir test that downloads some information from a web app to an Excel file, and I then open the file to confirm the contents. On my dev box everything works fine, but the scheduled automation runs (via Hudson) always fail attempting to open the Excel file. I have checked that the correct version of AutoITX3.dll is registered o...

Ruby - watir : Failed to get IEnum Interface

Hello, I'm using windows XP and I need to use watir with ruby, the installation went pretty well, my last try was following the instructions here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3643179/failed-watir-installation-server-2003 and everything was ok except for this "ERROR: While generating documentation for builder-2.1.2" then the insta...

Watir: Can I open the file explorer from file_fields?

So I know I can add a filepath to a file element type using Watir, but is it possible to open up the file explorer to select a file to upload? Or is the only way to just enter the path using .file_fields? ...