
Running Multiple Services Over net.pipe in WCF

I am building a distributed application that will require 6 different services. I will have to demo the application on my XP laptop using Visual Studio 2008. Is it possible to run multiple services on localhost at the same time, all using net.pipe? For example: net.pipe://localhost/DirectoryService net.pipe://localhost/MathService I...

Problem exposing custom complex interface types in WCF services

I'm trying to get hold of an object from another application using WCF. With built in classes it works fine but I run into probems when trying to return a custom interface type from the WCF operation. Whether I include the interface in both applications separately, or specif it as a shared assembly, I get the same result: a Communicati...

WCF - net.pipe vs. net.tcp vs. http Bindings

I'm new to WCF and would like to know the differences/advantages/limitations/etc of each of the following bindings: net.pipe net.tcp http Supporting scenarios on when to use each binding and other examples would be appreciated. ...

dynamically set WCF baseAddressPrefixFilters

I have a WCF service that I am deploying in a shared hosting environment. Because of this I have to specify baseAddressPrefixFilters (see answer here for why this is necessary). Setting the base address prefix filters happens in the web.config like so... <serviceHostingEnvironment> <baseAddressPrefixFilters> <add prefix="http://e...

Using protobuf in WCF services

My asp.net web pages are on IIS web server and it communicates with WCF services(sitting on windows 2008 app server) using basic HTTP binding. The performance of my wcf services doesnt seem to be that good and I want to improve the same.Also, I need to balance on scalability as my site will be having a very high traffic. HTTP compressio...

WAS hosting a WCF service with net.tcp binding

I'm trying to publish a calculation service on a bunch of computers which will be used by an application server. The calculation servers are stateful and need to be able to perform asynchronous callbacks so I want to use per-session settings via TCP. The service application was built using the WCF Service Application project type in VS2...

WCF: "Failed to open System.ServiceModel.Channels.ClientReliableDuplexSessionChannel"

I currently have a WCF Service with a CallBack Contract (duplex), and when I use the application that makes use of it on my computer everything works fine, but when I try it from a different computer, it doesn't connect. These problems started occurring once I switched to using this wsDualHttpBinding (for callbacks) because when I used ...

Silverlight serialization of a .NET Web service causes XML error

I've got this class being provided by a web service that is then being consumed by a Silverlight app (I don't know if that's relevant or not) [Serializable] public class Entry { private string _title; public string Id { get; set; } public string Title { get { return _title; } set { _title = value; } } public string Link { get; set;...

Setting WSDualHttpBinding ClientBaseAddress throws CommunicationObjectFaultedException

I have created a duplex service using the WSDualHttpBinding and am trying to set to set the clientBaseAddress so that I can avoid using port 80 which is blocked by IIS. The service works fine when I have IIS stopped and no clientBaseAddress set but as soon as I set it after some time (Seems to be timing out) I get the following exception...

WCF: How can I programatically recreate these App.config values?

Hi, I have a WCF service that works ok if I create the service without specifying any binding or endpoint (it reads it from the generated values in the App.config when I registered the WCF via Visual Studio). I have a simple method that returns the service reference: return new SmsServiceReference.SmsEngineServiceClient(); This work...

SharePoint, WCF and Anonymous Access

Does a WCF service on SharePoint require that Anonymous Access is enabled? We have an application page which is calling the service using Ajax.Net, if Anon Access is off then we get prompted for the username and password, if it is on then all is well. We are not using a WCF client, it is purely being called by the scriptmanager <confi...

WCF Problem With Remote use of net.pipe Binding

I'm having an issue with a WCF application that I've written. When both the client and the server are on the smae machine it runs fine, however when I try and run it with the cleint and server on two separate machine (as it is supposed to run) I get the following in exception: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no...

Determine wsHttpBinding at runtime with WCF

I have a web application that exposes web services using WCF and wsHttpBindings. It is possible to have the application on different machines and different urls. This would mean the WCF service location would be different for each. I am building a Windows Service that will reference each application and perform a task. Each task needs t...

Supported bindings for WCF streaming transfers

Hi, I was using basicHttpBinding for streaming transfer, When I change binding to netTcpBinding , Service start to throw exception... Please help me to understand the fastest binding to transfer streams... Thanks a lot! ...

How to catch exception from UserNamePasswordValidator in WCF client application ?

I've written simple WCF service using netTcpBinding and security mode="Message" and clientCredentialType="UserName". Everythink works fine when I pass valid username and password, session is established the way I wanted. However when the credentials are wrong exception is thrown though I can't catch it in my client application in try cat...

Silverlight WCF Service Bound to Grid - Grid is Blank ... am I missing something?

Here's my situation - I am starting my first SL application coming from a Windows background where I have the MVC pattern in place. I am thinking I can take advantage of tha pattern, so I jump right in to creating a SL application (solution) with 3 projects --> 1 holding my Model (business objects from before), SL app (automatically gen...

Can not get User credentials using webhttpbinding for JSON calls to WCF Service

Hope someone can help! I am calling a WCF service using JSON but I am not able to get the user credentials out. We are using Kerberos so IIS is setup as the following: Server-side tasks: IIS server is member of domain Set IIS server computer account in AD Users & Computers MMC as "Trusted for Delegation" IIS Server must be rebooted f...

Impersonate Client Identity in WCF w/ netTcpBinding

Is it possible to impersonate a client's identity when invoking a netTcp endpoint operation via configuration? There is a section within the WCF config client as shown below: <client> <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost:8081/tcpExample" binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfiguration="myTcpBinding" contract="TestTcp.IHelloTc...

WCF Http Bindings, Require SSL

I have the following binding I'm using with my wsHttpBinding webservice. <binding name="wsHttpConfig"> <security> <transport clientCredentialType="None"/> </security> </binding> The issue is that it allows for the client to connect using either Http or Https. I would like to require them to use SSL. I tried adding the followin...

fine-tuning WCF bindings

I've got a WCF service that is working for basic queries. I started with simply the default out of the box bindings (WSHttpBinding with default values). The data-contract is for an array of custom objects, each object comes to about 6k in size. When I send up to 5 of these (in a single transaction), it works fine. When I attempt to s...