
WCF Routing Message Security

I'm building some routing functionality between services. The original service and the service that does the routing have an identical configuration; both are using netTcpBinding with the following binding configuration: netTcpBinding security mode="Message" message clientCredentialType="UserName" The service behavior us...

How do I make a JavaScript call to a WCF service hosted on a different domain?

We are designing a web application using ASP.NET and AJAX and we want to host our WCF Service Layer on a different website and make JavaScript calls to the Service Layer from our client pages. We understand that the browser will not allow AJAX calls to a different port or domain. What is the best way to architect a solution? We are co...

How to (pre)start xamlx workflow service

Related to this question. I have a xamlx workflow service that loads part of its definition from a database when it runs (using ActivityXamlServices.Load). Reason for this is that I need versioning, see the related question. I'll use WCF routing to direct calls to the right service. The part that I load dynamically contains a Receive a...