
How do I automatically re-establish a duplex channel if it gets faulted?

Hi, I'm developing a client/server application in .Net 3.5 using WCF. Basically, a long running client service (on several machines) establish a duplex connection to the server over a netTcpBinding. The server then uses the callback contract of the client to perform certain on-demand oparations, to which the client responds in an asynch...

Architecting a Work Item Processing System with Modified FIFO Semantics in Windows

I’m building a system that generates “work items” that are queued up for back-end processing. I recently completed a system that had the same requirements and came up with an architecture that I don’t feel is optimal and was hoping for some advice for this new system. Work items are queued up centrally and need to be processed in an es...

Customizing schema with Sync Framework

hi there, i sync a database via wcf service to sql ce databases on my clients. however, i don't want the schema generated on the client side to be the same, as the one on the server. is there a way to customize the schema returned to the client syncproviders? ...

Defining SLAs for WCF Services

I have to performance/load test a bunch of interdependant services. They all use net.tcp and most use duplex contracts and internal queueing. [handrolled POCO queue class using lock(syncRoot) { if(queue.Empty) Thread.Wait(); }] Here's the approach I've come up with: Identify WCF Services to be performance tested Identify the relavan...

Microsoft alternative to Jabber?

My organization is considering using Jabber as an agnostic device to device to application messaging protocol. Does anyone know of the best practice existing Microsoft competitor to Jabber? Or, an emerging competitor? And, if so, a good URL reference to get a jump start? Website for Jabber: http://www.jabber.org/web/Main_Page ...

ASP.net Web Services versus WCF

Hi, A .net desktop application will send information to a central server, there will be potentially thousands and thousands of deskop apps sending info to my server(s). The data will be small in size. Would .net web services be good for this scenerio or would WCF be better suited? What are the pros/cons? ...

Handling versioning for clients when using WCF

Desktop clients will be pushing data using WCF to a central server. When the schema changes etc, say 100 computers have the old version of the desktop client while the rest are using the latest build. What do I have to do on the server end to handle both versions? Do I create 2 endpoints in WCF or a single smart endpoint that will figu...

Is it true that WCF are either console apps or run under IIS?

Is it true that a WCF either runs as a console application that you have to manually start OR under a more traditional IIS application (like a website or webservice) ...

WCF WebHttp Mixed Authentication (Basic AND Anonymous)

All of this is pertaining to WebHttp binding, hosted in a custom Service Host (IIS is not an option at this time). I've implemented a custom UserNamePasswordValidator, and a custom IAuthorizationPolicy. When I configure the endpoint's binding to use Basic authentication, everything works just as I'd like (custom principal, custom roles...

WCF: auto generate data contract classes?

I'm using subsonic o/rm to generate my data classes. But the active record and active list classes it generates don't work over WCF. I have to manually write the data contract classes, and this is fairly tedious work for all the properties. Is there any way to automatically generate data contract classes for WCF services? Any ideas appre...

WCF Service Custom Configuration

In an application that is hosting several WCF services, what would be the best way to add custom configuration information for each service? For example you may want to pass or set a company name or specify the connectionString a service or some other parameter. I'm guessing this might be possible by implementing IServiceBehavior. i....

WCF over MSMQ problem

Hello, I have been tasked to implement a WCF service that makes use of NetMsmqBinding. I wrote the service and it works fine. The problem is that in the last minute they told me that there will be no Active Directory integration. So I don't know how to configure the security of the service. There is a VPN tunnel between the service's an...

WCF Service & Request queueing

Is using a handrolled POCO queue class using pseudo code T Dequeue() { lock(syncRoot) { if(queue.Empty) Thread.Wait(); } } void Enqueue(T item) { queue.Enqueue(item); Thread.Notify(); } for WCF request queueing a scalable approach? ...

Has anyone used "DotNetRemoting" (the third-party product, not .NET Remoting) ?

DotNetRemoting They claim to have all the power of WCF but a lot simpler to implement and use. Does anyone here have any experience with using their product, and if so, have there been any problems with it? To clarify, this is a company's product called DotNetRemoting, not doing Remoting in .NET ...

Tool to Peek into WCF SOAP message

I know there is a tool that enables me to see what actually gets sent/received in my WCF application, that is it let's me see the actual SOAP messages being passed down the wire. The problem is I don't remember what that tool was called, and my Google skills are not of much help either. Anyone? ...

Manipulating the HTTP header in WCF before HTTP authentication in HttpBinding

This is in relation to this question I am hosting this WCF service in a custom service host. IIS is not an option. Is there a way to inject an HTTP "Authenticate" header in the server stack (if it's missing) early on in the request process - such that a default user can be passed into the authentication/authorization process that I ha...

Where do I plug in into WCF to be notified when a message arrives?

I'm writing a sample console service host and I want to plug into WCF stack to be able to print a message to console when new message arrives, even if it won't get processed by the service at the moment (because service is working on previous calls). This is based on my assumption that messages arriving get queued by the WCF, is that cor...

WCF Security error with VS 2008 Unit Test

I am in my rookie season with WCF Services... I was running my first Visual Studio 2008 Unit Test with a WCF Service and I received the following error: Test method UnitTest.ServiceUnitTest.TestMyService threw exception: System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: The HTTP request is unauthorized with client au...

ASP.NET Membership for high security scenarios?

Hi there, Is the asp.net membership system used over wcf (transport security turned on) enough for high security internet scenarios with thousands of clients spread all over the internet? I'm just evaluating possible solutions and wanted to know if this might fit in this category. If not, what would be the best method to provide high ...

Cannot find the X.509 Certificate using the following search criteria:

I get this message: Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName 'My', StoreLocation 'LocalMachine', FindType 'FindBySubjectDistinguishedName', FindValue 'CN=HighBall'. My web.config setup looks like this; Authentication is set like... <authentication mode="Windows" /> The bindings are set fo...