
Android app connecting to a webservice - not working

Iam trying to connect my App to a WCF service that I created in asp.net. The service runs on my localmachine: http://localhost:8080/Service.svc/ But for some reasons my Android can not connect to this http-adress. This is the error: 09-12 14:50:44.540: WARN/System.err(593): org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to...

Android connecting - WCF Service should return JSON

Iam connecting my Android app to a wcf service, and in my Log.i I can see that it return data correct, The only thing I want to handle it as JSON but my service sends as XML-(I think): this is how the code in the app looks like: if (entity != null) { InputStream instream = entity.getContent(); BufferedReader reader = new Buff...

WCF Property not visible on Client

I am currently developing a WCF service .net 4.0 which has got 2 properties. For some reason those property is not visible on the client. Following is the code for the service. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.We...

Creating a WCF service to a MVC webapplication

I wonder if there are some differences between creating a WCF service and an MVC web-application. If you know of good links on how to create such a service for an MVC application that returns a JSON object please do post them. ...

Make my WCF service return json

I am trying to make my WCF service method to return JSON-object, but it doesn't work, when I open in a web browser it shows xml. How can I make this method return JSON? I have inserted [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)], but that didn't help [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] protected override IEnumer...

WCF data marshalling

1st of all, apologies if this is a basic/simple WCF question, i'm a WCF newbie and haven't come across this so far. Question 1 - Is there a way to see what data is marshalled on a wcf service call ? and given the following definitions Interface IX { List<string> list; Dictionary<string,MyType> dict; } Interface IY : IX { L...

Extending a WCF service and its auto-generated client service reference

I am relatively new to .Net and C# development and am having an issue decoupling WCF services from an app into a network DLL I am creating. The DLL's goal is to offer a simple way to host and access a service from a server and client application and to add some functionality to the basic service for heartbeat and automatic reconnection w...

Getting WCF Service timeout after a while (20 minutes)

I have a windows service that is heavily multithreaded. Each thread calls various methods of WCF Service. After around some time all the calls I do to the WCF Service result in a timeout: The request channel timed out attempting to send after 00:10:00. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the S...

What is my WCF application architecture and configuration?

I am going to develop a WCF service that connects back-end system with two e-commerce websites. Back-end system sits behind the internet as opposed to other components. Each website has a SQL database with identical schema. The back-end system acting as inventory master will be the service consumer and will be pushing product data to eac...

Subscribing to TFSEventService with WCF (2010).

Has anyone created a WCF service that subscribes to the TFSEventService and listens for the WorkItemChangedEvent? There are a couple SO questions I found regarding this but from the small bit of info I could find it seems that 2010 might be slightly different and these two SO questions are from 2009 (1537302 and 1891773) so not sure if ...

use wshttpBinding with SSL and wsHttpBinding without SSl ,,in single service

i want to use wshttpbinding (with ssl and without ssl) in single service but it not works,,anybody had implemented ittt,,,so please guide how can i achieve that???? <system.serviceModel> <behaviors> <serviceBehaviors> <behavior name="CommonBehaviour"> <dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph="2147483647" /> <servi...

WCF service times out

I am creating a WCF service, and it is timing out when it is used in some of my integration tests. I have been able to narrow it down and it is demonstrated by the following code. It appears that creating a Form before you create the host causes the problem, but I'm not sure why. class Program { [ServiceContract] public interfac...

Distributed transactions with WCF service and multiple databases

Basic architecture: Application consumes 2 databases one SQL Server 2005 and another third party SQL Server 2008. The 2008 database is accessible only via a WCF service behind a network load balancer. So, in the data access layer of my app I need some method of distributed transactions to access both databases. What are my options? The ...

Passing objects to multiple services

Hi, I have a need to run multiple WCF services at the same time, from a single windows service. Each WCF service is basically the same, but has one object specific to that instance. So with the following service class: public class MyService : IMyContract { public MyType MyObject { get; set; } public MyService(MyType myObject)...

Json containg some other data, and gives me error : using wcf serivce

I am using the WCF Collection Service in asp.net, Just to learn I am using the SampleItem. The xml looks like this in the web browser: - <ItemInfoList xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"&gt; <ItemInfo> <EditLink>http://localhost:8080/Service.svc/A&lt;/EditLink&gt; - <Item> <Value>A</Value> </Item> </ItemInf...

Serving Json from WCF Service with no extension in IIS

I have a WCF service set up to serve data through multiple endpoints (SOAP, JSON and XML) the SOAP and XML is working perfect, but when I try to view the json I get a prompt to download a file with the json results instead of displaying the results in the browser. This probably won't matter as the client will most likely be consuming th...

Get correct data from JsonObject

Get correct data from JsonObject.. This is how the jsonstring looks like: [ { "EditLink": "http:\/\/localhost:8080\/Service.svc\/A?format=json", "Item": { "Value": "A" } }, { "EditLink": "http:\/\/localhost:8080\/Service.svc\/B?format=json", "Item": { "Value": "B" } }, { "EditLink": "http:\/\/localhost:808...

my xaml application is freezed when trying to connect to a wcf service

Hi, I have an xaml app which is trying to use to wcf service. When i invoke a contract method is friezed and didn't work at all. I implemented the wcf service as a console application, using the same contract and same configuration and everything worked properly, even through the network everything go well. I don't have any idea about...

WCF discovery finds the endpoint but the address is localhost

Hi, I have a wcf discoverable service called "GetNameService" which is hosted on a PC @ It is hosted with wsHttpBinding and is discoverable thru' UdpEndpoint. I also have a client @ which discovers for such services in the same network. When I ran the client, I am able to discover the service but the end point o...

WCF Service errors - Could not load type 'System.Security.Authentication..

Same WCF Service works at another environment but got error in my local, error message - Could not load type 'System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy' from assembly 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. I checked much info, for example - http://code.msdn.microsof...