
How do I troubleshoot PipeExceptions and CommunicationExceptions in WCF?

I have an application consisting of several WCF services, some of which are implemented in Workflow Foundation (.NET 3.5), others just plain C#. These services communicate with each other over a netNamedPipeBinding for performance reasons. The trouble is that I'm seeing more and more CommunicationExceptions and underlying PipeExceptions ...

WCF -- KnownType vs Sharing Class Types Between Client and Server

Hi, I have an a client that executes some sql and gets the results in the form of a DataSet. This DataSet gets put into an object called "ExecutionResults" where a property called "Data" of type Object holds this DataSet. I wish to send this "ExecutionResults" object across the wire by calling a WCF web service method "SavePackageExecu...

Issue adding service reference for wcf

Warning 1 Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:binding Detail: The given key was not present in the dictionary. XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://wrapper.dao.ccarwebservice.ids.com']/wsdl:binding[@name='CCaRWebServiceHttpBinding'] C:\Users\me\Documents\Visual Studio 2008 \Projects\CcarsWcfTest\CcarsWc...

wcf returning a list from wcf sservice

How is it possible to return some kind of list from a WCF service, this the method in my WCF service. My interface: [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, UriTemplate = "Locations")] IList<Location> GetLocations(); public IList<Location> GetLoc...

WCF service with netMsmqbinding

Can anybody please give one example for WCF service with netMsmqbinding. Already I developed using console application it is working but I need to do same functionality in WCF service application and that shoud be deployed in IIS. Otherwise just suggest me how to do this. Advance Thanks ...

WCF Windows Service not releasing resources/memory after every call.

I have created WCF application which is running on Windows Service. It was installed using Windows Installer. I have followed procedure mentioned in following article for same. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb332338.aspx#msdnwcfhc_topic4 Most WCF properties are kept as default for net.tcp protocol, per call instance and so on...

json in java getting the correct values from a list

I am using the package org.json package: I need help with getting the corect data from the json in java. this is the string I have in json: {"GetLocationsResult":[{"ID":82,"Name":"Malmo","isCity":true,"isCounty":false,"isDisctrict":false,"ID_Parent":null,"ID_Map":35,"ZipCode":"7000"},{"ID":82,"Name":"Trelleborg","isCity":true,"isCounty"...

How do I compile a WCF Service Library in 32-bit mode?

Hi, I can reference Matlab code from a x86 based project, but not from an x64 project. I can build the WCF Service as "Any CPU", but not x86. When I attempt to build as x86 only, it gives the following error: ---start error--- System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///D:\backtest\WcfServiceLibrary.dll' o...

I can't compile a standard "WCF Service Library" in x86 format ...

Hi, If I start up Microsoft Visual Studio, create a standard "WCF Service Library", and compile it, it works perfectly. However, if I go into Properties..Build and set the "Platform Target" to "x86", it won't compile. I need "x86" because I need to reference some .dll's that simply won't work if I choose "All Platforms". -----start er...

Calling a wcf web service in Android

Hi everybody, I'm trying to perform a web service call using a simple http request from an Android activity. The problem is that it works when the URL is NOT a microsoft webservice. I use the following code to call the "http://www.google.com" page and it does work: package com.android.myapp; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java...

Should I add a service reference or a web reference?

I could not think of a better way to title this question. my apologies :) Anyways, so I have been given a url to a service that I am to consume. There is no information that I have on this service as yet, and so before I ask the clients any dumb questions, I want to know if it really matters if I am consuming this service by adding it t...

Unity Dependency Injection for WCF services

Can someone direct me to a good example of Unity Dependency Injection for WCF services? Any blog or msdn article will also help. ...

Can we use WCF Discovery to discover services outside your local network ?

Is it possible to use WCF discovery to access services that reside outside your local network ? ...

WCF - How to do Load Balance with WCF 4.0 Router Service

Hi, Have you ever learned about WCF Router Service 4.0 ? I know that this new feature has a lot of advantages, but i have some questions about it... First of all, i can't find any documentation about it! How to implement a logic for Load Balance over WCF Router Service 4.0 ? How does WCF Router Service deal with services that has callb...

How to add a UsernameToken to the RequestSoapContext property of web service proxy class

I have a service that I have referenced which creates a proxy class "MyWebService". However when I use that class its object doesnt seem to have the RequestSoapContext property. Here below is how I was expecting to consume the service: MyWebService objWS = new MyWebService(); UsernameToken token = new UsernameTo...

ServiceHostFactory using Structuremap that relies on HttpContext

I have an existing Structuremap ApplicationRegistry that relies on HttpContext.Current.Server and also HttpContext.Current.Items (via HttpContextScoped). I'd like to use this in my WCF ServiceHostFactory, but HttpContext.Current remains belligerently null. I am using basicHttpBinding and for the scope of the project I'm working on I'm h...

Restarting windows service (hosting WCF service) after it reaches particular memory limit.

I would like to restart Windows Service after memory consumption of it reaches certain limit. Scenario: I have WCF Service hosted on Windows Service. WCF service keeps on increasing in memory consumption after every call without releasing significantly as seen from Task Manager. It results in OutOfMemory exception. I would like to res...

Ajax Enabled WCF service not responding with data

Hi All, I have a very simple Ajax enabled WCF service that should return a single Entity of type EntityObject serialized to JSON. Here is my .svc file: [ServiceContract(Namespace = "FASServices")] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] public class FASService { [Operati...

WCF App recieving multiple requests per second causing other asp.net apps to stop responding and deadlock

We have a WCF Service using a wsHttpBinding. When it recieves many requests in a short period of time (25 per second for a few minutes) it stops working and our other asp.net applications and pages to stop responding as well. Some of them timeout and eventually we see the following in the event viewer: ISAPI 'c:\windows\microsoft.net\...

Amazon EC2 for WCF Windows Service

Dear Gurus I have a Sync Services built using .Net WCF, .net 4.0,SQL Server 2008 and hosted in a windows service. Following are some custom implementation we have done; Custom DB Connection Pooling, filled on the start of Application, and there is a cleanup thread as well which runs through out the life cycle of application. Custom ...