
Mutual Authentication with Self-Hosted WCF Service

Hi, I'm looking into creating a WCF service that will connect to our Product Management system to provide/update product licensing information. It will be a self hosting service wrapped up in an NT service and I'm looking at ways to mutually authenticate both the service and the client. Clients will be desktop applications running on ...

Debugging WCF NetTCP Services with UAC

I have a set of NetTCP services configured that run under a Windows service for production but I use a console app to spin them up for debugging purposes. With Windows Vista I disabled UAC outright because it was annoying, however I'm trying to leave it enabled with 7 because it does everything I want while being very quiet and not naggy...

WCF Json service AuthenticationScheme problem

I'm trying to host a wcf json service on my localhost on my dev machine, but also want it available to other users on the network for testing purposes. My service works fine when running in cassini, however when running from a virtual folder, I'm getting the error IS specified authentication schemes 'IntegratedWindowsAuthentication,...

How do i create a WCF client with Asynchonous operations with synchronous callback?

I am working on a wcf client for a IIS hosted WCF service. Developed in Visual studio 2010. The service has a callback this callback sends messages back to the clients in session. To create the Service Client code, I added a service reference http://localhost/service.svc with the "Generate asynchonous operations" which is ideal for the...

Silverlight Webservice Problem

Hello, I have a webservice that calls a method and returns a generic list. The webservice completed method looks like this (note: names and e.Result are both of the same type of List): void SetNames() { ServiceReference1.ServiceClient webservice = new ServiceReference1.ServiceClient(); webservice.GetNameCompl...

No Response from WCF with Entity Framework objects...

Ok, i have the following object I pass back when someone calls "Authenticate" on my WCF Service (using http). [DataContract] public sealed class SecurityContext { private Guid _tolken; private User _user; private ICallbackContract _callbackContract; [IgnoreDataMember] public ICallbackContract CallbackContract { ...

Silverlight + WCF Service Reference with INotifyErrorDataInfo

[Newbie Alert!!!] Hi All, I am currently developing a Silverlight application which interacts with a WCF Service. I am following the MVVM pattern to keep the concerns separate as well. But now I am a bit stuck. My idea was that the WCF service will serve as my Model and I can do my binding to the classes generated by service reference....

Unusual WCF Security Scenario

Hi guys, I am faced with a WCF security scenario that isn't particularly well documented online. I am developing a product licensing service in WCF that will be deployed along with our software (i.e. the service is running on the same PC as the client). This licensing service will be responsible for a number of things related to cont...

Help me to chose instance management in WCF service.

My scenerio is like this: On the server there is an application which exposes a COM object allowing to interact with this application programaticaly. However I can connect only once through COM due to licence restrictions. So, after initialization a COM object will return me a more specified ConnectionObject. I need an advice what mana...

reducing the memory consumption by wcf services

i have an asp.net and c# application using an wcf service and has been hosted in IIS and now the memory consumption by the wcf service was increasing with time. can any one guide me in making the wcf service to consume less space ...

Abort() method of wcf client proxy doesn't release session after catching FaultException

Hello, I have created a simple wcf service hosted in IIS and wcf client and figured out that when u catch a FaultException from the wcf service and then call client.Abort() to release the session (as the microsoft samples said) it doesn't release the session and hangs up on the 11th call. Here is example: Wcf Service: [ServiceContrac...

WCF - Validation of the Service to the Client

Hi there, Imagine a self hosted WCF service, and a client that connects via a proxy. Is it possible to implement custom validation of service credentials from within the client? i.e. Is it possible to validate the custom service user name and password? It's very easy to set up custom validation of client credentials in a service host ...

How to set .NET Client webservice ClientRuntime.MaxFaultSize

I'm calling a java webservice that returns a type of FaultException that contains a list of errors. So the response message size is always large. In my c# (clr3.5) client I get the following error "The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded. To increase the quota, use the MaxReceivedMessageSize prope...

Can't add service reference

Hi, I have started learning WCF. I wrote a simple service to query a SQL relation through LINQ. [ServiceContract] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = aspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] public class Order_WCFService { [OperationContract] public List<Order> getOrders() { List<Order...

Designing WCF service interface. Procedural vs Object Oriented Design

Hi all, we are building product that can be used by other systems. As we have SOA, we develop only a service (WCF). We had several controversial discussions about how to design an interface of that service. We are choosing between procedural and OO design for service. As our service will be used from .NET and Java some say that it is h...

absolute path and relative path issue

hey, i am fetching image using webservice into dataset and displaying for that its to be get worked after deployment i have done following line of code but its still not able to display the image after deployment String imageName = row["ImageName"].ToString(); String physicalPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString(...

WS2010 profiler windows form client issue

Hi, My solution has a windows client and a WCF service. For profiling I want to start the WCF service as it is started when I run the solution starting the windows client. The profiler let me choose the project to start, I choose my windows client ... but it does not start also the WCF service. Do I miss something? ... or I just n...

WCF Project type differences

Hi, I'm working on few WCF tutorials and I would like to understand the difference between WCF Service Library, WCF Service Application and WCF Workflow Service Application. Do you have any examples on when I should use service library and service application? Thank you ...

how to return 404 not found from a wcf service?

hey there Once, to have a complete control over the head/body of HTTP messages - I use the Message class. To return some XML, for example, I call public Message ShowRunResults() { // some [OperationContract] implementation webContext.CreateTextResponse(result.ToString(), "application/xml", Encoding.ASCII); } The questi...

how to convert .net web services into WCF?

Hello, Is there tool/way to conver webservices into WCF services? like .net frame work application 1.1 to 2.0 provided by MS visual studio. any help would be appritiated. Thanks, Pradeep ...