
using ssl in wcf service.

I want to use SSL using security mode = transport. Can I use it with following settings in my web config <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="wsHttpEndpointBinding"> <security mode="Transport"> <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" /> </security> </binding> </wsHttpBi...

File upload using WCF service not working when transferMode="Streamed"

Configuration details are as follows: Web.config of Wcf service which is hosted. <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="HttpBinding_MTOM" messageEncoding="Mtom" transferMode="Streamed" maxBufferSize="65536" maxReceivedMessageSize="534773760"> <security mode="None"> <transport clientCredentialTyp...

What is the best approach to handle exceptions in WCF service?

Hi , I have a WCF service deployed on two or more remote machines and there is a desktop based application that is used by the client to access any wcf service. The WCF service is connected to SQL server 2005 to read and write data. This is intranet scenario in which client should be on same domain. Now there can be scenaorios where t...

Client timeout when using WCF through Spring.net

I'm using WCF through Spring.net WCF integration link text This works relatively fine, however it seems that WCF and Spring get in each other's way when instantiating client channels. This means that only a single client channel is created for a service and therefore the clients get a timeout after the configured timeout is expired sinc...

WCF: Using my "custom" ServiceHost in my app.config/web.config for my wcf service?

Hi there, I have a created a simple Custom ServiceHost that inherits from ServiceHost and overrides the method InitializeRuntime. How do i change my app.config / web.config to use the custom service host so my overriden InitializeRunTime is executes.. I see attributes in the config file like behaviorConfiguration etc but nothing obvio...

How to upgrade from IIS 6.0 to IIS 7.0 in windows 2003

Hi , I have to deploy my WCF service on IIS 7.0 in windows 2003. Currently windows2003 has IIS 6.0 installed already. I like to know: How/Steps to upgrade from IIS 6.0 to IIS 7.0? Is there any installer for IIS 7.0. I am googling it but it gives the reference of setup that upgrade my internet explorer to 7.0. Please provide me links...

Forcing WcfSvcHost.exe (WCF) to use my Custom ServiceHost (I am injecting unity stuff)?

Hi there, Is it possible to force WCFSvcHost (which is executed automatically when I do an F5 or when I am debugging another project in the solution) to use a custom ServiceHost? I have my Custom ServiceHost working great in my asp.net Host container by using a service factory which in turn calls the Custom Service Base. But when wcfS...

What to name a WCF Service?

Hi, I've just started looking into WCF Services (for the first time) and I need a bit of guidence on how to best design service contacts. Should these contracts be designed towards the entities within an application, e.g. IEmployee, IOrder, or more towards the processes, e.g. IWarehouse, IOrderProcessor? I'm not sure if this question m...

Deploy WCF Services in SharePoint Without Modifying Web.Config?

I'm exploring the possibility of deploying WCF services to a SharePoint Farm/WebApplication/Site/Web via a SharePoint feature without using the SPWebConfigModification class or manually editing web.config. The Gille virtual path fix has already been applied so it doesn't factor into this. The furthest I've been able to get thus far is cr...

WCF service - OperationContract - string array

I'm building WCF service where one OperationContact should consume string array on input. The POST request is build from jQuery with $.toJSON function and looks like {"user":"77cae724-d5b3-412d-9499-2cfc175bf66f", "data1":["ba3be5f2-c65d-4c21-86b1-829cad246746","604c53b1-1e24-42f7-8aba-93314eb0878e"], "data2":"d15c3cf6-02c8-42f2-97...

How to generate client proxy for a WCF service to a particular location?

Hi all, How to generate client proxy for a WCF service to a particular location? Suppose I want to create the proxy class in a folder "C:\Client\". Please help. ...

Microsoft Dynamics CRM UI: Silverlight WCF Call inside sitemap

Hi all, I've built a Silverlight Dashboard to be hosted in Dynamics 4.0 UI (sitemap link) - It calls a WCF service which inturn uses Linq to Sql (with a CrmImpersonator) to query the CRM database. It all works on my Dev machine but when I deploy it to our development server I get the following javascript errors: "Unhandled Error in Si...

Sharing ASP.NET Session State With WCF Session

How can I share my asp.net session with wcf session . Say I have a Session["UserId"] in my asp.net application . I want to access this inside the WCF Signature . I enabled aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" in Webconfig & [ServiceContract(SessionMode=SessionMode.Required)] in WCF. I don't want to pass this session as an argument . How ca...

RESTful WCF Deployment HTTP404 error

Hi all, I just start learning WCF. I have created a very simple RESTFul Webservices using WCF Service Application template. When I run it on my local machine, I can access the url like this. http://localhost/MyServices.svc/GetItem/123 So, I published it and copied all files to the new Virtual Directory in the server which hosts IIS...

Silverlight ignores WCF path from web.config file.

I am writing a Silverlight app calling WCF service. Another solution contains following projects for Silverlight: - Web project for hosting silverlight app - Silverlight app project - Silverlight class library project with service reference to WCF When i run the Silverlight app on my locahost, the Silverlight invokes WCF using localhos...

WCF service queries

I have a WCF service and methods are exposed as below: public interface IService { [OperationContract] bool Read(); [OperationContract] bool Write(); } public class MyService : IService { //Constructor MyService() { //Initialization } public bool Read() { //Definition } pu...

Can a WCF Service provide publish/subscribe activity to a Linux-based C++ client application?

I have a WCF service written to provide certain functionality to intranet-based clients. This is easy when a client is running Windows. I want to implement the same functionality for my Windows clients that is available to my linux clients. My questions are? How can I communicate to a linux c++ based client (supporting callback opera...

How can you hide the fact your server has a WCF service located at MyService.svc

Is there a way to serve up a custom "Sorry not found" page from a direct access request to a WCF Service (.svc file) on a server running IIS 6.0, and .NET 3.5 SP1. I have a requirement that my service in a Production environment is not discoverable. The requirement states that WSDL publishing should be off, and the request also states t...

How two diffrent projects running on java and .net can interact with each other using WCF?

Hi All, I have a wcf services projects and a second project for consuming these services is in java. My question is how can i create proxy classes for java to consume my wcf services ? Is there any other way to consume wcf services through Java clients ? ...

Cannnot access .svc on a RESTFul WCF Service deployed on local IIS WebServer

Hey Guys n Gals, I need help, I'm new to the WCF world having recently made the transition from SOAP Webservices. The WCF service works well when I run in from the VS2008 ASP.NET Development Server i.e. Debug Mode. The problem comes when I try to access the service via IIS. I've setup a website on my local IIS Webserver hosted on ...