
WCF address does not match what I specify in my web.config

In my web.config, I have specified <services> <service name="Querier.WCF.Querier" behaviorConfiguration="QuerierServiceBehavior"> <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="http://myserver:8000/SearcherService"/&gt; </baseAddresses> </host> <endpoint address="net.tcp://...

Simple query regarding WCF service.

Hi All, I have a WCF service which has two methods exposed: Note: The wcf service and sql server is deployed in same machine. Sql server has one table called employee which maintains employee information. Read() This method retrieves all employees from sql server. Write() This method writes (add,update,delete) employee info in emplo...

Do WCF mex endpoint types have to match the service endpoint type?

Here is the web.config for my WCF endpoint: <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="SearchQueryServiceBehavior" name="Search.Querier.WCF.Querier"> <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" name="mexHttpEndpoint" contract="IMetadataExchange" /> <endpoint binding="netTcpBinding" bindingConfigura...

WCF - There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://..../Querier.svc that could accept the message

WCF - There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://myserver:9000/SearchQueryService/Querier.svc that could accept the message. I have the net.tcp protocol enabled on the IIS application Windows firewall is off The net.tcp binding is set to port 9000 for the entire IIS application. My web.config is very standard: <system.serviceMode...

Should I wait for a new version of WCF or should I start learning WCF 3.5 ?

I want to start learning WCF, but I don’t want to realize that by the time I've learn it, that I will have to do it all over again by the arrival of .NET 4.0 So will the upcoming WCF only have some minor changes, which someone familiar with older version of WCF will have no troubles learning in a short amount of time, or will I again ha...

IClientMessageInspector in Silverlight 3.0 ?

Hello all, I'm trying to secure a data service using SOAP headers in Silverlight. I thought i had found the answer in IClientMessageInspector. Unfortunately by default it seems this isn't supported, as creating a SL project adds a reference to System.ServiceModel v.2, and this interface wasn't added until v.3. Looking around online, ev...

How can you force WCF to use xs:All instead of xs:Sequence so that SOAP element ordering is irrelevant?

How can you make WCF use xs:All instead of xs:Sequence when it defines complex object types in the wsdl/xsd for a web service? The issue I am having is that xs:Sequence requires that calling applications pass the elements in the soap message in the order specified in the WCF generated xsd (this is alphabetical by default). xs:All (or ch...

WCF WebHttpBinding Testing Tool

I'm developing WCF RESTful Services and looking for a testing tool/invoker for calling these services without writing client code. Can anybody refer me to a tool for invoking RESTful services especially services using the WCF WebHttpBinding? ...

WCF named pipe client notification/detection of pipe state change

I have two .NET C# windows forms applications that are communicating with each other via WCF named pipes. One of the applications is hosting a WCF service and the other is the client. Communication is working fine, the client can call service methods and callbacks work fine, etc. However, one issue I am having is if the host applicati...

WCF Service Self Hosting Trouble

I'm trying to host a WCF Service inside a Windows Service which I am starting through a console app. Each service is its own project as is the console app. I've copied the app.config from the WCF Service library into the app.config of the console app, but I keep getting "Service has zero application endpoints...". I've read in a few p...

WCF Service Not Returning Current Values?

I am using VB.NET, 3.5 Framework. I created a WCF Service running as a console application. It is doing event listening for my workflow engine. The second application I am trying to do is a WinForm that can monitor the service and return me back the current states of the engine's workers. I am able to connect to the service fine, and ...

WCF over SSL - 404 error

Okay, I must be missing something utterly simple here, because I've been googling for days, and looking at dozens of answers there, and here on SO, and i just CANNOT get this to work, no matter what i've tried. The service works perfectly fine when called over plain HTTP. Here's our setup... we have a domain, http://www.mydomain.com . ...

WCF Catastrophic Failure

Hi, I've got a real lemon on my hands. I hope someone who has the same problem or know how to fix it could point me in the right direction. The Setup I'm trying to create a WCF data service that uses an ADO Entity Framework model to retrieve data from the DB. I've added the WCF service reference and all seems fine. I have two sets of ...

Do I have to install IIS on my development PC in order to develop WCF Services with Visual Studio?

I am trying to teach myself WCF (using "Learning WCF" by Michele Leroux Bustamante), and so far the book is very instructive. The application that I eventually want to develop is a web service, hosted in IIS, and so "Hosting a Service in IIS", which is a section in Chapter 1, is exactly what I want. BUT it seems that I need IIS install...

Prevent postback in current page while chunking and sending data to a WCF service

hey guys, I have a silverlight app on an MVC page that user's can draw on, when they click save an event fires in both MVC and silverlight The MVC event redirects to a page where the drawing is reloaded so the user can confirm it was saved correctly (viewed on another silverlight app) The silverlight application event fires off a rout...

differnce between connecting to a remote database using Asp.Net WebApplication and WCFhosted services

I have a really strange scenerio I have a smartclient application and an asp.net webapplication which accesses a set of same WCF services.I have a web.config file in my servicehost project which is like this.Database is on client end and we use VPN to connect to it. <add name="ConnectionProperty" connectionString="server=\...

security context of WCF service running on ASp.Net Web Development Server

I have not hosted my WCF services on IIS.I have just added them on FileSystem.When i run them,they run on the default Web development server which ships with VS2008. I am connecting a remote database from these services. I want to know the security context of these WCF services.I know that if these services are hosted on IIS then they ...

How to solve a "HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found" error?

Simple problem. I start up VS2008 and create a new WCF Service application. This will create a default application with a few test methods showing it works. I press CTRL+F5 and it does indeed work! Great! However, it uses the Visual Studio Development server, which I don't want to support. So I go to the project properties, switch to us...

Ways to design heavy data-centric web application in Silverlight

I have to build a web application in Silverlight. This application is entirely data centric with SQLServer 2008 as the database. What are different ways of handling this design problem? Someone told me RIAServices would be a great option, but I am not completely knowledgable of it. One simple option I know of is creating WCFService and ...

Question on manually creating virtual directory while deploying WCF service.

Hi , I have WCF service folder let's say : "TestService" and it contains following folders and files under TestServide folder: TestService folder contains: 1.bin (folder) 2.Config (folder) 3.TestService.svc (file) 4.WebConfig (file) when I go to InetMgr and try browsing the TestService.svc file, the wcf service opens successully: path...