
Where to put AppSettings when breaking monothic asp.net site into libraries?

I have some business objects which use: Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("SomeSetting") Now that I'm breaking those objects into their own library, it feels dirty to take a dependency on System.Web when nothing else in the library has anything to do with web. What is the proper way to do this? UPDATE: Fou...

ConfigurationManager.AppSettings is empty?

Hello All, I have a VS2008 ASP.NET Web Service Application running on the local IIS of my XP machine. A separate project in the same solution uses test methods to invoke the WS calls, and run their processes. When I added a web reference to the WS App, VS2008 created a Settings.settings file in the Properties folder to store the addres...

Configuring an ASP.NET application in IIS

I've inherited some aspx (including the web.config file) and am getting the following error. I've created a virtual directory for it but I'm not sure how would I "configure it as an application"? Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please rev...

Setting Integrated mode in web.config for IIS7

In IIS7 you now have an integrated mode and an classic mode. Is it possible to force a site to run in integrated mode using web.config and without access to IIS7. Reason I ask is that I have recently signed up with Mosso and need to run my site in integrated mode and not classic. I know I can call them and maybe get them to change it o...

Using ASP.NET Ajax to call WCF over SSL

I am calling WCF from an ASP.NET page using ASP.NET Ajax. I am using Forms Authentication to secure the website. Everything was working as expected through development until it was deployed onto the production server then I started getting javascript errors because the service could not be found. The production server is using SSL so I...

ASP.NET page specific configuration

Is there any way to make some sections of the web.config file only apply to a single file (or directory, or a group of files, etc.) Basically I would like to apply the following thing only to a single page in the application, the rest should use the default settings: (it limits the upload size to 32M) <system.web> <httpRuntime maxReq...

Sub Folder is affected by root web.config

It should be an easy question , I am building a site under IIS , For one part of it inside a subdirectory like \blog I turned it to a vitual directory . the root folder has its own web.config and the blog sub Folder has its own . in the root's web.config I used : <pages theme="DefaultTheme"> and the sub folder seems to be affected ...

What do these Visual Studio 2005 Performance Tool/Wizard/Session errors mean?

In attempting to use the Performance Tools on an ASP.NET website I'm getting various combinations of these errors (depending on what I attempt to do to fix them): The web site could not be configured correctly. Configuring '\web.config' failed. Access to the path '\web.config' is denied. - I can make this dissappear by checking-out the...

Restrict access to a specific controller by IP address in ASP.NET MVC Beta

I have an ASP.NET MVC project containing an AdminController class - giving me URls like http://myserver/admin/AddCustomer, http://myserver/Admin/ListCustomers, etc. I want to configure the server/app so that URIs containing /Admin are only accessible from the network (i.e. our LAN) I'd like to restrict this controller to...

Cannot reference custom event from web.config

I've written a custom event MyWebErrorEvent derived from WebErrorEvent located in the App_Code folder of my ASP.NET 2.0 Web Site Project. The class MyWebErrorEvent is not contained within a namespace. I've put the following into my web.config file: <configuration> <system.web> <healthMonitoring> <eventMappings> <ad...

Using assemblies registered in Web.Config in files not in root folder

Hi, I've registered a control in my web.config file and the .dll for the control has been placed in the application's Bin folder. <compilation debug="true"> <assemblies> <add assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/> <add assembly="RichTextEditor"/> </assemblies...

How best to update an XML node in MSBuild

I have been using the Tigris community tasks to update various AppSettings keys using the XMLUpdate task. Now, however I want to add a node to the system.net section to set up the proxy. I declared a property <PropertyGroup> <proxy>&lt;defaultProxy&gt; &lt;proxy usesystemdefault="False" proxyaddress="http://IPADDRESS:PORT" /&gt;...

ASP.NET 3.5 Custom ConfigurationSection not working...

I'm trying to use a custom configuration section, something I've done numerous times before with success, but for some reason, today it's not working. The code for the configuration section is: public class RedirectorConfiguration : ConfigurationSection { [ConfigurationProperty("requestRegex", DefaultValue = ".*")] public string...

Is there any free web based web.config editor?

Does anyone know a web based editor for the web.config? I want to offer the possibility of changing and adding settings through a nice web interface. Update: I am aware of the security issues but still i want to make it possible. The application is an internal app which is not available for outside. I configure authorization within web....

Development vs Production: Connection Strings

I'm in the process of moving SQL server to a separate machine. Currently we are running our web server and sql server on the same box. So we have a production server with IIS and SQLServer and then a separate development server that mirrors this setup. When it comes to our asp.net control's app.config and web site's web.config, this h...

Open web.config from console application?

I have a console capplication that runs on the same computer that hosts a bunch of web.config files. I need the console application to open each web.config file and decrypt the connection string and then test if the connection string works. The problem I am running into is that OpenExeConfiguration is expecting a winforms application c...

ASP.NET MVC and two Web.config files

Where is the Web.config supposed to go in an ASP.NET MVC project? I just ran into an error trying to do this: _cnstr = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["production"].ConnectionString; The default MVC template puts the Web.config at the root of the project. If you go into the properties of a project (...

Rewriting URLs in ASP.NET?

I am using ASP.NET C#. How do I implement URL re-writing procedure that is similar to StackOverflow.com? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/358630/how-to-search-date-in-sql Also, what is the meaning of values such as "358630" in the URL? Is this the question ID (the basis for which they use to fetch the data from the table)? Whatever...

Making all Apps on a Server Use SQL Session Manager

Is there any way to make all the applications on a server use SQL Server as the session manager? The reason is that we have a server with hundreds of applications and we want to start load balancing the server but it will be a big hassle to configure each individual application to use SQL Server as the session manager. It will also p...

Sharepoint SSL Web.Config access issue.

I’ve got a strange scenario: I’ve got a webpart that calls into a dll in the GAC, which is trying to read a section from web.config file. This works fine normally, but under SSL it fails, saying it does not have access to the path (of the config file). However, it’s under the mosssvc account, which has full control over the webconfig fi...